I'm not interested in videogames anymore, and that saddens me

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ShotDunyun, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    I've played videogames since I was a little boy. I love them. I just can't play them anymore. I started selling my Xbox games, then the console. And yesterday I sold my Nintendo 3ds. And I don't regret that decision. Hell, I bought some books with that money. Maybe is the fact that I'm too old for them (turning 30 next week). Does anyone else feel the same way? I mean, I don't hate them, I still think videogames are entertaining and sometimes even an art form, but nowadays I just can't sit and enjoy a game.
  2. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Im glad i quit video games. I still reocrd itnwith my friends but i dont count that. In my 113 day reboot i also quit video games which was also another bad addiction besides masturbating.
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  3. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Mind the typos im in a car
  4. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    This is not related but I can see you are 14 yo. That's great man, you are at a great age to stop the nightmare. Do your best bro, we all can do it.
  5. Yes. I'm 30. Still find some games fascinating, but have like no interest to play them anymore. I tried to return to a few games, older games, out of nostalgic feelings a week or two ago but stopped playing after a few minutes, lol. First time I played a game in years.

    Throwing in the towel.

    It's funny too lol, I've become super intrigued by reading lately. I guess this happens to some people as they get older? I've had periods where I read heavily in the past but it seems like this is becoming a NEED to have a book at all times to stimulate my mind. I don't think I'm going to not be reading anytime soon.
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  6. Another thing I've noticed since no longer playing video games is how intrigued with film I am. Like I have to do much more than simply watch a movie now. It's like my mind is hungry to understand things on a much deeper level since turning 30. I want to understand the entirety of something, not just appreciate it on some surface level and not see beyond its appearance so to speak.

    Anyways with films I have actually become interested in listening to commentaries which I've never so much as thought about listening to before haha, I want to know all the details of how a really great movie was made. I want to hear the director and actors talk about their experiences during filming. It came over me a few weeks ago, this need to truly appreciate things on a much deeper level. I can't really articulate the feeling any better than that. Pretty much sums it up.

    My values in life are changing. I'm starting to understand I won't be here forever, and my parents deaths (they're still alive but for how much longer?) have started to make me really contemplate where my life is heading not to speak of looking deeply into life itself, I mean turning 30 I guess mortality started to press upon me and rearranged my goals a little bit and what I feel is important in life.

    Gaming has no place in my life anymore.
    Sailor93, Jiten and ShotDunyun like this.
  7. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Can relate 100%. I am also watching a lot of movies lately, a thing I stopped doing long ago. Sometimes I find it stupid that people just change gaming to movies/tv shows, but maybe thats the natural cycle of things?
  8. Fatsodubmo

    Fatsodubmo Fapstronaut

    39 yo, still LOVE gaming. Been gaming since Atari 2600, never looking back. I think it probably has to do with how good you are at them. If I sucked, I would have given up by 30 as well.

    I keed I keed!!!!
    Aiyoshi, Dizzy Lotus and ShotDunyun like this.
  9. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

  10. Fatsodubmo

    Fatsodubmo Fapstronaut

  11. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Hm... I enjoy gaming, and I think it can be a healthy habit if you do it in regulation... I'm not sure why you wouldn't be interested anymore. I always have games on my wishlist, I get a new game every now and then (I'd say about 3-7 a year, including birthdays and such), but my wishlist is always getting longer! [​IMG]
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  12. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    3-7 games a year it's a perfect number, I used to buy maybe 5 games every month.

    Ok dude thats enough! Lets settle it in smash!

    I enjoy movies more now. Some "cult" or "art" films are a perfect way of communication, and also mainstream movies can be good entertainment. But I see your point, if you don't like them, thats perfectly fine
    Aiyoshi and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  13. Fatsodubmo

    Fatsodubmo Fapstronaut

    Rocket League or gtfo! I could never get into smash.
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  14. Samuel L. Fapsin

    Samuel L. Fapsin Fapstronaut

    I usually turn on my XBOX play a game for about 5 minutes, flip between a bunch of games for half an hour. Sit infront of the home screen for another half an hour deciding what game to open next. After about two hours wasted I'll turn off my XBOX.
    -NoMO- and ShotDunyun like this.
  15. "You don't make life memories playing video games"

    Well I suppose some people view gaming as a pursuit one could spend a lifetime on. Just depends where your values lie.
  16. Quitting video games was one of the easiest, hardest, best, worst, profitable, and non-profitable decisions I've ever made. Seriously. I'm glad I did it, but man. I'm missing out.

    But I needed to do it. So I did.
    I Free I likes this.
  17. -NoMO-

    -NoMO- Guest

    I had this EXACT "problem"?? How I feel is,once taking the nofap pill there's no going back to who we once were in terms of self-improvement. It gets us off our asses and gets us to stop wasting time on things that don't contribute to our happiness and future successes. I used to play video games everyday as a kid. ALL NIGHT LONG and go to sleep when the sun came up. Now I don't even touch it unless I wanna watch something like someone else said. Its crazy. I was beyond addicted..and it got me nowhere fast. Now I kinda see it as an activity to do with friends when we hangout but that's it. And it sucks saying that coming from my background! But I beat one addiction and have since moved on to the rest of my habits and addictions(changed drastically) nofap is the catalyst for change by far! Action is much required but "he helps them who help themselves"
    Sailor93 and ShotDunyun like this.
  18. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    I still enjoy games but not to the point that I want to play all day long like I used to.
    Aiyoshi and ShotDunyun like this.
  19. Fatsodubmo

    Fatsodubmo Fapstronaut

    Having a family of 6 relegates me to gaming in short bursts on weekdays and a couple hours on the weekends, so spending too much time on them is not a problem for me. Hasn't made me enjoy them any less. Still get into all kinds of games, online multiplayer, 3rd person action adventure, fps, driving, platrorming etc... Now is a great time to be a gamer. Loving ps4pro on 4k curved tv
    ShotDunyun and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  20. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    This thread is really ironic for me because in the past two years I have quit playing video games. I use to play xbox alot, almost everyday , never all day. BUT recently in the past month, I have suddenly had the urge to play again... I don't know why, maybe I had a dream about it which triggered my brain into wanting to play... I even thought about it being the "nofap" thing since I'm happier now but I don't know for sure. So i'm contemplating on whether I want to buy a ps4 tomorrow or not... decisions decisions.
    Aiyoshi, ShotDunyun and Dizzy Lotus like this.