Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by MrPrince, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    It took me 4 hours to write this report, so it will be much appreciated if you read it all and give me your feedback and comments please.

    Brief introduction of my history:I am 21 years old, college student, I have been watching P since 18 or 17 and before that i used to look at Porn images and pictures since 15 or 16 .

    I had social anxiety(not very much), low self confidence, found it hard to talk to girls. I had one girlfriend during my whole life. I also had a need for approval, I did actions that subconsciously were to get the approval of my society. I was also a lazy ass and dependent.
    The only good thing i had done is that I had good grades in the university.
    I started the NoFap journey in July 2016. I always wanted to quit porn but i never gave it a shot. In July 2016 I started researching about this addiction and reading about this problem(and its effects), and one day I encountered an application called "NF companion" that application started my journey it has a counter, motivational quotes and videos and it sends motivational quotes(notifications) every one hour.I got introduced to this WONDERFUL website(community) in December 6 when I was watching a Tedx talk about porn addiction. The beginning was hard as usual I relapsed almost every (week 10 15) days or more. Then one day in the summer(late July) an incident happened with me that made my mind evolve and mature and I became scared from my future, so I realized that this fear is somehow due to my lack of confidence which is due to my lazy life style which porn was a big contributing factor. So I decided to quit it and started being serious about quitting. So I went 30 days no PMO , then relapsed, then 2-3 days no PMO, then also relapsed, then 34 days no pmo, then relapsed, and after i made it another one month and relapsed on October 22 since then I never relapsed and I did the hard mode NO PMO.(fear of the future was a major motivator to me)

    The first 10-20 days are always the hardest, urges were all over the place but I controlled my self. On day 26 I nearly relapsed after accidentally watching a triggering video on TV, although it was triggering but i kept looking for maybe 5-6 minutes then my mind came to its senses and I closed the TV. (these minutes made my conscience beat me like hell)... I stayed for maybe 3 days angry from my self and with foggy brain. Then I continued my journey, day by day I was beating urges and letting them pass away. My will power became stronger, I stopped looking at woman in the society. I stopped objectifying woman as sexual objects. Then on around some day in 50s i did watch something triggering also accidentally on TV, but my will power this time was more stronger and my conscience was stronger so it took me 2 minutes to look away and once again these only 2 minutes made me hate myself for 2 days... and I continued my journey.
    Then from days 80 to 90 it has been hell for me I've been horny,I may have looked once at some pictures for maybe 1 minute on google than immediately closed the tab, thanks god I fended off all temptations.

    This Journey was hard because I had only 2 courses over the past semester so I had many free time and I always felt bored... I had time to PMO but I didnt.


    - Watching something triggering for few minutes might be edgy and cause a relapse.... so never edge, even when you don't relapse your conscience will beat you and you will feel guilty... so don't edge STAY STRONG.
    - Once you think you conquered this addiction, temptations comes out of nowhere and start trying to allure you. So never underestimate this problem, it will hit you when you think you are on the top.
    - I had about 20 wet dreams most in the early days (the first 45).
    - We should tackle this problem day by day.(Don't Set big goals tackle it day by day step by step)
    - I stopped using Instagram, snapchat , and Facebook (because they were causing my low self esteem and I think quitting these made me avoid many triggers and temptations). Social media made me compare my life with others and that made me feel terrible(which caused me to PMO, since it made me feel happy). Also I used to look at girls pictures everyday on these applications (which made me a horny animal and lead to porn).
    - I found that most of the time I watched Porn it was because I was bored, I had nothing to do, I had no motivation. Porn to me was an entertainment device. An

    RESULTS (how NoFap changed my life):

    - The first most important change is increased self confidence which changed almost every another aspect in my life... my conscience was not beating me up anymore so I developed some self love which caused self confidence although I still lack some self confidence but I can say if my self confidence was 30% now it is 70%.

    - I can speak to almost any girl with minimal shyness and I can look them in the eyes without fear and feeling guilty. I used to be afraid of approaching and talking to girls, in these 90 days I had 4 dates, and one major thing I talked with my crush whom I had a crush on her during the past 3 years(and I never talked with her in these 3 years although I used to know her before). I saw her from about 2 weeks and talked with her fluently no fear no shyness nothing stopped me, I looked her all the time in the eyes and made her laugh. I took her phone number and now we are chatting regularly.

    - I almost stopped the need of approval from others. I am aware of this bad habit, and I am fighting it every day... and this is causing me comfort and peace with my self... I no longer care what others think or do. I just only care about my self. I still need to fight this habit but thanks god I am far away from my starting point.I cut off many approval seeking habits.

    - I developed self awareness and awareness of my bad habits (dependent on others, lazy, pmo, need of approval, fear) and now I am tackling them all. I think self awareness is the first step to quitting all these and when you are self aware of the problem you can start to avoid it.

    - I started going to the gym (I never thought I could do gym since I had a back problem and I was too weak and skinny, I was too skinny and I didn't want people judging me because I was skinny and all the other guys at the gym are big and muscular) so if someone came to me in January 2016 and told me you will be hitting the gym a year from now I would have never believed him. Ive been in the gym for 3 months I gained 6 kilos (13 pounds)(6 kilos to me is massive) and my muscles all over my body are growing. My strength increased 3 times ex: if I used to lift 10 kilos now I can carry 30 kilos. This also aided my confidence, going to the gym also helped me release all the negative energy I was holding and helped me get away from porn. In addition it helped me with my social anxiety since I made new friends there. I'm not afraid of showing up anymore.

    - I started reading books and I have finished 7 books since I started NoFap in July. I read self improvement books. These books are my new best friends... one book I would recommend all people to read is "THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE" international best seller more than 15 million copies sold. This book along with other books increased my self awareness and made me more mature and wise.
    I cant emphasize on the importance of reading such books.... one of the most important habits I developed.

    - I stopped objectifying women, and now I can see the beauty in all woman. NoFap removed the veil from my eyes... that black evil veil... now I see the beauty in woman, and I think every girl has something attractive. Also I no longer feel that woman can imprison me, I can resist woman, I gave them power over me they should not have it.

    - I started seeking knowledge in many fields in life. I read almost every day on google or watch some motivational videos on YouTube. I read about self confidence, emotional maturity, flirting, psychology, sports. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

    - This NoFap journey made me realize the importance of my parents and fidelity in life. They have been with each other for 30 years and they are still faithful. I also used my free time to get to know my parents more and learn from them and help them in everyday chores, since before I was too lazy and too busy watching porn and jerking off.

    - I also developed self motivation, nowadays everyday I try to learn or do something new.. I try to get away from my comfort zone.

    - I also encourage my friends who pmo to stop this habit, and I try to influence people and to be a good person in society, since nowadays being a good person is something hard when you are surrounded by bad influence all over our societies. When you help people and advice them you feel great about yourself, you feel you are contributing to something.

    - I also started learning a Spanish course, now i can understand some Spanish and talk a little bit. The Spanish class I took is all girls, I'm the only guy so this helped me talk with girls and break that ice.

    - Once you start this journey and you start feeling the benefits i stop craving P, and every time I feel the urge, I remember my old self and I don't want to get back to my old self, i remember the misery which I was living.

    This community has been VERY HELPFUL to me, it relapsed my social media accounts, whenever I was bored, I entered this website and read. whenever I felt the urges ,and I was horny I read about the negatives of this habit on this sight so it motivated me massively... I developed new friendships in this community.I got to know many people from different countries different religions different cultures.This website to me is opportunity to learn about everything not only PMO. It is really TOUCHING how we don't know each others yet we help each others and motivate each others, while in real life some people call themselves their friends but they never supported me or motivated me as YOU guys did.

    My new goals are to keep improving and to stay away from PMO, I will try to fight all my problems and learn something new everyday.

    Thanks Everyone You are like brothers to me.

    If anyone needs anything from me feel free to direct message me.

    Thanks for reading this report and giving it your time... your feedback and comments are appreciated.

  2. Savio Colaco

    Savio Colaco New Fapstronaut

    awesome bro, i just wanted to know that is it normal to get wet dreams when im on nofap, i am on nofap day 14 since then i got it twice, please do reply?
    vanish and Jojo man like this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yes this is normal and does not mean you have failed or have to reset.
    MrPrince likes this.
  4. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your support
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2017
  5. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Yes its normal the body has to release the extra semen dont worry you are still on the right track.. they will become less as you progress
  6. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    Congrats man! Thanks for taking time to share the details of your journey...Appreciate it and wish you well!
    Zacrawl and MrPrince like this.
  7. GeneralF

    GeneralF Fapstronaut

    Man, first congrats ! Thank you very much for such an awesome story. I am now how you were some months ago, with a mind that tries to convince you to relapse but thanks to you, I'm more motivated than ever.
    MrPrince likes this.
  8. No-maths-guy

    No-maths-guy Fapstronaut

    I am have lost my motivation to study. Can you guve me some tips to maintain 30 day streak?
    Will 30 day streak be enough or i should aim higher?
    MrPrince likes this.
  9. Amar_Avinash

    Amar_Avinash Fapstronaut

    Congrats bro. Keep it going on!
    MrPrince likes this.
  10. Congrats on your success. God has bigger plans for you and seeing your changed heart pleases Him. I'm newer to NoFap and log on here frequently. It really does help because it reminds me of my investment in this goal and myself. Having more confidence sounds very nice.
    i can do, NoticeEnclosed and MrPrince like this.
  11. Gionel

    Gionel Guest

    Great man! Congratz with your achievement :).
    MrPrince likes this.
  12. shanky kumar

    shanky kumar Fapstronaut

    motivating :) , congrats , i am on day 15 and it feels too gr8 to read such stories :)
    MrPrince likes this.
  13. better life

    better life New Fapstronaut

    Well done brother. Happy to see your achievement:). Hope I too do this one day. Best wishes for your life
    MrPrince likes this.
  14. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Your comment is also appriciated brother, i hope you too do well. Stay strong.
    Bking44 and black_coyote like this.
  15. DiogoFSantos

    DiogoFSantos Fapstronaut

    Brother, well done! Thanks for the detailed post! I can see myself in some moments! Stay strong, brother
    MrPrince likes this.
  16. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Dont back off for temptations, you have the internal power to fend it off.. control your urges and you will feel proud from yourself.... "a man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquer a thousand men".
    Bking44 likes this.
  17. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction causes you to have a foggy and disturbed mind... you cant concentrate on your studies... i advice you everytime you have the urge to open this website and read some success stories you will get motivation... i advice to aim more than 30 days.. dont think of big numbers tackle it day by day
    thegreek and No-maths-guy like this.
  18. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    All glory belongs to God. Thanks God for everything. during my journey im visting the church 2 times per week and i try to pray everyday...
    Confidence is the best thing ever you could develop
  19. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Im really happy that i am helping you guys... like this community helped me in my struggles.
    Stay strong and you see the results. 15 days is a good start i bet you will start feeling the differnece in a few days
  20. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    You ca
    You can do this and you can do better just believe u can and tackle this addicyion day by day