Attracting Asians?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mistakesweremade, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    Ok so I'm new on here and just read about the benefits of no fapping. I heard that it'll make you appear more attractive to females due to high sex drive which they'll notice.

    Now my question is does this work on other asian females? (the non-slutty types.) What is your experience with them?

    I'm asian myself and from my understanding and personal experience. Asian females are much less motivated by sex then whites/or other races.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  2. Hiroki

    Hiroki Fapstronaut

    It's not a matter of race. What is happening is on a hormonal/pheromonal level. It is inherent in the entire human species. When you don't release your sexual energy through PMO your levels of these attraction chemicals build up and women will be drawn to you on a subconcious biological level. As for beauty, well I could give you an entire discourse on appearances and how your thoughts create what you look like to a certain extent and you can actually change the way you look during your life (to a certain extent), but I think you have too many false notions of females regardless of race in your confused little mind.

    This is going to seem harsh, but this question and the way you are thinking is incredibly superficial and shallow. I just hope one day you can open your eyes a little more and grow.

    I hope someone else can say something here, because honestly I don't know where to begin. This question is race biased to say the least.
  3. JohnnyChimpo

    JohnnyChimpo Fapstronaut

    I don't think this is very accurate. First of all, not all white people are blonde, in fact, most aren't. The Asian women I've seen are equally slutty when compared to other races, but your mileage may vary.

    Maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about because I'm a white guy with brown hair and brown eyes? Hmm...
  4. Niroso

    Niroso Fapstronaut

    Lol, I'm white and not blond either. I have light brown hair and blue/green eyes, but I don't really know what you are talking about either.
  5. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Um, where did the blonde thing come in? Did a comment get deleted?
    Anyway, I just wanted to second what Hiroki said. This is very shallow, to say the least.
  6. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    I guess the question is kinda shallow & unique to my own situation. But I'm asian and only interested in certain asian females so I wanted to know how "no fapping" would improve my attraction to them!

    Most of the asian in my area seem to only date the good asian type. They want someone they can relate too and share similar interests/lifestyle.

    For example, lets say you wanna date a Harujuku girl in Japan. It doesn't matter how much attraction chemicals you've gained from not fapping. If you're not into cos-play and not Japanese, they wouldn't even pay much attention to you.

    You guys follow me?

    But hey, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. I haven't done the no-fapping challenge yet. So I really don't know who I would become after this.

    I just feel like a loser right now with no confidence. I mean I can attract girls to the point they'll stare at me but nothing else happens from there. My subconscious tells me I'm not good enough for them or something.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  7. December

    December Fapstronaut

    As a black woman dating an asian man, I just find it sickening that you decided to rule out other types of women. I definitely agree with Hiroki. Stop making things about race.
    I've lived in Japan and the culture is different. But pmo still causes serious issues and I would argue that Japan's declining birth rate and marriage are tied into pmo and sick fetishes. Btw Japan just made Child Pornography illegal.
  8. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    Why should it be sickening to you that an asian is only interested in dating other asians? I don't find it sickening that you're black and dating an asian?

    This is just chemistry brah! We tend to be drawn to things that are similiar to us.
  9. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    My sincerest apologies for my response, Mistakesweremade.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
  10. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    Well, I'm new on here and didn't expect people to have such high moral standards & be so sensitive to the subject about racism/sexist.

    Your comment sounded you were offended and just wanted to berate me rather then constructive criticism. If that's the case I'll just leave.

    Obviously, you're so educated and been in the fap free challenge so long that your perspective took a 360 turn. And newbies here who are "less educated" but are trying to move forward are scum of the society & should be banned from here.

    Looks like it was a mistake to join this site & post on here.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  11. JohnnyChimpo

    JohnnyChimpo Fapstronaut

    Kind of, he edited it out of the original post.
  12. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    I certainly don't want you to leave, especially because of something I said. You are right, I was offended by what you said and I was probably too harsh on you as a newbie. You have my apology for being angry and thoughtless.

    The truth is that I have always been very moral - which flies in the face of having a PMO addiction - soemthing that I have been deeply ashamed of. I am definitely not proud of myself, or my addiction or my compromise of my morals that occurred whilst I PMO.

    And I have made numerous efforts to help and support newbies on here who come here seeking advice or answers.

    In a more constructive way I would suggest, as I have done with others, that as a newbie you read some posts by others, especially those you feel you have most in common with - those with the same style of addiction or of the same age. I would also recommed

    Then, when you are ready, find somewhere to start a thread documenting what you are going through, what things you believe trigger you to PMO and what ideas you have to counteract that.

    You will find plenty of friends at nofap, all of whom will be encouraging and knowledgable - none of us know all the answers and always need help no matter how long we are here.

    But, I would also suggest that, as a newbie, you focus on why you are here. If it is to acknowledge and deal with a PMO addiction then you have definitely come to the right place. If you have come here just to explore ways to pick up women then you may find your post will trigger some people and, because they are dealing with their own demons, will lash out at you.

    I hope you accept my apology. Let's be friends.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  13. I dont think that depends on race, we're all same humans
  14. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    I'm not like some asian playah trying to pickup/flirt women. You misunderstand me. I'm just a depressed person who has never been able to connect with others.

    Pardon me for my rude post! (I'm just use to being like that on the internet.) I never expected high standards/or moral values for a site about fapping..
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  15. freedomwarrior

    freedomwarrior Fapstronaut

    Mistakes, welcome to nofap. This site is not your 'normal' internet forum/chat/discussion site. The standards here are of respect, understanding, empathy, sympathy, and probably a hundred other positive traits you will come to love and appreciate. We all have different stories and different pasts that brought us to this place of healing and recovery. We each recover at different speeds because we are all different. No one judges you because of your past, whatever defiant behavior you have fantasied about, watched, or participated in. My defiant past behavior is no better nor any worse than anyone else's defiant behavior, just different. The big important thing is that it is in the past and the goal is healing and recovery and an improved life for the future.
    Let me encourage you to focus on you and forget about attracting others for now. That will happen or it won't happen. That really does not matter now or ever. You must learn to be attracted to yourself, to love yourself internally and externally, no matter how ugly or beautiful your inside or your outside is at this time, to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are becoming. You need to be able to look in the mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and tell yourself out loud that you love yourself, and mean it. You can be ashamed and disgusted with your past behaviors (I am), but not with yourself as a person. As you learn to hold your head high and be proud of yourself, you will attract others.

    Welcome to the best place on Earth. I encourage you to start your journal under your age group and journal often. Share your ups and downs, your successes and your learning opportunities. You will grow and you will heal and you will be amazed with yourself.

  16. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    Fair enough. I said something thoughtless as well. Let's carry on!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  17. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    This forum is full of surprises.
  18. JohnnyChimpo

    JohnnyChimpo Fapstronaut

    It's a site about NOT fapping, not a site where you get advice on how to bang Asian women.
  19. Mistakesweremade

    Mistakesweremade Fapstronaut

    Yes, I was grossly misinformed.

    I came here thinking the community was gonna be cynical & full of jerks and got carried away on my 1st post.

    No excuse for what I said, I don't even know why I said it or realize how rude it sounded to others until I reread it like 10 times.

    So many years of absorbing internet negativity had rubbed onto me & warped my thinking.

    I hope nobody will continue to hold a grudge or remain offended. I did not intend it this way.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  20. You're a good man Mistakesweremade (lmao long username). Nobody that sincerely apologize can be bad. I don't WISH the best for you. I know you'll have it if you decide so. Have the best day bro, welcome here!