Should I start a relationship during a reboot for PIED?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Checkpoint, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. Checkpoint

    Checkpoint Fapstronaut

    Hello guys. With today it's been 23 days since I last PMO'd. In the same time, I started meeting with a girl. I'm 25 years old virgin and this is the first time I get to know human feminine contact.

    The point is: when I'm with her, making out and touching her extensively, I have just a half erection for the first 5 minutes, and then my penis goes almost completely dead, no matter what I do with her.

    Since I can get an erection looking at porn (and touching my penis) I guess is PIED.

    But do you think I should keep staying with her? Keep making out with her or more? Since I started rebooting 23 days ago, maybe I should be free from stimuli, both real and porn, for some months?

    Since I can't get an erection with her, I feel I don't have anything to build on... I mean, what if my brain thinks "ok, with this girl I have almost no erection, this means this stimulus is not that good" and will "train" to not have erection with her? The first times I was meeting with her, my penis was a bit more active. But the last two times I met her, with the novelty gone, it was almost dead. It's like the process is going BACKWARDS, and not rewiring properly to real life action. I know it's kind of a convulted argument but I can't shake the feeling of dread from my mind. It's really clouding my thinking. I don't know what to do.

    Should I say to her to have a "pause" from passionate touch/kissing/more, in order to reboot, or should I keep going like this hoping that, someday, erection will start to occur?
  2. DBug

    DBug Fapstronaut

    Ok this is a difficult one.

    I totally know what you mean when you talk about that initial half mast when making out.

    I too have a somewhat mild PIED (with a lot of work I was able to have sex with an 75-80% boner years ago) and anorgasmia. So you may react differently or rather similar, who knows?

    Well... you trained your brain to not get a boner with reality already through overstimulation. And you fear of doing the same through understimulation. What you are proposing doesn't make much sense however there are some things regarding rebooting in relationships I read very often that I feel the need to point out, even though I have only very limited personal experiences with them.

    Rewiring your brain (being with her, kissing, touching, talking and even socializing with friends) seems to benefit everyone IF they can keep eventual cravings after - let's say making out with a girl - in check.

    Many people report that orgasm sets them back during their reboot or sometimes even if they've completed their reboot a long time ago and have sex for the first time (although it could just mean, that they just weren't fully rebooted, or that they were rebooted but not rewired if you can even make this seperation).

    Many people report strong urges after the first few times they have sex again but it seems to go away after that.

    Whatever you do: don't force anything! Stress and fear are the least things you need now. It's a boner killer and the stress may even produce strong, hard to ignore cravings.

    Some say that having sex without orgasm for a time after they were out of the flatline helped or at least didn't set them back.

    Abstaining from sex for the first month is a minimum I'd say better go longer. Once you hit the flatline you probably won't have much of a chance anyway (the flatline closing in may even be the reason for you not even getting that initial half mast when making out with her lately - that I experienced and it's horrifying).

    If you choose to tell her and be with her and you are 2-x months in and still in the flatline and/or just not ready and she really, really wants/needs to be intimate with you, here are my thoughts on this:
    Just cuddling and/or making out naked is already awesome!
    There are ways to please a woman that doesn't involve your penis/orgasm.
    And I'd advise you to keep the lights to a minimum. Although pure speculation I'd say that part of our addiction results of the exaggerated VISUAL stimuli from (highspeed internet) porn (perfect bodies, lighting, close-up-shots, etc.) so if you are still early in a reboot yet feel the need to get naked with her it makes sense (to me at least) to make sure that your addiction pathways don't get triggered by her body. As I said, there may be nothing to this, I just wanted to put the thought out there. Touching and smelling is much more interesting than looking anyway.

    Last but not least: Although it is certainly not easy to take that step (telling her, abstaining from sex at least initially or even for a longer period of time) many found it incredibly helpful in their reboot. Love is awesome. Nuff said.

    Hope that helped and best of luck!
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
  3. Checkpoint

    Checkpoint Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply mate.
    Let me rephrase my argument: if I keep making out and other stuff with her now, (without getting erections), I will "get used" to her, and when I will be at an hypothetical point where I'm fully rebooted, if I will start again making out with her and other stuff, the novely will already be gone. What if some degree of novelty is required to "jumpstart" the whole system? Maybe what someone should do is abstain from stimuli for lots of time, THEN engage in passionate human contact, and use the novelty as a powerful energy for full erection and intercourse, and then build from there thanks to associations made in the brain (positive stimuli with erection = erections in the future given the same stimulus, even if the novelty will gradually fade away).
    Somehow I feel that it's not likely that just by seeing her one or two times per week, some magical day I will get a firm erection.

    Anyway, yesterday we met at my place and we kissed and cuddled almost naked, and I masturbated her (first time for me, incredible moment, needless to say zero erections). She offered to stimulate me too but I refused and said next time, and told her about PIED and everything. She was really nice (she is a bit inexperienced too) and we agreed to try to grow sexually together.
    Again, I had an half mast at the start of the interaction and then stop. Maybe it's not entirely going backwards, the whole thing is non-linear, after all.
    Overall, it was an amazing experience and I truly felt lucky to be alive. But the lack of erections was sad nonetheless :(

    Do you mean cravings for PMO? I don't have them anymore, only a couple of times in the past 24 days where I accidentally looked at softporn and touched my penis until erection and then stopped (I know this set me back a bit but I should be fine now, it will not happen again), and I don't have them after making out with her.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
    Fork2323 likes this.
  4. DBug

    DBug Fapstronaut

    Ok so let's assume that it is indeed just the novelty aspect that jumpstarts you back. Some report experiencing a slow regaining of their erections after coming out of the flatline in contrast to the jumpstart stories. So I'd say it's safe to say you are safe but what do I know I still have a long way to go and theres still no studies regarding PIED so all we can do here is guess.
    Still I strongly advise you against ending whatever it is going on with her but that could only be my own bias.

    Now that sounds like a nice evening ^^ Happy for you mate!
    Yeah I know that "Y am I not hard af!?"-feeling too well. Maybe leave your jeans on next time so you don't have to think about it? Maybe it helps you relax a bit but I don't know.

    Yeah I meant cravings for and urges to watch porn. Yeah you gotta be careful with soft porn / p-subs. They get me every time too.
    Yeah that sucks but it's probably going to stay that way for at least a while.

    And even if intimate contact too early in the reboot slows you down a bit - at least you got company that's worth a lot!
    Checkpoint likes this.
  5. mondays_suck

    mondays_suck Fapstronaut

    Well there are some facts:

    1. Making out too much too often WILL lead you to become bored and disinterested. Try not to burn out completely, because you will become sick of her company.

    2. You need erection only for intercourse. Since you have been making out and not fucking it was neither needed nor so likely to occur because you were not that excited towards her.

    3. Women need men. You are a man 24h/day, not only when your penis is full erect.

    4. Recently I have had a makeout session for first time ever and while I can get a sick boner out of nowhere, it wasn't present at that time, nothing wrong with that. I am a forever horny 17yo without issues.

    5. Some girls may be repulsed by a feel of your genitals when in close contact while others will take it as a gentle compliment. You never know and shouldn't care too much.

    Conclusion: State of your penis during the day with or without women does not and should not have anything to do with your ability to perform sexually. Keep this things separated. Continue the reboot and see if you get the out-of-nowhere boner throughout the day. That is a definite sign that you are good to go anytime. If there isn't just carry on because you can, right time and place will come.
    Checkpoint likes this.
  6. Checkpoint

    Checkpoint Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I was particularly horny and I managed to get a full erection when we were kissing with clothes in the car and she lightly touched my willy.

    However, this morning I went to her place and we kissed much more and we undressed and we removed pants and we put our genitals "out in the open", but I managed to get only to 50% erection even if she was touching me down there without clothes.

    I'm a bit sad for the last part but happy that yesterday I experimented signs of improving.

    (once again I'm left with a massive case of blue balls...)
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  7. DBug

    DBug Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately the progress is not linear :/

    Stay strong!
    Checkpoint likes this.
  8. Fapstronaut

    Practice and patience make perfect
  9. Dude yeah, definitely start a relationship. How else are you gonna fix this problem? Yes, your penis will not go up sometimes, happened to me, but the only way to fix it is to expose yourself bro. Keep going.
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