The Cold Hard Truth About NoFap

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. My 90 post got a lot of attention. I hope this garners more attention than that, because this is more important. Probably not because the truth sucks dick. That's life get over it
    Don't focus on 90. Hell, don't even focus on the days. The days are fucking bullshit.
    You may wonder, why do people on high streaks relapse? Thats so stupid, thats just weak. It's not their fault. They've been force fed this bullshit that all the problems will go after day 90. They're all just gonna magically disapear. That's fucked. The biggest lie I ever heard. And they obviously couldn't take it.
    I want you to know, 90 isn't the end. It's kind of like a beggining, but not really. Because your 90 could be different. You could get this realization that numbers don't mean shit on day 20. But this moment of clarity is not sudden. I talked about this a bit in my journal, a good friend in one of my groups liked this quote of mine:
    "This ain't Hollywood. You don't get a single moment of clarity and change everything in your life suddenly"
    Fuck the fake shit, the truth may hurt but you gotta accept it. Don't get me wrong a long streak is good, but it's highly overrated.
    I know this ain't a "Success Story". This thread will be removed from this section. But, this realization that days don't mean shit is the biggest success you can have.
    Phenom1415, Lucky1, I Free I and 3 others like this.
  2. AliWantsOut

    AliWantsOut Fapstronaut

    So even If I'm I'm flunking Nofap I shouldn't do a counter (I'm stuck in a 3 day loop)? So you're saying I should ask myself how I'm progressing over time?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Fapstronaut

    I agree with your point that its a beginning. But a beginning is important. Usually this stuff has roots in shame and often a dysfunctional childhood. That stuff beds to come out and it takes time
    Wagtail, Lucky1, I Free I and 2 others like this.
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yeah, with you on this. I have been saying this for a long time. The 90 day reboot is a myth! I know it, you know it, Alexander knows it. The same with so-called "super powers" - they are a myth, too. Deep voice, hair growing back on your bald patches, the disappearance of acne - it's all bollocks! The reason people lapse or even relapse and go back to their former behaviour in a big way after 90 days or 200 days or whatever, is because the reboot was not complete. No shit Sherlock!
  5. slapdad jones

    slapdad jones Fapstronaut

    I disagree. The days do matter. I see where your coming from though and in the overall scheme of things your making a point that will only connect with people who have gone a month or more. When you are beginning and feeling pretty bad about your position and the constancy of your behavior, the days as they accumulate mean a lot. But it can begin to be the end all of your recovery, and not the substance of your recovery, which is misguided. If your not evolving away from your issue then your just standing still. The superpowers part is true, since they are qualities you would already have had you been cultivating them instead of your addiction. I don't know about hair growth, that smells like bullshit to me but I don't have thinning hair. Some people are different so who knows?
    Low, Headspace, I Free I and 5 others like this.
  6. Well that is ultimately up to you. In the early days, counting is a little more important. But you know what they say about the definition of insanity. I would reccomend you write down the date of your last relapse down, on a piece of paper and lock it somewhere safe and forget for a long time.
  7. And it won't just heal in one day.
  8. Yeah sure days mean a hell of a lot more in the beginning.
  9. Like.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. You have experienced all these benefits? I have experienced most of these too, but it's not like I'm a god now. I'm not perfect yet, but I am better.
    Low and Awakeatlast like this.
  11. Oh I know it's worth it.
    Awakeatlast likes this.
  12. Ursamajor

    Ursamajor Fapstronaut

    i agree that days don't matter. why? because every one has different problem, different lifstyle, no one has the same sensitivity about emotions, people in our life have different impact on us... so days can not be reality. i think the only thing that counts is how you feel. if you did 50 days and you feel like you did on day 1 then you are still fcuked. if you feel great after 20 days its great. maybe someone will not feel the same after 100 days. its the journey that makes ou rich with experiences not the destination
    WarriorScarr, Low, I Free I and 2 others like this.
  13. papaG

    papaG Fapstronaut

    I joined NoFap cause I needed someone to talk to about my PMO. For me its all about 90 days and after. Super powers or sick n tired of PMO. I need guys to talk to when I reaaaally wanna M wish that NoFap had live chat support or maybe video chat...
    I Free I and Deleted Account like this.
  14. Soduda

    Soduda Fapstronaut

    I agree with the author of this thread.
    I believe we all doing nofap cause we came to a point in life were we felt a lack of happiness and joy in life. If you're having a counter you're looking back and you might even gloating yourself about how far you have come, instead of being in the now, which is the biggest benefit nofap creates. You quite your mind, and simply become present.
    You should'nt even consider yourself being on a journey or think about this like a streak your doing. Why do you even think with a mindset of nofap? You wanted it gone, so why are you thinking about it?
    This is the biggest threat for you to success in life. If your having that kind of mindset it will eventually go NoFap > I don't wanna watch porn > Porn and now it is in your mind.. And if you're not aware here and stop yourself thinking about it.. It will eventually become a feeling, a desire for masturbation.
    I Free I and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Ursamajor

    Ursamajor Fapstronaut

    there is a mobile app counter. you chose the day you stopped PMO and it shows ou day and hours since last PMO. it can help you lso to motivate you. today is my day 18. it was so fast. don't give up guys. almost 20 days in my first try. it's all in your head. we have to go through hell to come in the heaven. there will be no other way i guess
  16. BenBozonian

    BenBozonian Fapstronaut

    Yes, I agree with The King of Silence, the 90 days isn't a fixed thing but don't call it a bullshit lie.

    Remember this is a life change, you are supposed to work on bettering yourself to get over the addiction. This is true with any kind of addiction. You got hooked on porn because of other problems in your life which range from mommy issues to stress and depression. When you work on these, the porn addiction will fade away.

    All said, counting days in the beginning might be helpful to some psychologically. The 30, 60, 90 or whichever days you pick as your goal means nothing if at the end you are still not ready to stop counting.

    The day you stop counting days is the beginning of true enlightenment!

    So for now, it feels good to see my 32 day streak but I know when I reach 90 the real test will begin.
  17. badeae1

    badeae1 Fapstronaut

    This post really put me down man. As stated before the 90 days is merely a Launchpad for your new life. Don't stall, and don't distract yourself with numbers. Start living and you'll notice that the root of the problem extends beyond pixelated girls on a screen.
  18. Geductive

    Geductive Fapstronaut

    I have to agree with this post, even though the best way to start is probably setting up goals. After doing this a couple of times you should usually feel sick about relapsing and its depressing "sidekicks". I totally agree setting up goals is useless in General, but it leads to a better understanding of the actual problem!
    I Free I and Deleted Account like this.
  19. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    All these posts on here are great ... In my opinion, I don't focus too much on the days anymore because I want to make this a lifestyle ! But I will say that sometimes its important to know how far you are and how far you've came as motivation to remind you not to give in when you do have "urges". As far as the specific days on when you achieve superpowers... there are no "specific days". Yes I do believe that NoFap has great benefits but everybody's journey is different which leads me to say the whole "90 day reboot challenge" doesn't have anything to do with the healing process in your brain, It's just a challenge that might benefit some people to keep going.

    Remember, it's not about where your at, it's where your headed !
    BenBozonian and Deleted Account like this.
  20. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut

    It really does depend on the person in question too. PMO is the symptom and stopping can help the problems like social anxiety through some of the "Super Powers."

    But social anxiety has other causes too. I'm always not social when i relapse for instance.

    I feel O.P is correct and i agree, but it's definitely not meaningless. By any means.