We men have no worth!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Tom Hillson, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Tom Hillson

    Tom Hillson Fapstronaut

    What good are we, men? Women don't care much about us, not overtly. We generally have to hit on them and pursue them for them to show any interest in us. We are ignored otherwise. Is it any wonder we turn to porn?

    Now, please don't respond with some "our worth comes from within" or "our worth comes from God" crap.

  2. Ash98

    Ash98 Fapstronaut

    It so happens that women are less in number than men. Attractive women even more so. So the impetus falls on men to pursue these women- and then all they have to do is to eliminate choices. I'm sure not all women have this privilege.
    I'm pretty certain there's a lot of unattractive women out there who feel worthless and turn to all sorts of things to feel better about themselves.
    Having said all of the above, there's a lot of semi ugly men and women out there who are doing pretty well for themselves. They're quite popular and have no trouble forming relationships. That's because they're interesting in one way or another. You cannot just be normal and expect others to like you. Simply being nice and non-criminal doesn't count as well. I mean it's all about investing time and efforts in simple things that can attract people towards us. Being good at something gives us confidence, makes us feel more worthy. And people like confident people in general.
    No good reason to turn to porn if you're not super beautiful and all.
    m_brando likes this.
  3. SupBruh

    SupBruh Fapstronaut

    I am sorry that you've never experienced a girl showing affection towards you. With that sort of self-hating attitude you won't in any foreseeable future.

    Anyway, your 'worth' as a man (I'm not going to go into detail as to why your value isn't just defined by attention from the opposite sex) is commitment. You can choose to commit to a girl or have sex a few times and move on. You get to pick a loyal and caring partner.
    D . J . and SnowWhite like this.
  4. ILoathePorn

    ILoathePorn Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I think we are worthless when we are PMOing. It it weren't so then this community and others like it wouldn't exist.
  5. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Why should they? Why do you expect that an adult is "caring" about another adult ?
  6. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    I agree with @Ash90 There are more men than women and that's one reason why they can afford to not pursue men like how most men pursue women.
  7. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    You all think "there are more woman than man". That is true on a global aspect: Most of the western and christian countries have more females than males though. So please eliminate that thought unless you live in China/India. Wikipedia helps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sex_ratio

    And why do you OP think that we are worth nothing? It is natural that males have to move first, they are genetically the stronger gender. You cannot deny that. And nevertheless, it is not about pursuing girls only by your own, without any kind of help. If a girl likes you, she will let you know in one way or the other. It is a common misperception that only the dominant, ripped male and bodybuilders will get girls (especially hot girls).
    Potato93 and Red Eagle like this.
  8. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

  9. Hey, men are cool!

    We shouldn't try to be an 'alpha' or anything else other than ourself. And PMOing is not ourself, that much is true. OP, you need to cheer up, because negative thoughts like this have negative impacts. Positive thoughts will help you out. :)
    Potato93 and LoyalKnight like this.
  10. cleanlife

    cleanlife Fapstronaut

    speak for yourself tom. Men have plenty of worth, we are the ones who built and created modern day reality. Maybe change title to "I have no worth"
  11. ya-dam

    ya-dam Fapstronaut

    We are not ignored, we usually just don't care enough to notice that girls are checking us out. We use porn to escape that fear to talk to girls so if anything thats why you are getting ignored.
    It's fun to hit on girls, we show them interest and work towards a similar goal. We don't need to play sucker for them because they will move on that way.
    Porn is just a mechanism for fight or flight we flight from growing the balls to talk to someone to look at naked girls that are not naked for you online
    Tom Hillson likes this.
  12. Tom Hillson

    Tom Hillson Fapstronaut

    LoyalKnight, actually there are more men in the US than women, if you don't count senior citizens. So, in the main dating decades, there are more men. Although it's just a few percentage points more, so it's not enough to make a difference big enough to hurt an assertive guy's chances a whole lot.
  13. Tom Hillson

    Tom Hillson Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all your replies. I learned some good things.
  14. Tom Hillson

    Tom Hillson Fapstronaut

    ya-dam, you make good points. I'm sure I first turned to porn because I didn't have the courage to hit on women, and I also didn't want to feel the sting of rejection. I unfortunately had no brothers to help me with this, and my dad didn't play much of a role in this part of my life. So I grew up shy, which killed my social life. I'm still recovering from this damage.
    Potato93 likes this.
  15. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Yeah, it's a myth that there are more women out there then men like @LoyalKnight said. From my experience there are more girls born. I know plenty of people who have like 3 girls and only 1 son or no son at all. The reason for global overpopulation of males is the culture and sexism still present in certain parts of the world. In India the family with the daughter has to pay the family of the son to have the right to get her married. So naturally most families want to have sons. In China most people are not allowed to have more than one child, so many people choose to have a boy, since boys still have a higher standing than girls. Abortion rates are much higher for girls than boys.
    It's a common theme that the countries who have more men than women are still far behind when it comes to equality of genders.

    If you want women to approach you, you simply have to be a interesting/good looking person. Women just like men seek sexual partners but are naturally more choosy than us since having random sex has many more consequences for them than it has for us. If you sit on your ass all day, pmo and eat junk food you are not an attractive mate. Be confident in who you are, eat healthy, workout, do things you like. Those things will make you more attractive to girls.
    Just this thursday a girl approached me in school and we had a brief conversation. I didn't have to initiate anything. It really made my day. So don't whine about being a man. It's not like women don't do it too. But that's not a good way for dealing with problems.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
  16. ScrewedBackOn

    ScrewedBackOn Fapstronaut

    I'm not going to argue the worthiness of a specific gender, its futile and unnecessary. All im going to say is: Brother, chin up, there is someone for everyone. The key as i think has been previously said is to make yourself stand out. You could be the Brad Pitt of your town but if you sit in your room fapping and feeling sorry for yourself then you are going to be missing a lot of opportunities to emotionally connect with people.

    Join a gym/ running club/ language course/ learn how to mountain climb/ go travelling. Whatever is in your budget, start taking an interest in your own life and how you can improve it and ladies will start to take an interest too. Tough love works, give yourself some.

    hope you can get out of the slump man. you're worth the world to somebody
    Potato93 and JustinX like this.
  17. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I totally disagree. I am so happy to be born as man. Woman have it in my opinion harder in life. Just the fact, that you can hit on any woman you want or you like and have a chance that it might turn to something great. On the other hand women cant do that. They cant hit like that on guy without being considered as a slut what itself kills all chances for long term relationship. Only thing they can do if they see somebody they like is to send a small signal (smile, eye contact) and pray that guy is smart/brave/confident to act upon and create that opportunity for them.
    That means as a man you can create your opportunities, you can go strait for what you want. But as a woman you can only wait for opportunities to present themselfs. And some women (particularly those ugly ones) might wait a lifetime for that or have no other choice than take very shitty opportunity.
    Of course there are exceptions but in general it is like that.
    RebeccaNola likes this.
  18. Tom Hillson

    Tom Hillson Fapstronaut

    JustinX, good point. I see what you're saying. I still wouldn't agree women have it harder, but your point makes me feel at least that they may not have it easier. But, unfortunately, I got screwed. I grew up not realizing that I needed to hit on women and as a result it was worse for me than most women - I sat there wondering why I wasn't getting hit on, which made me depressed and lonely, and my self-esteem was shot, for decades! It is only now that I'm middle-aged that I am realizing what I need to do to get some darn attention. If I could only have all those years back. Lonely, sad years of despair. When I think of my past I want to throw up.
  19. RebeccaNola

    RebeccaNola Fapstronaut

    I'm a woman, but I grew up with no sisters, and my mom is even more shy and anxious than me. She doesn't wear makeup or follow fashion, so I had no guidance as to those matters... I didn't even learn to apply makeup until I was in my 20s! But even though I was shy with zero fashion sense, I still managed to learn how talk to guys, and had boyfriends starting at age 13. So don't blame it on your family! Plenty of people don't have siblings or parental help in those matters. I've had friends of both genders who felt that "no one could ever love them" and that it was the world's fault they didn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. But really, it's up to you! No one else but you even cares whether you meet a girl. Sorry, but it's true. The women out there care about meeting an amazing, funny, and fun man who will make them feel great about themself. They don't care about you unless you are going to be that guy. So, you have to show them that you ARE that guy!

    I have an article you HAVE to read. I think once you get into the first section, you'll see what I mean. Okay, it won't let me link it, but just google "6 harsh truths that will make you a better person -- Cracked" This is maybe the most helpful article I've ever read as far as self help and figuring out how to fix my life. (I don't have problems meeting guys, but I have plenty of other problems, probably even more than you, and this article has helped me a lot.)

    The world doesn't care about making your life better... people only care if you're going to make THEIR life better. It doesn't matter how "nice" you are. Being nice is only the baseline of being allowed to live in society. In order to attract a woman, you have to show her what you are going to do for her. If you're super attractive, that will be easier, but honestly, physical attractiveness is usually not the most important thing for a relationship, except for really shallow people. "Hot" guys hit on me all day and I'm not interested in them, I prefer my boyfriend, who always makes me laugh, cheers me up, and is fun to be around. He's attractive too, but if I didn't know him, I wouldn't have picked him out of a lineup. I find him attractive BECAUSE he is funny, fun, and wonderful.

    That's why it's easier to meet a woman at work, at school, through mutual friends, or through shared hobbies/volunteering/etc. Oftentimes, getting to know someone is what makes them attractive, not the other way around. I think this is especially true for women: we aren't as visually oriented, so we need more interaction before we become head-over-heels in love or in lust. But this is true for men as well -- this is why people of both genders crush on people we know more than we do strangers. Because the people we know have had time to charm us on more levels than just physical/visual.

    Anyway, so the best way to meet a woman is not to approach her cold on the street or at a bar. It takes a ton of confidence and will require a higher level of physical attractiveness. The best way to meet a woman is to do activities where you have a chance to spend time with women without any expectation of a date or anything like that. My uncle is 70 and he met a woman half his age in a hiking club -- SHE hit on HIM after several weeks of hiking together! But I'd be willing to bet he charmed her with his personality before she noticed his looks. People say it so much it's almost cliche, but join some activity groups, start volunteering, start working out, anything where you will be in contact with women. Then, don't think of them as potential dates. Just talk to them like normal people -- they ARE normal people! Find common interests!

    And most importantly -- MAKE THEM LAUGH! I can't stress this enough -- women become attracted to men who make us laugh. Every single one of my boyfriends has been able to drive me crazy with laughter. I even dated some assholes who I wasn't even really attracted to, but because they could make me laugh, they won me over with laughter until I gave in to their advances. Even if you aren't the funniest guy alive, a woman will appreciate the effort when you make a funny comment or point out something humorous. She will like that you are giving her that attention. And unlike hitting on a woman sexually, there is no pressure for her to say yes or no, so there is no stress. Sexual advances are very high pressure for both men and women, but making funny comments is totally platonic, so the woman's defenses don't go up. The goal is to keep talking to her long enough for her to start appreciating you, and then if she isn't already attracted to you, that will come with time. Don't think about ridiculous terms like the "friendzone." That doesn't even exist! There's nothing wrong with being friends with a woman, if she isn't interested in you personally, you could always meet one of her female friends. Or maybe she just needs to think about it a little more.

    Sorry this is so long... but I really suggest reading that Cracked article, and stop feeling so sorry for yourself. I have a female friend who weighs about 300 pounds who found love at a video game club she was in, she has been married for 6 years now and is really happy. I have a male friend who is a felon on probation working minimum wage, who met a woman off OKCupid and they just moved in together and got engaged. And as for me, I'm an ex-drug-addict, among other things, if I described my life to you, you would probably think I'm the last person who could find love, but I've actually had many great relationships, and am currently dating an amazing man. No one cares about your past. Hell, most people have pasts of their own. But no one wants to be around someone who is moaning and complaining about how women don't like him! Good luck!
    leoac13 and JustinX like this.
  20. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Actually, I think that the author of this thread is trying to express some difficulty regarding approaching woman that we all men faces. Imagine yourself trying to hit over a guy when there are 4 other girls trying to do the same thing. What puts us down sometimes isnt our self value, but our competition. You can actually have that sometime in your life, but trust me, not as harsh as male competition towards a female can be. But yeah, you definitely got some interesting points!

    Sometimes, love by itself can feel idiotic. One thing that I never understood is the "make me laught" thingy, girls always want a funny guy as a companion, but only because that eases the weight of life in some way. Particularly, I find serious woman to be more attractive in some way, because they arent as easy to satisfy and usually have some high worth standards. When talking about relationships it all comes to personal experience in some way, and we really need to be carefull about taking other people advises as rules. But I like your way of thinking and thanks for sharing! :)
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
    m_brando likes this.