1000 positive things about quiting porn!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by zielnik, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Butterfly effect..
    ForwardEver likes this.
  2. Purie

    Purie New Fapstronaut

    I like this page, read every single comment.
    #181 more at peace with yourself and your surroundings
    zielnik likes this.
  3. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    #197 Forget how to count. From page 3, we have put up some random numbers!
  4. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Thanks. The 5% was just an estimate. I don't know how many guys are capable of controlling their porn use. It's probably under 5%
    Awakeatlast likes this.
  5. BigCheese

    BigCheese Fapstronaut

    Confused with the numbering but
    198: no more sticky underwear every morning
    199: you have battled the most addicting, accepted, life-ruining addiction all on your own
    200: you see life differently
    zielnik likes this.
  6. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    When I read the title of this thread I knew what was my job. Formatting and typesetting. Here is the list with with duplicates removed, similar cases preserved, troll posts removed (there was 1, from the same guy who was skipping the counter by ten at 138), sorted alphabetically and with the right numeration, spelling correction and some mistakes. Weird and strange posts are preserved.
    This thread was a great idea, let's make it to 1000!


    #1 100 percent more energy than before.
    #2 Able to look into eyes of your mother and sister, clear conscience.
    #3 A deeper understanding of oneself.
    #4 After stopping PMO I don't care about penis size.
    #5 Allows you to stop isolating from others and so you are less lonely.
    #6 Allows you work at dealing with underlying problems and issues in healthy appropriate ways instead of trying to cover them with a quick fix.
    #7 A lot more time and energy for self-development.
    #8 And on a similar note, you become more magnetic and attractive to others. The chick magnet effect of NoFap is real guys. Seriously.
    #9 Articulation improved.
    #10 Back pain goes away as you're not sitting up in bed for hours.
    #11 Because your body doesn't have to use sugars and energy on ejaculation, you become more energized.
    #12 Become closer to God.
    #13 Become less selfish. You are willing to help people.
    #14 Become more conscious.
    #15 Being able to feel emotions, both positive and negatives.
    #16 Being able to look others in the eye.
    #17 Being able to read books again!
    #18 Being able to sleep better at night.
    #19 Being gentle with yourself and others.
    #20 Being happy that you don't need pixels to make you feel happy.
    #21 Being present in the momement not thinking about ass all the time.
    #22 Better at studies.
    #23 Better concentration and focus.
    #24 Better dominant body language.
    #25 Better erections that are harder and last longer.
    #26 Better eye contact.
    #27 Better memory.
    #28 Better overall character.
    #29 Better quality of thoughts.
    #30 Better relationships with people around you.
    #31 Better sleep.
    #32 Better spiritual life.
    #33 Bigger penis growth.
    #34 Bond between friend becomes much stronger and more meaningful.
    #35 Can witness things in life that were previously invisible to you. Metaphorically. You don't get x-ray vision. Or i'm not there just yet.
    #36 Cheese tastes better.
    #37 Comfortable in one's own skin.
    #38 Creates motivation to quit other addictions and bad habits.
    #39 Cuddling your partner feels way better then staring at a screen.
    #40 Deeper understanding into how the brain functions, how it tricks you into making irrational decisions and how to avoid such falacies in other aspects of your life.
    #41 Deeper voice. Really, i had voice like young girl and now i have voice like a fucking alpha.
    #42 Don't need to take waste water by taking an extra shower to wash off the smell.
    #43 Dreams appear more vivid.
    #44 ED gone.
    #45 Emotionally stronger.
    #46 Emotions come back.
    #47 End of PMO side effects.
    #48 Enjoying life rather then watching paid people pretending to enjoy life.
    #49 Family members that you disliked and disliked you admire you and open up to you because you let them see your vulnerabilities.
    #50 Faith in yourself increases.
    #51 Feel free and able to control any craving you have: being productive, eating healthy, keep on your exercise routine.
    #52 Feel good around people.
    #53 Feeling lighter on the soul, I am more like a new born baby and feeling innocent.
    #54 Feeling special. After all everybody wacks off. But not me. Thanks God for that!
    #55 Feeling you can overcome any obstacle.
    #56 Fewer viruses or other questionable programs on your computer.
    #57 Freedom from the slavery of compulsion.
    #58 Generally feel good and happy.
    #59 Girls in real life are much more attractive than watching on your screen.
    #60 Harder erections.
    #61 Helps to empower yourself and your relationships, rather than watching other people you don't know and will likely never meet though a screen.
    #62 Helps you stop viewing human bodies as commodities to be consumed, traded, shared collected and stored.
    #63 Helps you to be less of a perfectionist and not beat yourself up all the time.
    #64 Hold longer more meaningful conversations with women.
    #65 If your wife sees your progress (including increased connection) she isn't crabby wife all the time.
    #66 I just realized this but, less acne.
    #67 Imagination exaltate! (this is one of my favourites ).
    #68 Improved self-esteem.
    #69 Increased faith in God (for me), faith in yourself and faith in others.
    #70 Increased libido.
    #71 Increased testosterone -- If your testosterone level rises, you will be stronger internally and externally. Men will pick up on that and respect you. Women will pick up on that and want you.
    #72 Increases self confidence to stand by the tunes and face up reality.
    #73 Increasing your chances of getting married and starting a family.
    #74 It is like taking sunglasses off, one wakes up to all the shit one was pretending not to see.
    #75 It's an interesting and exciting journey. I can't wait to get to know how im gonna feel after for example one year of being clean.
    #76 Learn how to handle bad emotions.
    #77 Learning how to turn sexual energy into other energy and using that energy to acolpished your goals.
    #78 Leaving hell and walking towards paradise.
    #79 Less laundry.
    #80 Less reason to fear somebody discovering the contents of your computer.
    #81 Less worried.
    #82 Men in real life are much more attractive than watching on your screen.
    #83 More at peace with yourself and your surroundings.
    #84 More attraction from the opposite sex.
    #85 More comfortable and relaxed in social environments. No more being the beta male concerned with what others think. But more alpha and grounded in your reality, nothing to hide.
    #86 More confidence.
    #87 More controlled temper.
    #88 More detailed dreams, easier to remember.
    #89 More energy.
    #90 More interest in cooking.
    #91 More smiles in real life.
    #92 More time for fun.
    #93 More time for other activities like reading or watching movies.
    #94 More time on your hands.
    #95 More time to focus on setting and achieving goals to make your life even better.
    #96 Much brighter career.
    #97 Muscles grow and stay maintained (if you exercise).
    #98 My body odour became repugnant after excessive viewing.
    #99 No brain fog.
    #100 No cleanup after a PMO session.
    #101 No more guilt and shame.
    #102 No more sticky underwear every morning.
    #103 No shame looking in the mirror, feel a bit better about my appearance already.
    #104 No social anxiety.
    #105 Not having the doubt of your family thinking you're fapping inside the bathroom.
    #106 Not having to lie why you were in the bathroom for 40 mins.
    #107 Notice the natural beauty of women and not the fake crap on the internet.
    #108 Not numbing the hard emotions with porn means you get to feel and experience the good ones again like joy, happiness, laughter! (you can't selectively numb emotions).
    #109 Not objectifying women.
    #110 Overcoming an addiction allows you to grow in compassion and empathy for others.
    #111 Overcoming an addiction helps to grow stronger mentally.
    #112 Overcoming porn addiction entails other major life changing habits. Your little personal insoluble snow ball effect.
    #113 Overcoming the urge to PMO helps you grow your will power massively. This results in immense self awareness and development.
    #114 Person is more easily able to stay focused.
    #115 Physically changing your brain rewiring it to better serve you.
    #116 Positive emotions, thoughts and memory.
    #117 Positiveness radiates from you. And it's real, pure, benevolent.
    #118 Push ups become easier without your body shaking.
    #119 Quiets the clutter and voices in your head.
    #120 Quitting porn opens up your ability to make better choices in all aspects of life.
    #121 Reduced acnes.
    #122 Saved time.
    #123 Save money, healthier, no more feeling bad and ordering fast food.
    #124 Self-discipline.
    #125 Sense of smell is more keen.
    #126 Shameless.
    #127 Similarly you're able to notice indicators of interest from people who are attracted to you.
    #128 Smiling more often.
    #129 Social anxiety is gone.
    #130 Spend less money on toilet tissue, so save a bit of money.
    #131 Start to feel the power of love that surrounds you. "'And what would humans be without love?’ RARE, said Death." - T. P.
    #132 Stronger erections.
    #133 Testosterone boost from no PMO.
    #134 That smug feeling you get sometimes when you remember that you're doing something that's vastly improving your life, and knowing that most people aren't.
    #135 The self-discipline you learn translates to many other aspects of your life.
    #136 The woman you will meet will get the version of you that she deserves.
    #137 Thicker and whiter fingernails.
    #138 Thicker beard (mental beard and the real one).
    #139 Thicker facial hairs.
    #140 Trading bad habits for new undiscovered good habits.
    #141 Try new hobbies or start back on old ones.
    #142 Use less tissue, so saving the trees, which is good for the planet.
    #143 Using your knowledge to help others.
    #144 Walking around with more confidence like a boss.
    #145 Women will find you more attractive.
    #146 Working on myself instead of wasting time on PMO.
    #147 You are 1000 times happier!
    #148 You are able to actually fill the awkward, panicked silence when others ask: "Hey, whatcha get up to this weekend".
    #149 You are a role model for other men.
    #150 You are good at studying.
    #151 You are interested in studying.
    #152 You are less annoyed with things that were unbearable before.
    #153 You are not supporting the abuse of women, and sex trafficking.
    #154 You attract positiveness to yourself.
    #155 You became more educated by it. You read how to overcome this, what are causes, how your brain works etc.
    #156 You become a role model.
    #157 You become more responsible, accountable and reliable.
    #158 You begin to live instead of being dead while alive.
    #159 You can brag to your porn-addicted friends about how you're now no longer a porn-craving bastard (and bring them onboard as well).
    #160 You can feel cosmic enegy. You learn to accept true nature of the universe.
    #161 You can meet the best people on NoFap.
    #162 You clean your room even though you don't want.
    #163 You don't feel like you are hiding something from everyone.
    #164 You dont wake up in the morning and have to function on 2 hours sleep with an aching wrist ( from the hand operating the mouse ); an aching back; a sore and stiff shoulder; a leg that feels slightly numb; and scratchy eyes.
    #165 You forget less stuff at work in your mentally challenging job (for my husband).
    #166 You get to be different and unique as most guys do watch porn.
    #167 You have balanced emotions.
    #168 You have battled the most addicting, accepted, life-ruining addiction all on your own.
    #169 You have everything done on time.
    #170 You learn that life has much more to offer than you previously thought!
    #171 You learn to face reality and nature of change.
    #172 You'll feel free, simple as that.
    #173 You look up and see the world, not the pixels.
    #174 You never come late.
    #175 Your balls grow in size a bit (not too much).
    #176 Your brain is no longer dependent on the dopamine release, meaning you beat an addiction.
    #177 You're able to pick up on social cues easier, making social interactions go by smoother.
    #178 You're part of the elite 5% of guys who have the evolutionary advantage of being able to control their sex drive.
    #179 Your immune system is stronger. For me it's true. I had long colds, but since i fight PMO they last for 3-4 days. I think it's related with more energy.
    #180 Your mom is proud of you.
    #181 Your partner will give you warmth, while sitting there looking at the computer with your parts out will keep you cold.
    #182 Your wife can't get enough of you. If you know what I mean. (For me anyway.).
    #183 Your willpower increases dramatically as you're learning to resist instant gratification.
    #184 You seek to improve your life and relationships.
    #185 You see life differently.
    #186 You spend less less time on computer, saving power, reducing the need of coal for electricity, less plants are burned, you are saving the planet Earth.
    #187 You stop being a statistic.
    #188 You stop looking for highs from spending money drinking goofing off and doing unproductive things.
    #189 You stop objectifying women.
    redeat24, ForwardEver, Alk346 and 5 others like this.
  7. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    My additions:

    #190 You have to deal with your emotions when you would usually ignore them.
    #191 You think more about your life.
    #192 You don't empower pornographic producers (soft photos are produced from the same models who do the hardcore stuff).
    #193 You feel good sometimes for no reason when in a long streak.
  8. Randomgurl4

    Randomgurl4 Fapstronaut

    #194 Orgasms with your significant other are much more enjoyable!
    #195 Less guilt, shame, and self-hatred
    #196 I am more patient and a better listener
    zielnik likes this.
  9. mgm96

    mgm96 Fapstronaut

    Testosterone levels
  10. Chetan0208

    Chetan0208 Fapstronaut

    #200 You feel empowered afainst bullies
    #201 Self shaming disappears
    #202 People start believing in you
    #203 Better vision of handling day-to-day life
    #204 Physical and Mental health rises
    #205 Love towards self
  11. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    #206 Life is filled with opportunities instead of obstacles.
    #207 There's no need to commit suicide anymore.
    #208 Pessimists become annoyed with your presence(rofl).
    #209 Looking at the past only shows how much you grew.
    #210 You don't commit self-harm anymore.
  12. #211 You can save a lot of tissue paper.
    #212 You no longer have stains on your new refurbished hardwood floor.
    #213 @Deadlihood will be pleased by your progress.
    #214 You accomplished something few can do.
    #215 You no longer represent the majority of men out there.
  13. wait wat.
    Deadlihood likes this.
  14. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

  15. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    216. I am able to practice English here in NoFap forum :D
    217. There are friendly Fapstronaut.
    Protagonist, Indurian and Aiyoshi like this.
  16. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    DonDraper likes this.
  17. [​IMG]
    Don't stop the list, keep it going!
    Deadlihood likes this.
  18. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    #219 Jon Hamm memes.
  19. [​IMG]
    #220 - No matter how alpha you are externally, you will always feel like this image internally after you PMO.
    Seeking Help and Aiyoshi like this.
  20. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    What scene was that from?