I'm Beginning To Feel Like Porn Is Getting Boring

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NothingMoreNothingLess, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I started watching porn at age 14, but started masturbating to it at age 17. Over the last couple of days, I relapsed yesterday and today, I had a thought pop up in my head. I was wondering "Why am I watching this crap? I can do so many other things instead of watching digital pixels of a man and a woman having sexual intercourse, or watching weird comics of that crap." Is this bad, or does this mean that my conscious is kind of getting sick of all the crap that PMOing has caused me over the years? I always felt like it was a hassle. Got to dispose of the waste somewhere, clean up, put it in the laundry, next day lazy. I just feel sick of it.
  2. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, this is a sign that you are deep in the hole of of the porn issue. Masturbation with porn starts off exciting, and can actually achieve a release. But it can progress to because 'we can', 'we do', and instead of it being about our needs, we do it as a comfort behavior to cope with stress, or as just a daily practice. When you do, you can eventually find yourself bored, but still trying to push the envelope because it's what brought comfort in the past.

    It's definitely time for a reboot. Just be aware, that when you do try, your boredom will fade quickly, and there will come many tests and urges. Don't give into them. Do a full reboot, and when you are done, then you can decide when and how you want to have masturbation (hopefully without porn). But this is something you can always come back to and always retry. The issues you have are fixable, as long as you stay empowered to change.
  3. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I know what you mean. I've been abstaining for 3 months straight. I usually relapse on day 10 and then feel like crap after I relapsed. Today, when I relapsed I felt different. Maybe because it's a cycle where I say "One last time, and I will stop" but eventually end up doing it somewhere between day 10-12 and feeling like shit afterwards? I'm just at that stage where I started meditating during the abstaining days and expanding the reasoning behind my porn addiction. I feel like this time it will be different for me. I know it.
    Guest@20965 likes this.
  4. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    Honestly, you are making great progress. Don't let the feelings turn negative for you. Many of us wouldn't have been able to do 10 or 12 days when we started or hold that as a pattern. So I applaud you, it shows great strength.

    Don't give up though. If you can hold 10-12 days, that is far better than letting it happen more frequently. Try to figure something different each time, that can help you stretch that out.

    There are methods that if you absolutely can't avoid at the 10-12 day mark, that you can reduce the experience to make it a little easier to break. (Let me know if you want to hear those ideas).

    Still you are doing great. Don't give up. Stay strong. The struggle alone makes you closer to the life you want to live. We are here with you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Thank you! Your words are really motivating me, and I really want to thank you for your time actually posting on my thread. It's good to know that everyone here has everyone's back.

    Yeah, it's usually around those days where I try to cheat my way into masturbating to porn. By cheating, I mean this: I try and punish myself into believing that I made a mistake, which I didn't even do, which in turn means that mistake should result in an automatic reset counter then I go at it by masturbating all out on the relapse day and I try fresh each time. Yesterday, when I relapsed, I was about to say 'no' but it was too late, as I forced myself to feel punished for breaking a rule, which I did not break. After that, I felt like shit and decided to masturbate today as a final day of my masturbation and porn career. I always feel very tired after I ejaculate and hate that feeling, since it does not motivate me.

    I 'm going to try and beat the 10-12 day mark and work my way up to stop masturbating forever. I had too many of those cycles where I say "It's my last time, got to find an excuse to watch porn and masturbate" even when I did not look up porn in the first place nor did I touch myself. I usually overreact over small things that happen with my sausage, such as an erection after a weird dream or an erection after I saw a girl's picture for 5 seconds on Instagram, then I feel like I broke one of the rules. I read many of the rules yesterday, and it seems that every single time I relapsed for whatever reason, I did not break the rules. I just tried to find an excuse. I want to quit porn and masturbation forever! I am trying meditation and reading more books to stop the addiction.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    So there are tricks, if you know that the reset is inevitable to try to exercise control even in the PMO session. The idea is to not give in, even if you feel you can't wait any longer. (First, if you can, don't masturbate to porn. If you have to give in, just masturbate). If that can't do it, try to find a single pic one. It's best if it only shows the genitals. The ides is that if you do that, you are fighting the false diversity in porn. And reducing the overall stimulation. Next, if all of that seems unlikely, set a timer and try to reduce in other ways. Say I'm only going to do my business start to finish in or 45 minutes. Or, if I open the porn, I'm not going past the first page, Or I will only pic one movie, and I will not click stop, start, rewind. Again, there are ways to let you exercise your control in small ways, even if you are giving in.

    Other than that, getting to the point where urges don't come so strong.... Exercise (lift heavy things), Cardio. Both leave me feeling clear of urges. Meditations leaves me centers, and helps me breath through the urges. Socializing is another thing. If I'm out with friends then the urges aren't bad.

    There are many ideas. But again. Stay up. you are doing well.
    Deleted Account and moai like this.
  7. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I feel like this time it will be different for me. I have learned from my mistakes and will try to keep the streak alive for a long time, or maybe even forever. Also, will books help me too? I am thinking of reading a ton of books as well, to gain knowledge and take my mind off of PMO. Would that help?
  8. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    Many take up a hobby or new intellectual pursuit. So reading can help. But, it's better if you are being active with your time. There was a bit of 'active/passive', in porn consumption. You had to hunt it, watch it, and masturbate to it. (While the watching is just viewing, you still had to navigate). So best if you can find things that you can 'do' that leave you feeling accomplished, and fulfilled, instead of 'withdrawn' and simply passing time. If you feel that reading fills your mind, you imagination, and you feel rewarded, great. If you feel like you just used it to escape time, not so good.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Alright. Thank you so much with all the feedback. I truly do appreciate it!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. LewisBrunner

    LewisBrunner Fapstronaut

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  11. Guest@20965

    Guest@20965 Fapstronaut

    Pls let me know those ideas that helps to cope up marked 10-12th day of relapse.
    I guess those ideas would help the overcome the urges when I m only able to point them out but can't control myself to give into them