Lifting weights

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Joshua213, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Joshua213

    Joshua213 Fapstronaut

    So I have been lifting weights for more than 2 months straight now to get ready for summer 2017 haha and I feel like my penis has gotten a little smaller or so but I wanted to ask if lifting does make your penis smaller and if I stop could it grow back or something ? And I'm 15 so please honest answers.
  2. don't worry about it. if your masturbating try to limit masturbating. and if you do watch porn quit.
  3. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    U should not lift weights if you are 15
  4. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Well I am sure the OP can do something with that information! When you claim something why don't you explain yourself?
  5. Joshua213

    Joshua213 Fapstronaut

    No I am not
  6. Joshua213

    Joshua213 Fapstronaut

    I don't really masturbate since I joined nofap but should I stop lifting weights ? Because some people say "your penis stops growing if you lift weights" and I mean I'm not no expert in this so what do you think ?
  7. 15k-RPM

    15k-RPM New Fapstronaut

    Hi Josh I started lifting weights about the same time as you and I gotta say I dealt with all the BS of "damaged bones", "stunted growth" and "it'll make your dick small". Starting with damaged bones- weight lifting is prescribed by Doctors to people with low bone density, as it increases bone density. Stunted growth is again BS unless you're using steroids (essentially they tell your body you're already a grown man and its time to stop your bones growing and start putting on muscle and facial hair etc...). And finally the reason people think your genitals will shrink on weights is again to do with steroids; because your body senses it is operating beyond its desired testosterone levels it tells the testicles to stop producing testosterone- which makes them shrink. So to answer your question- no natural weight lifting will not make you or your penis smaller. If its gotta smaller my guess would be you're not eating/ resting enough so cut the caffeine, up the sleep and calories- carbs carbs carbs! Additionally if I could go back in time I'd tell my 15year old self the following: 1) compound movements (such 5x5 program) are the best for natty bros. 2) Not only do you not need bullshit protein supplements and pre-workouts- they're worse for your gains than real food 3) eating a large amount of calories is MORE important than protein intake! all well and good monitoring your protein intake but you cannot get bigger in a calorie deficit. 4) I am the strongest and fittest I've EVER been as a vegan?! So if you're interested in the health gains from it don't be afraid to try it (just know you have to eat 2x as much at least!). Also check out YouTube "CanditoTraining HQ"
    Tea&Biscuits and ILoathePorn like this.
  8. Joshua213

    Joshua213 Fapstronaut

    Thank you I will ck it out
  9. the girls care more about your other muscles anyway. ;) don't worry about it.
    really, there's truth to what I said.
    Joshua213 likes this.
  10. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    15 year old he is still growing his body is still changing. If he lifts heavy weights he will interupt the bodies normal growth resulting in premature growth. For example if his genetics set him to become 6 inches and he started lifting weights before 18 or 17 he will end up 5'8 5'7
  11. 15k-RPM

    15k-RPM New Fapstronaut

    Josh for the record I started lifting weights at 15 because I was small 5ft2 and skinny I'm now 200lbs (lean as I run also) and 6ft3 when I stop slouching! People are always gonna try to hold you back with their closed minded nonsense- ignore them and do what you feel is right. Also 5) cardio won't hurt you!
    ILoathePorn likes this.
  12. LimitlessTman

    LimitlessTman Fapstronaut

    I don't want to call you out personally, but this notion of stunted growth is a complete myth. Look at the Strongest men in the world, many of them are 6'5 to 6'9 and most of them lifted heavy, heavy weights at a far younger age than our friend here. Many of us sort of strong guys had no choice but lift weights when we were young. Its called growing up on the farm and having to work. @Joshua213 I would only caution you to be careful, and use proper form at all times. Injury at your age can have far more long term effects. Otherwise, go nuts, weight lifting is one of the greatest lifetime activities for bone health, fat loss and mental health that you can do. Make it a lifelong hobby.
  13. That's simply not true. If he starts using steroids or growth hormone, then yes, that'll stunt his growth. That's why professional bodybuilding (where everyone competing is on gear) for someone that age is, in my opinion, retarded.

    The reason drugs stunt growth is because testosterone and growth hormone are directly involved in your growth. If you add supra physiological doses, it may actually speed up your growth while on your cycle - but then when your cycle inevitably ends, your testosterone production will be shutdown, meaning that vital hormone that you need to grow, simply isn't doing its job. Sure after a few months/years it should recover fully, but that's growth time missed out.

    Regular weight-lifting however does not stunt growth. This is a complete myth, and there are zero studies out there to suggest it does this. In fact if anything, the naturally higher levels of these hormones that weight-lifting will promote, will result in actual increased growth (i.e. you'll probably end up a tiny bit bigger and taller than if you didn't weightlift)

    The one thing I will suggest is to take it slow if you're starting at 15. Your body is smaller and is not capable yet of handling quite the loads you'll be able to handle in your 20's. So don't focus so much on increasing weight yet, just focus more on nailing form and technique, and achieving consistency in the gym.
  14. Not true, maybe that person meant height? Which is a myth. Lifting weights at the age of 15 won't stunt your growth. Just make sure not to overdue it tho.
  15. At 15 it is fine to lift weights. Good for you in fact. Just be sensible and always maintain proper form (see youtube for examples)... There's no point bragging about a crazy squat when your back is fucked.

    Oh and no your dick won't strink in size... not even on roids.
  16. ProtoMan

    ProtoMan Fapstronaut

    There's a penis exercises that can enlarge the size of penis. You can check pegym. I have no experience with it, looks legit though.
  17. SoulOf1Lion

    SoulOf1Lion Fapstronaut

    If all these people saying that you shouldn't be lifting (I don't actually know whether you should or shouldn't, I haven't stepped inside a gym in years) but I'm here to suggest a better alternative ............ CALISTHENICS/BODYWEIGHT TRAINING!

    Also you're 15 so don't worry about your penis size
    LimitlessTman likes this.
  18. Grlt

    Grlt Fapstronaut

    Better yet, combine them. I developed a sturdy solid and explosive frame through general physical activity such as boxing, core workouts, sprinting, and always being on my feet. Then I started combining calisthenics with cardio and now I do specific cardio/core workouts for an hour 2 days a week and weights and calisthenic workouts 3 times a day. I just do calisthenics and workouts that correspond to the area I'm training. I'm in shape with this routine and more or less have endless energy
    Ken G, SoulOf1Lion and LimitlessTman like this.
  19. false