Dangers of fantasising about her

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by TetsuoAkira, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. TetsuoAkira

    TetsuoAkira Fapstronaut

    I've encountered this a few times in the past year or so.

    I'll meet a girl whilst rebooting, and in between dates, I'll substitute my P habit by thinking of her in a sexual way, which has lead to a relapse.

    I can be blind to realise that though my intentions are just and I'm respectful of the woman in my fantasy, considering her pleasure, it lead to further frustration during times when we must remove temptation from our thoughts.

    I believe that to truly be in touch with your intimate thoughts, as I combat my on/off performance anxiety, one must remove all temptation from their path, so as to not confuse our minds with varying types of arousal.

    If humans could only have sex on particular days of the year, and the options of consuming sexual media, novels and whatnot were not available, we would not have an issue of understanding our feelings, bodies, while interconnected with our minds so much.

    It's because sex is everywhere in society that we are faced with more temptation to have it on our minds, which can control us.
    MrVaughn and (deleted member) like this.
  2. I agree with everything you said, except sex on particular days...I like free choice, tyvm
    TetsuoAkira likes this.
  3. TetsuoAkira

    TetsuoAkira Fapstronaut

    I didn't mean literally.

    What I was getting at was, if, as humans, sex was something that we didn't have the option of thinking about more than necessary, then we wouldn't have a problem with how we frame it in our lives.

    Thus, by not thinking about it too much, we can help combat our minds pollution via various forms of media that all scream for you to think about sex, even if for a brief moment.

    I actually believe that I have a safeguard that prevents me from getting too deep with media, but its the temptation that is the hardest to resist, as I know how easy and accessible it is to PMO.

    Think about it.

    Our ancestors didn't have this much access to sexually provocative materials. It's messed us up.
  4. It's been a problem for me.

    I had a six month period living and working away from my girlfriend and got my longest streak ever.

    Since being back, I find that fantasising about her and actually having sex with her derail my attempts to avoid PMO or FMO (with f = fantasising).

    I am led to think there are more problematic elements in my relationship with her. Why my need for sex? Why can't our intimacy happen more naturally? How much is our relationship built on the covert contract that if I do things for her in life, she will go to bed with me?

    I'm trying to give up all sexual fantasies. I'm trying to treat my girlfriend in the way I treat any friend - that I enjoy her company, that I enjoy the times we are apart, and that our relationship is not transactional.
  5. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    My post is about fantasising, but a different slant. If you want love, how can you not dream about being with someone you have interest in? But this becomes dangerous. And you lose your mind. You start to imagine going on trips, living together and anything else you desire. And then the ghosting starts. You were holding on to something you never had. Your future gets crushed and reality hits hard. No matter how much I try, I can’t stop that daydreaming cycle.