~How to become better looking and attract more Girls~ UPDATED PART 3!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Mateo89, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Exactly, Blown WAYYY out of proportion. lol

    Thank you for your post

    I Free I likes this.
  2. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    High carb low fat plant based diet is the way to go for keeping slim and being healthy and active
    Red Eagle likes this.
  3. The low fat dogma will never go away will it! Well done for speaking up. Red Eagle should really Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes.
  4. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Due to popularity of this post. I will be making a How to attract girls PART 2

    Stay tuned,

    I Free I likes this.
  5. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    I can say the sayme about Low Carb Dogma. Why do you think there are so many different versions of Low Carb diets? Atkins, Paleo, The Zone etc. There have been multiple reincarnations of Low Carb because people have figured out that these diets don't work. Oh Atkins is unhealthy and doesn't work, here is the zone diet. What? The Zone diet did not work, well you have to eat like our ancestors did so go Paleo. It's all nonsense. The industry is trying to push Low Carb onto us since the 80s. When one version of it fails another one emerges. No wonder people hardly know another diet. If Low Carb diets would work the obesity epidemic would not have risen in the times when they were the most popular.
    To restrict the most important part of our diet, grains, is extremely unhealthy and not sustainable. That's why all healthy populations that have ever lived, lived on carbohydrate rich, starch based diets. I urge you to find one healthy population that thrived on low carb and was lean. There are non. Because the Low Carb diet is unhealthy, unnatural and unsustainable.
  6. I tend to think thst the reason we have seem low carb dogma is because people are not advised well enough in advance of the changes that occur I'm blood sugar, water retention, electrolyte balance and so on. Therefore the lack of education leads to a failure. People seem unable to differentiate that it is a lifestyle and not a 2 month pre beach prep.

    Fair enough. Respect your opinion.
    Mr. Fox likes this.
  7. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    That's the whole problem with it. A diet is supposed to work long term without having to pay attention to so many factors. Education is important but the average person won't have the motivation to understand everything about the diet. A diet is supposed to work and if your diet forces you to create a lifestyle where you have to pay attention to so many factors like calorie intake, blood sugar, carb intake etc. it is no wonder so many people fail on low carb diets. Low carb is a diet for short term weight loss that is difficult to maintain long term since calories have to be restricted.
  8. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    I feel like here in North America, there's such a mixed bag between healthy and non healthy, due to the melting pot of ALL kinds of cultures. You'll see the polar extremes on both ends, super obese people, and then your extremely healthy ones. So because it isn't ailed to a single culture, I can understand why it isn't easy to educate and develop a single diet system that works for everyone.

    So, therefore, it is up to the INDIVIDUAL to educate, experiment and develop what diet and lifestyle works best for them.
    That's what I love most about North America. Your free to do what you want, and own your own consequences.
    I've experienced that a lot of people are misinformed about this low carb diet. As Harderthansatan, a lot of people take it as a short term, burn fat as fast as possible and put themselves in a huge caloric deficit. This is not only unhealthy, but non sustainable as you mentioned Red Eagle.

    When you lower the amount of carbohydrates, either fats or proteins need to be raised subsequently as to not lower the caloric medium you were in. It isn't just the reduction of carbs, that would just be crash dieting. At the end of the day
    weight maintenence is all about calories in and calories out. So a lower carb diet most definately can be sustained long term as long as you are educated on it, and go about it properly with a balanced approach.

    Appreciate the discussion. But let's try and stay on course about what this topic was originally intended for.
    HOW TO BECOME BETTER LOOKING AND ATTRACT MORE GIRLS. If you want to have discussions about nutritional health and what diet is more optimal.
    Please make your own post.

  9. NextLevelOfLife

    NextLevelOfLife Fapstronaut

    Not everyone is the same, if you are naturally skinny, you will need a different macro ratio to if you are naturally muscular or naturally fatter.
    Mateo89 likes this.
  10. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    Well said, and agree 100%

    Do what works for your body, take what is useful for you, and reject what isnt.

    NextLevelOfLife likes this.
  11. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    I'm going to leave the nutrition debate with this post since it has been discussed thoroughly

    A diet should always be measured on how sustainable and how healthy it is. NOT on how fast you can lose weight. I advocate High carb diets because this is what they're focused on. The foods in a high carb, plant based diet are for the most part low in calories and contain a lot of fiber thus making it very satieting and hard to overeat . It actually doesn't really require any calorie counting.

    Hope anyone got something out of the thread. Nutrition is a important topic and everybody should educate themselves on what they put into their body.
  12. Are you a vegan? Vegetarian?
  13. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Yes I am a Vegan.
    Harderthansatan likes this.
  14. Haha I knew it.

    The problem I have with a lot of what you have put is that you assume a low carb diet is about just losing weight - this is the usual distraction which vegans and alike use to make low carb diets appear to be unsustainable. You seem to be repeating this when I've stated previously that it's a lifestyle and it's no more restrictive than confining yourself to just eating leaves or whatever non meat eaters eat.

    Eat fruit? What about fish? Dairy?

    Low carb diets are not no-carb diets. A typical ketogenic low carb diet allows between 20-50 grams of carbs. That's plenty of room for fiberous veggies.

    I'm not sure how your ideology on such things came about but honestly there is more to life than eating twigs. Do you at least supplement essential nutrients missing from your diet like iron, omega 3 (to balance the surplus of omega 6 - pro inflammatory)?

    Sorry man but if anyone is reading this I recommend they ignore you. Don't be silly and become a vegan. That is unless you have an overwhelming feeling of guilt towards the animals but even then consider that the circle of life is a circle of death and animal protein is the shit!
    IggyIshness and Mr. Fox like this.
  15. Sorry to mock you but so many of your characteristics were in line with a typical preachy vegan who can't let it go.
  16. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    Carbs are the prefered energy source of your body. Low carb diets ensure that you take in huge amounts of saturated fats which will raise cholesterol and bloke up your arteries. @Harderthansatan it is foolish of you to dismiss vegan diets to simply 'eating twigs' it demonstrates that you really dont know what you are talking about and are very close minded. All of the things that omnivorous diet can offer are attainable with a vegan one without any of the draw backs. Low carb diets are unsustainable as they leave people craving carbs which they will end up getting from junk food. High meat consumption has also been found to be the cause of many (most) of the western worlds chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and even more relevant to nofap: erectile dysfunction). A healthy diet should NOT contribute to increase the likelyhood of getting these diseases. In fact our diet should PROTECT us from these diseases which a vegan one does. So before making ignorant remarks just because you like to eat steaks, do some research because that steak is horrible for you.
    Red Eagle likes this.
  17. Let me guess... you read the China study. *rolls eyes*
    Mr. Fox likes this.
  18. You clearly don't know anything about heart disease/clogged arteries if you believe it's causation is saturated fats. Try researching a bit more if your unconscious bias will allow it.
  19. Time people moved past all this saturated fat nonsense.
  20. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    I read loads of studies because I want to stay out of the hospital. Considering that my uncle is diabetic, my aunt had cancer and my dad a heart attack im not taking ANY chances. Fuck having to deal with that
    Red Eagle likes this.