My friend has repressed his emotions for years. Need advice.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Namekian23, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. MinaClavero

    MinaClavero Fapstronaut

    Hey there.
    Well, first of all, let me tell you this: you can't expect people to behave and think as you do. Not everyone has the same heart as you do. Not even your own friends. Remember that.
    Your friend is being toxic to you. And furthermore, he doesn't seem to want you to help him. He doesn't seem to want anyone to help him at all. When someone is so withdrawn, private and offish it's obvious that he has either a false belief about privacy and relationships or a problem that he is too afraid or ashamed to tell.
    Either ways, I insist, you can't help him until he decides that he wants to get some help. And, by the way, you can't force him to, it is something that will maybe come along with time or maybe it will never come.
    What I advice you to do now, regardless of how many years you have spent together of how much you care about him, is to take some distance to him. I am telling you this because I also used to have a toxic best friend. You will start seeing the world in a different way when you distance from a toxic person. With time, you will see if he decides to change for him and for you or if he doesn't. But for now, do it for you. Care for yourself a little. Get involved with people who is actually interested in you. You have a lot of potential and you are wasting it.
  2. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    Friends change a lot when a girl enters their lives. I've known many people to act normal and then all of the sudden they just aren't the same and you don't bond anymore. Frankly I think writing a long letter like that wasn't smart. should've written it for yourself to say to him face to face. Sometimes relationships just have to end and if he's not a person to be supportive of you in something that you may be insecure about and actually making fun, maybe for yourself you should move away from him. Personally I have always done really weird and uncommon things with my life that wouldn't necessarily make sense to other people but that make me happy. If someone tries to be negative about it and try to make me feel bad for it, then thats it for them. Surround yourself with positive people that will make you grow and not hold you back
  3. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    So far, everybody is telling me the same thing, but your advice is probably the most thought-provoking. I can never imagine leaving my best friend like that. But one thing I'll definitely consider from you is taking a break from him....maybe a long one. I understand his girlfriend very well, and I know she will take care of him while I'm gone. In fact, during the last few weeks I've been feeling better not being around him.

    It's like, "Wow, why didn't I do this before"? Other than that, your post was probably the most honest, and I do appreciate your insight. I never knew that my friend could be this toxic, but at the same time, I could have been toxic to him as well. I don't know, I just feel bad about leaving him. But if however, his girlfriend starts to see his true colors and leaves him, then I will step in because in reality, he has no one except for her.

    So yeah, I'll take your advice and I'll stay away from him for as long as I can. I've never felt this good in a while, and at the same time, I'm focusing on myself and doing things to keep my mind busy. Everyone is telling the same thing, and they're giving me the help and support that I need. Furthermore, thanks for your thoughts as well.
    MinaClavero likes this.
  4. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Yes, I should have said it to his face and I totally understand what you're saying. It's very shady, and I gave the letter to him at the last moment when he was busy with some errands. So in a sense, I couldn't express myself the way I wanted to. And you're right, I should surround myself with other people who are more positive. Lately, my new work place has a lot of positive people, and I'm taking advantage of it. The last few weeks have been better now that I'm not around him as much.
  5. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Like I said, I'm a very expressive writer, and I have no problem telling people how I feel. And if it's through writing, then so be it. In fact, my expressiveness has even impressed other people in my life, including women who are my own friends. So try it some time if you'd like. However, I might have gone a little too far at this point, and it's apparent that I'm in a situation where things didn't go the way I planned.

    Having said that...I really don't appreciate your words. Maybe when you get to my age, hopefully you'll grow up, learn a little bit about life, and look back to what that Fapstronaut told you years ago. You'll understand everything about relationships and all that there is to know, but you're only a kid right now. I try not to hold grudges against anyone on this forum, but I've been insulted on Nofap way worse than you.

    I don't care if you wanna say anything back to me, but I'm in a situation where my friendship is hanging in the balance. I don't know how many friends you have, but if you do have a best friend that ever turned his back on you, you'll understand. Other than that, I have other things to worry about rather than getting offended by you.
    Aiyoshi and Audere est Facere like this.
  6. Audere est Facere

    Audere est Facere Fapstronaut

    i don't like Blumpkin's words either. Not helpful at all. Simply dismissive and demeaning.

    However, namekian, i would advise to let go of this notion of "best friend"

    maybe he was a best friend once upon a time, but people change and relationships evolve. today he's a toxic person.

    also if he never bothers to check in after you've created the distance, then you know furthermore that he was YOUR best friend, but you were not HIS best friend. I hope you understand what I mean
    Namekian23 and Aiyoshi like this.
  7. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I hear what you're saying. 22 years is a long time, but another Fapstronaunt told me once before, is that he is still someone who I grew up with and that will never change. The bond we share is beyond what we're going through now. Also, that person told me that if I ever do end the friendship, at least open the door for my friend unless he doesn't want to change. Just that and nothing more. I understand that you're on my side, but maybe one day I'll explain his situation on a different post, and maybe you'd reconsider. You see, I've done some bad things to him as well. Anyways, I'll definitely take what you've said into consideration. It's always good to have different viewpoints from different people.
    Audere est Facere likes this.
  8. Tekkadan

    Tekkadan Guest

    Mhh maybe it's just a Phase? If you really care about him I would Focus on his good side and ignore the bad. Remember the why you like him in the first place. Write down the nice Things he did for you. We can't force others to Change their behaviour, but if you we really care about someone, we can always send them love and Blessings. Just give him his space and work on healing your own heart.
    Namekian23 and Aiyoshi like this.