I'm not interested in videogames anymore, and that saddens me

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ShotDunyun, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    Finding time for them, there's a lot of unfinished games and dlcs here, and finishing things is a great way to improve life. Also it's a great activity to do while enjoying an audiobook.
    Deleted Account and ShotDunyun like this.
  2. NooseAnchor

    NooseAnchor Fapstronaut

    Just an idea for your consideration: Could it be that your recent lack of interest in video games stems from some kind of depression due to NoFap (i.e. due to dopamine deficiency)? It is a very well-known symptom of depression if a person starts losing interest in something they would usually enjoy. Of course it might be age-related too. Just wanted to throw this out there.
    ShotDunyun and Aiyoshi like this.
  3. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    That's an interesting theory. But I'm not really sure, I'm watching movies, reading and working out a lot more now. I also waste a fair amount of time in YouTube/Facebook. Maybe the Nintendo Switch will catch my interest again!

    Same for me. I guess the moment I realized I wasn't enjoying it anymore was when playing Just Cause 2, trying to complete it 100%. It was mechanic.

    I also like to play with friends, but now my only friend with a console is selling his Wii U.

    I like the idea, learning while playing. I'll steal it and I'll make billions!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
  4. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I play games with people I met through games 7 years ago...it's nice to have a familiar group to play various games with.
    ShotDunyun and Aiyoshi like this.
  5. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Shit I'm pretty much given up on that game, the only trophy I have left to get is 75% complete to get platinum...I been at it since 2011 haha
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  6. Fatsodubmo

    Fatsodubmo Fapstronaut

    Just Cause 2 was AWESOME! Too bad JC3 did not live up to its predecessor.
    ShotDunyun and Star Lord like this.
  7. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Ye I loved JC2, put many many hours into that game.
    I was so hyped for JC3 but it wasn't a wow factor like JC2. Still it's a beautiful game and the wing suit was a much needed new feature. But my gosh on console the frame rate drop is terrible. Still I love Just Cause 3 on rainy days.
    ShotDunyun and Fatsodubmo like this.
  8. Tommysnewlife

    Tommysnewlife Fapstronaut

    im 25 and used to play them a lot! now i couldnt care less. people at work always talking about latest games and im like lost! growing up i guess.
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  9. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Thing is there is no growing up age for gaming. There's a game for anyone. I've even known 70 year olds who enjoy playing first person shooter for example.

    I think if you get bored of gaming, it's simply that you have other things to do mainly, so gaming seems to take the side bench.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
    Dizzy Lotus, ShotDunyun and Aiyoshi like this.
  10. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Exactly. Gaming has evolved just as Cinema did. People used to say that gaming was for dumb people, now it's considered art.
    Star Lord and Fatsodubmo like this.
  11. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  12. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I quit gaming way before nofap because I had a short course to do for a few months and really didn't want to get distracted. I tried gaming after the course and I managed to put about 20 hours into it before being overcome with boredom.

    Fast forward today I tried gaming again after being 2 weeks into nofap. Could only do 30 minutes. Now I'm done with gaming like I'm done with porn. That is not to say it's just as bad, just that I've spent more than enough hours in both those activities for my lifetime... Now it's time for more productive stuff, even if it's watching the sunset (yes I would actually rate that more productive). Just my 2c
    Star Lord likes this.
  13. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Each to their own I guess...I think gaming will always be seen as any other hobby. Some will think it's pointless some will love it, just like some will think bird watching is pointless or train spotting.

    Personally I don't believe in the whole productivity thing, I'm productive when needed otherwise I just enjoy anything I do.

    Hobbies after all are each individuals way of enjoying their spare time.

    As for myself I find going outside on a clear night looking up at the stars for hours very relaxing, and at the same time doing time lapse photography. Also telescope photography.
    I like to go mountain walking, like to go to motorsport events, many more things but then at the end of the day or on a rainy day I find myself with nothing left to do, so I game and it's fun :)
    Mind you I still sometimes get quickly bored when gaming. It... like any other thing... has to be the right time I think.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  14. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    You make a good point. I found gaming to be way too addictive though. I see it as bad, but only in my books because I'd overdo it :)
    Dizzy Lotus, Fatsodubmo and Star Lord like this.
  15. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Oh yes I can agree there...certain games I have found addicting, specifically the grind for better gear etc. It's like an endless challenge, and if you are a completionist you can't help but keep going lol.
    The gaming industry is definitely smart at knowing how to keep people playing haha.