MY NoFap story:Eye Contact and Women Attraction

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Martin--arl, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. Martin--arl

    Martin--arl Fapstronaut

    I have posted in Reddit but post got removed so i registerd here now to post here.
    I Will just paste here what i wrote in reddit.
    To get to women attraction part just skip to---------------------4--------------
    I was addicted to masterbation and ofcource porn like many here.
    I started nofap like 3 months ago,but my longest streak was about 8 days.I usually replased after the 4th or the 5th day.
    My Motive on doing nofap is not to get women'''''''''though that would be nice'''''',but to boost my Confidince and to help me with my anxiety.
    Anyway,regardless of my relapses i do feel very good.
    In the past I was very unresponsable,I didnt care for my study and I put worth on worthless Matters.
    I was just sad.
    I was heartbroken too in 2014 after being in love with a girl for 6 years,she just went and married someone else.
    It was just hard for me.
    By the Grace of God i stumbled upon this Nofap Reddit thread.
    Reading about its benefits,it was just the thing I needed to get a boost to solve my Problems.
    Now just to clear out,Im not very proud about my Nofap record,
    but I do see Changes.
    ---1---Im more Confident,Im just like ##whatever the F... ever# I put no worries on what the others think,not that im being a Jerk ofcource.
    ---2---I feel that my Posture is stronger and improved.
    --3--I pay attention to my study now and im more concetrated,before i was like having hard time in the University.Im now with more Focus,which u dont have to force it,its just there.
    -------------4-------------And the Other Thing that I noticed and I wasnt sure about is this Women eye contact,Attraction thing #Though im sure of that one Time#
    The one which im sure of was this 2 Girls who were just giving me that angry look everytime they saw me.
    one time when i was on day 5.We were all downstairs after the Lecture,suddenly Im looking to my left and one of the Two had this''''I want to f... u'''look on her face,she was smirking and I could see it in her Eyes.
    I was too coward to make a move but overall she and her friend became weirdly friendly to me,saying Hi everytime and smiling and asking about how am doing and shit,I plan to talk to her'''The one with the Look'' this Semester and see what happens.
    And there is this Girl who is just 10/10 and i maybe have a crush on her.I got to say that she did have a wrong impression on me being lazy and careless,but one time she was with her friend and this is me being on day 6 in another streak,She hinted to her friend with her head towards me.Not sure what she meant by that,maybe she meant#look,our mr Dumb#
    ,or maybe she was thinking something else,I dont know.
    The second Time 'I was on day 4 nofap after a relapse' I saw her looking at me like really for 8 seconds NOT giving any smiles or anything,just looking.I didnt lock eyes with her,again,Maybe THIS TIME she was looking because I changed my Haircut and got glasses,I dont know.
    And today,another girl was just staring the fuck out of me,she too was NOT giving any smiles.
    It is very interessting,
    I really want to know your Opinion on this Subject,I will appreciate a Women's Opinion too.
    Is it really attraction###are they attracted to me##
    Or is it just because I changed my appearence and haircut###
    I Free I likes this.
  2. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Hey ! In my opinion and what I learned throughout my journey is that the women attraction you are getting can be numerous things. I feel like if you do hold in your seed for a while, yes, the energy you have just makes women naturally want to be around you, without them even knowing sometimes. And it can also be the haircut too, most women love a man who takes care of himself. I also wrote a post about this yesterday and I'll attach it here so you can read it >

    Hey what's going on, this is a great question. In my experiences, I've always had women staring at me even when I was fapping BUT I must say that now that I'm on NoFap, It's on a different level. I think it has alot to do with building up your own confidence/energy and the rest follows... Like the saying "You attract what you put out into the universe". On my journey, I noticed that women hold eye contact with me more while talking, start up conversations sometimes, they smile more walking by, and if they are staring, they hold there gazes longer than when I wasn't on NoFap. Everybody's time on seeing benefits is different so you got to know that there are no specific days when you start to notice changes in life generally. Also I want to say that this doesn't just work with women but people in general... It's like a specific energy you have when holding in your seed and I think human's can unconsciously feel it. Although your perception on your daily life should change when on NoFap, There are too many coincidence's for me to say its all a mindset... In my opinion, It's a mindset & an energy you have.
  3. Keys

    Keys Fapstronaut

  4. Keys

    Keys Fapstronaut

    I totally agree
    I Free I likes this.
  5. I want girls looking at me (That be the dream )
  6. Martin--arl

    Martin--arl Fapstronaut

    that is very True.I too thought of this Energy thing and how it play a big role in attracting people.
    I Free I likes this.
  7. Martin--arl

    Martin--arl Fapstronaut

    Yeah it kinda gives you a confidence boost,Espicially when they are quality girls which in my case they were,it is really good.Im almost positive that Nofap has something to do with it.Though it may differ from a Person to another when it comes to the time required for the Change to be felt or to be visible.Just keep going on the good path and may God bless us all.
  8. Akt1

    Akt1 Fapstronaut

    Dude , Its also a bit dangerous to get caught up in your own head... "Does she like me now because im on day x..." .. Thats not good.. Just do nofap and forget about The days.. Focus on hobbies, goals, training, nutrition, nature, spirituality.. Forget about women :) just do your own #%###. Thats how i see it! Best regards
    I Free I likes this.
  9. Martin--arl

    Martin--arl Fapstronaut

    Since 2 weeks I have deleted this nofap app on Mobile which counted the Days.
    I knew this only makes it harder in someway.
    You have to take it as a new way of life
    Not like counting the Days like you are in Prison.