90 days complete

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Mankrik, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Today is day 90 hardcore no PMO for me. Never felt better and my outlook has changed so much. I am a completely different person now and I have made so much development and gained so much maturity mentally. I initially thought of this journey as a challenge and was always looking forward to the relapse I would have on day 90 and how great it would be. However I know now that there is so much more satisfaction from no PMO. Nofap is not a challenge but a lifestyle change. I will maintain these habits and mindsets for life. I have noticed extreme social benefits that will continue to get better. At 17 im still a kissless virgin but I hope to find the right girl for a long term relationship. I am no longer a slave to sexual release I can control my urges. I dont lust for sexual release anymore, not even with a partner - I think there are deeper expressions of love and mutual understanding in a relationship aside from just mating sex. Anyways great progress so far and it will only get better from here. Good luck to everyone I promise its worth the effort, be honest with and respect yourself and remember, nofap is way more satisfying than PMO your life and outlook will improve dramatically just keep going and dont give in.
  2. huhh

    huhh Fapstronaut

    You conquered this habit at a young age, very nice! Congrats! I've been struggling for 14 years.
    Mankrik likes this.
  3. douggie1962

    douggie1962 Fapstronaut

    You're the Man!!!

    Be Strong My Friend.
    Mankrik likes this.
  4. AliWantsOut

    AliWantsOut Fapstronaut

    16 here, my question to you is, how did you get there, I've been on Nofap for 2 years and I still relapse below 3 days on hardmode, Like when did you really start succeeding at Nofap? I'm suck of sucking at Life.
    Mankrik likes this.
  5. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    You asked such a simple question but I have been writing deleting and then rewriting this post for over an hour now lol.. There are so many factors at play that are all interconnected that I can't explain everything in a single post. I could write an entire book on this and maybe I will. :D My best and simplest advice is: find the path you know is right and then follow it. Sorry I can't really give you a straight answer I will try to get back to you again when my mind is fresh.
    Massive Tangent likes this.
  6. douggie1962

    douggie1962 Fapstronaut

    The old African proverb: "How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time"
    Success is achieved one decision at a time.
    1. Am I going to get on the internet?
    2. Am I going to look for and find triggering images or material?
    3. Am I going to notice that feeling and go with it?
    4. Am I going to touch myself in that way?
    Our relapses do not sneak up on us like a mosquito bite - they occur as a series of poor decisions.
    Success is defined as a series of good decisions made over and over again.

    Every day, every hour, every minute, every second - that is the key to success.

    Be Strong My Friend.
    Phong, Mankrik, Walnut and 2 others like this.
  7. Massive Tangent

    Massive Tangent New Fapstronaut

    Fantastic advice, I am going to save that because it is gold
  8. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Hey sorry if my previous response sounded vague, I just want to make sure I steer you in the right direction. A lot of my success is derived from personal factors that may not be applicable to everyone. I am going to discuss the key factors that I believe contributed to my success, however keep in mind you must find your own answers. I will try to help you, but I think happiness and fufillment in life from nofap and beyond resides within yourself. If this sounds like a bunch of spiritual bull shit I get it, but nobody ever told me this I found it out for myself: you have got to believe in something. I would like to emphasize that I am an athiest but I do not see life as pointless I believe that accepting the harsh reality of our existence while still finding solace in life are compatable. I only go this deep because it is the very core of my beliefs and gives insight to why I began nofap. Now to answer your question directly: I first tried nofap less than a year ago and did it all wrong. I went for two weeks without orgasm but edged to porn the whole time. The final result was a long awaited orgasm that was actually quite painful due to the edging I had done. The second time I tried nofap was the very start of September and I havent PMO'd to this day since then. I didnt focus on nofap alone, but rather a complete lifestyle change (this is likely why I was successful so early on with nofap I assume its rare to be going over 100 on second attempt). The pillars of this lifestyle change being first diet and exercise, followed by no PMO, followed by improvement of social skills and reduction of social anxiety.

    I spent lots of time educating myself on fitness and nofap and slowly began to realize the reality of the situation. This general realization is applicable to various facets of my self improvement and everything builds on each other but for this post I will refer specifically to nofap. You have to see porn and masturbation for what it really is. It is just not worth it. Mentality is the key to nofap success. These are the things porn and masturbation did to me: Cons: feelings of guilt, negative view of women as sex objects, search for more and more extreme porn, social anxiety, taking drastic measures to feed my addiction (I'll spare you the details of this but I did some things im really ashamed off), drainining of life essence, lack of motivation, apathy, diminished self image, lack of self respect, tons of time lost to browsing, the list goes on. Pros: short term sexual release and a brief moment of pleasure and thats it.

    I took a good look at the pros and cons and decided it just wasnt worth it. I used these same methods for other negative things in my life too and in less than a year the amount I have changed is extreme. How I got the self discipline to do this? Hard to say really, it was gradual but escalated very quickly one day the switch flipped I changed my habits and viewed these changes as permanent life style modifications I would adopt for life. (Worth noting in addittion to nofap I have lost 70lbs in the last year around 20+ on my current nofap streak)

    My journey has also evolved considerably. I started out with motivation to get laid by a real girl and strived for that however as I practiced nofap these feelings faded and now I only want a long term relationship with a loving partner. I consider my virginity valuable and will wait for someone I really love. It seems exaggerated but I consider myself to be enlightened, reborn even.

    I started nofap to prove to myself I could go without porn if I wanted - none of this life cjanging stuff was planned. As the journey kept going I really just didnt want to lose my streak and I began to see the benefits of nofap and the horrible effects of PMO especially porn. I like and enjoy no PMO better than PMO in every way - set yourself up for success. I have extreme views but this is how I view my sexual future: the next time I orgasm it will be with a girl I love or not at all. I am 100% dedicated to this fate. If a hot girl I didnt know came up to me and wanted to have sex I would turn her down and I am proud of this. I am proud and happy that I have a newfound level of self control and discipline. I strongly believe in love and connection beyond mating sex. Short term release feels good, but not as good as being the person you want to be and having the life you want to have.

    If you can find the self discipline and control to change your behavior and views especially at your age I promise your life will be 1000% better than one with reliance on PMO. The time is now you are at the perfect age to live a life greater than you ever imagined. Go forth and claim your destiny. When life gets tough you get tougher. If your going through hell keep on going. Its up to you and you alone be strong and know your path is the right one. And remember if you can quit jerking off you can do anything.

    Hope you made it this far :D i'm here if you need me. Dont take it too seriously or beat yourself up if you make a mistake. Just stay dedicated to the cause and know that you will be so much better off and justly rewarded for making these lifestyle changes.
    AliWantsOut, Phong and Awakeatlast like this.
  9. AliWantsOut

    AliWantsOut Fapstronaut

    Thanks for having the longest response to any of my questions ever, anyways, A lot of my mentality and ideology is similar to yours, like if someone told me I could f*ck some hot girl right now I'd also say no, I'd Rather make it someone I really love.

    I haven't been having Nofap Streaks at all but I definitely have made some life improvements in the past 2 months that I am certain will help me with Nofap.
    1. I'm on Nofap a lot more
    2. I stopped binging on fast food or food in general (And I haven't spent any of the funds on my debit card! I also eat a bit healthier
    3. I'm starting to run on the treadmill, it's only 20 minutes now but I'm just trying to do it daily
    4. I applied for a job and they said to meet them on the 30th, hopefully I get hired!
    5. I haven't been depressed in a bit so that's good

    Anywho, I think it's about time I stop asking how people "made it" on Nofap, because the answers are right in front of me. And I should focus on facing my urges rather than distracting myself from them.

    I feel like I'm slowly becoming more and more ready to succeed at Nofap.

    My goal is to have a good streak by January 9th, which is when school starts after the Holidays.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
    Mankrik likes this.
  10. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you are on the right track man good luck with the job and your nofap goals. Well said - the answers are right in front of you and you gotta face your problems instead of distracting yourself from them. It takes trial and error, but once you find out what works for you, your golden. Keep doing what your doing and be proud of it.
    AliWantsOut likes this.