Who are you people?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by SyrusDrake, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. SyrusDrake

    SyrusDrake Fapstronaut

    I'm new to this community and the entire noFap thing. While my views of noFap have changed significantly over the past weeks and months, I'm still feeling like a bit of a stranger. Especially on reddit, a lot of users seem to be of the "bro, do you even lift" type. And while I want to avoid to judge this in any way, it makes me wonder because the noFap-community is apparently diverse and heterogeneous. So I was hoping I could maybe see some of that on this forum.
    Who are you guys and girls? I read a lot about members' struggles with masturbation, porn and sexuality but very little about what all of you do for a living and/or for fun.

    As for me, I'm currently studying Prehistory and Archeological Sciences. It's a somewhat obscure field. Basically, we're Archeologists' auxilia. We do pollen analysis, bone classification, statistics and we know where to get the heavy guns for, for example, a-DNA, various dating methods and so on. I love studying it because it allows and requires me to have an understanding of a wide variety of different topics. Having to deal with topics you've never even heard of before can be daunting but it's also great fun.

    Even though I love what I'm doing, I'm still an aviator at heart. I wanted to become a commercial pilot but failed to get into pilot school. Now I've lowered my sights a bit and am hoping to get my private pilot license one day and maybe a commercial license for small planes. Being a bush pilot would be amazing.

    So this is me. Now it's your turn~
  2. This is a nice idea :) I like to get to know people aside from their nofap goals.

    I went to a Christian University for 2 years, studying psychology. Ultimately I decided that psychology was more of a personal passion than a career goal for me, at least for now, so I stopped school and now I'm a professional housekeeper.

    I'm passionate about lost, hurting people, mental illness, criminal psychology... in my person life I spend most of my free time watching movies and TV. I'm a big film buff. I'm also a writer, and I published my very first novel in January, on amazon. ^_^ Casually working on the sequel, but it's been a slow process.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  3. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    yeah that's all p cool and all but do u lift
  4. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Are you comfortable sharing the link to your novel? I'm curious.


    @SyrusDrake - Welcome to our community. I'm 20/m/straight and work 40h/week (retail.)

    I like to read fiction, courtroom drama, action, etc. books (John Grisham, James Patterson, etc.)

    I'm fascinated by criminal justice and lately have been reading up on various serial killers, kidnappings, and unsolved mysteries (via Wikipedia, etc.)

    Cheers and good luck on your joirney.

  5. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Cool, I am also writing my first book at the moment! It's not a novel, however, but an essay, which I want to finish this year. First I had tried to write a novel which was actually based on a true story, but I failed. Nevertheless I learned a lot about the creative process during writing that way. Anyway, I'm super curious on how you made contact with a publisher. I will send you a PM!

    She would sacrifice a lot of her anonimity that way... but may be that's what you meant by "are you comfortable".

    My bio:
    I'm from Oldenburg, Germany. I studied physics (B.Sc.), then medical physics (M.Sc.) in two different towns for 3 years each, but for a year I've been living in my hometown again. I tried working as a supply teacher for a while in physics, math and, surprisingly, was asked to teach German as a foreign language to immigrants. However, it turned out that teaching isn't for me. First I just said that I hate the school system, then I said I was too introverted, but the actual reason might be that I enjoy most working on bigger projects. I've played guitar since 2008 (acoustic, electric and bass). I don't do weight lifting, but I lift my body by climbing and bouldering, which is a lot of fun. I would go running or cycling as well, but my knee is making some problems. I am interested in philosophy. Starting at age 16, it was mostly eastern philosophy in the past, but for a short time I've been heading back to western ideas as well. Only now I have the maturity necessary to feel into the philosophers who were trying to put their experience of all that is into their own words.
  6. SyrusDrake

    SyrusDrake Fapstronaut

    You're a bunch of cheeky c**ts. I think we'll get along.
  7. I love playing basketball. My favourite music artist is Lecrae. I'm Christian. I'm still debating what route I want to take with my education. I've thought about getting in to the trades like plumbing, electrical work, Hvac etc but idk.. I do want to go to college tho. right now I'm working as a security guard.

    You should check out season 1 of a podcast called Serial. "Adnan Syed vs State Of Maryland"
  8. jdilla97

    jdilla97 Fapstronaut

    Hey, i'm 19 y.o from Poland, my passion is beatmaking, I'm Christian. Currently I am studying in technical (food industry).
    Besides music, I'm interested in nature, automotive, and geography.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  9. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I'm RepentMySins

    That is all.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
  10. GDawg

    GDawg Fapstronaut

    Professional musician. Piano/keyboards.
  11. MJ Warrior 93

    MJ Warrior 93 Fapstronaut

    I'm a martial artist for almost 6 years, I'm 23 years old, I'm from Puerto Rico, and I love to read some books, listen to music, play videogames, and work out.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  12. Sure! I've actually already posted the link elsewhere on this site, a while back, so no worries at all.


    Sounds like we have a lot in common. :) my book, and the series as a whole if I ever freakin finish the dang sequel, is largely about criminal justice. You might enjoy it, if you're okay with a bit of romance. ;)

    No! You didn't fail! It's just not finished yet. :) I always keep my old writing and sometimes I look back through it all and get inspired by something, and end up re-writing it or using it in another, larger piece. Something might come to you in the future, so I wouldn't close the door on that book just yet.

    Yeah, I'm already kinda past that. Haha I decided not to care anymore.
    Deadlihood and Headspace like this.
  13. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    It tickled my pickles when I read this then read the bottom quote.

    Easy now Captain hot head.:rolleyes:
    Don't blow a gasket hehehehe

    Just for the record I'm taking this piss, jokes make the world go round...
    Peace to you all.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
    Headspace likes this.
  14. Currently studying auto mechanics at community collage. I'm kinda late bird when it comes to education. After finishing high school couldn't figure out what I wanted to do in life for long time. And the fact that I had some mild depression didn't motivate me to even bother much to figure it out. Now I had the opportunity to get scholarship, so I went for it. I like cars, plus it sounded better than working some low qualification job at retail for minimum wage.

    My main hobby is playing poker online. I love the game. It's nice combination of challenge, relaxation and excitement. My inspiration are people who do that professionally for living. Who knows, maybe I can get as good one day.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  15. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    Hi Everybody. I've been a NoFap reader for a few months and just last week I became a member. Today it's been 73 days since I last MO'd.

    I'm a Digital Arts graduate. I work full-time as Operation Manager for a successful metropolitan business, and freelance in digital projects. I've been a dedicated athlete for an extreme sports discipline since I was a teenager, so I may fall into the "Bro do you even lift" category -- I like to think not.

    There does seem to be some common "types" among the NoFap community. I won't list out the ones I've noticed, because everyone has their place here and I'm not here to judge. I'm here to help myself and help any others that I can.
  16. SyrusDrake

    SyrusDrake Fapstronaut

    I should probably clarify that I have nothing against people who do sports :p
    I'm not sure how to describe the type of user I've had in mind..."Chad", maybe?
  17. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    Haha yes I knew what you're talking about. I think there's also a lot of young people on this site who are literally just learning about sex, orientation, sexual organs and their functions. Mass confusion. I was just being careful not to start belittling the Chads or the Pats or whomever. I didn't take any offense to your post. It's an interesting thread because I often feel the same way. I sort of sift through the site looking for relevant postings.
    SyrusDrake likes this.
  18. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Will do. Thanks for the suggestion.
  19. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    God damn, Dawg, that's awesome!

    I'm a 25 year old Swedish guy. I work as an administrative assistant, I'm planning to start studying web development next year and do a career switch eventually. I would love to move abroad some day, I'm thinking mainly about USA, Canada, New Zealand or Australia. An English-speaking country outside of Europe.

    Unlike many here, I'm not religious. I don't think there is anything morally wrong with fapping. But I have suffered from erectile dysfunction and fapping makes me less mentally stable. So those are my reasons for doing NoFap.

    I've been doing NoFap on and off for 3 years now. I fapped like a maniac for a period this spring but besides from that I've reduced my fapping a lot compared to before I discovered NoFap. I've had a couple of decent streaks, and my longest streak was 142 days this summer. I'm currently on day 44 (soon 45).

    I usually do some form of meditation every day. I try to go to the gym regularly as well.

    I spend way too much time on neurotic nonsense, like daydreaming and procrastinating on the internet. Although I haven't been diagnosed, I'm quite sure I suffer from OCD. I'm trying to not give into compulsions and compulsive thought patterns, but I don't always succeed. I also have social anxiety and sometimes experience panic attacks (although panic attacks don't affect me as much nor often nowadays). Self-help work with Acceptance and Commitment therapy has been very helpful for me, it's also something I need to keep working with.

    My life is not what I would want it to be. I've only had sex once, 5 years ago. I only have one friend. So I have a lot of self-improvement work I need to do.

    I can juggle with 3 balls, learning to juggle has trained my focus a bit and learning it has given me a bit of a confidence boost. It has shown me that I can train and improve myself, if I only put the effort, time and energy into it.

    I have quite a diverse taste in music. I listen mainly to classic rock (e.g. Beatles, David Bowie and Queen) but I also like classical music and have started getting into some house/electronic music lately.