Brothers, I have something to tell you

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Denzel889, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Brothers, three years from now I will be harvesting my crops... Imagine where you will be and it will be so... Hold the line stay with me... If you find yourself alone, quitting pmo, do not be troubled, for we are here together and we are already winners... Pmo, drinking alcohol, getting high, drinking too much of caffeine, energy drinks have all in common that are very bad and have a tremendous effects on our health... They are very negative, but the problem is that today are shown like they are popular,but is it popular to have a ruined, lonely life without a chance of getting a job, or being a better person... They want us to believe that so they can earn money on our health and stupid thinking... Don't be like others, be like it's right, be natural, go for a walk, do some pushups, dont drink dont smoke dont do pmo, dont be piece of crap so get up and start to be a person who is worth living and when you wake up in the morning think to yourself wow thanks God I am alive and I can do something good for myself and for the others... And never give up chasing your dreams even if it is very hard or late... It's never too late until you die... Yes, of course, they will say you are weird, that you arent popular, that you dont know how to live popular... But ask your heart not them... Ask your soul, your body, ask your religion. Don't listen to others, listen to yourself and results you bring with your discipline... I believe in this world, and I have a dream that one day I will be free of my only addiction pmo... I have never been drinking alcohol, smoking never on anything wrong. Pmo is the only problem I have and I am determined to solve it my friends... Brothers, What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity #NeverGiveUp#WARRIORSOFTHEWORLD************************************
    A Batman, lorenzo1988, Sam91 and 17 others like this.
  2. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    I have never been this MOTIVATED after reading this, Thank you Denzel, I am really motivated right now. You're a warrior man, Thank you so much!
  3. That's excellent.

    Keeping your mind clean and pristine is the only way to go in my books.
    Denzel889 likes this.
  4. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    I'll win against pmo... I will give you something you have never seen before...
  5. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    In which books?
    Murphy MacManus likes this.
  6. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    This is what I'm talking about here ! pure motivation. keep it up my brother and don't ever give up ! you already know that you're not meant to fit in... I know that because I'm not meant to fit in myself. be you...always be you and you'll understand that you can make your own group to "fit in" with or rather people will want to fit in with you as long as your comfortable within YOURSELF. I hardly ever drink, I don't smoke at all and I'm easily overcoming not watching porn or masturbating BUT my problem is the sexual thoughts that come to my mind sometimes and I'm trying to work on that. It's difficult for me but the whole point is we all have weaknesses and we can all overcome them so don't ever beat yourself up about it but instead build yourself up about it ! all luck to you my friend, keep the positive energy circulating ! ~ peace ~
  7. That's such a great quote in your signature.

    Perfectionism is a weakness after all.
    I Free I likes this.
  8. In my books is a phrase Denzel.

    I think Bane meant, 'in my books' as in what is inside his brain.
    I Free I and Denzel889 like this.
  9. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

  10. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Thanks man, and likewise ! I see you spreading the positive vibes too. teamwork makes the dreamwork
  11. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    We have to find a lifestyle that brings us success and happiness alltogether... But for success is needed discipline and hard work, for happiness patience and persistence... We must learn stillness and alertness for there are the only weapons against the unexpected... I am working on myself to listen to my heart and soul and not so to my body because it gives me wrong signals sometimes...We have to do things that bring us succes and happines no matter how hard they are... We will get use to them eventually and learn how to bare them... And we will be thankful to ourselves and all suffering will be forgotten... #PieceBrothers
    Deleted Account and I Free I like this.
  12. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut


    I think you have a mindset of a champion... Your mind is sharp and clear and your goals are known and you exactly know which things you have to put together to get a winning combination
    I Free I likes this.
  13. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    thanks man . always maintain the brain and sharpen the soul . peace
    Denzel889 likes this.
  14. Liverpoolfan1995

    Liverpoolfan1995 Fapstronaut

    This post is so motivational!!!! "What we do in life echoes through eternity"- my favourite quote of all time. Come brother you can do this!!!! #warriorsoftheworld!!!
    Deleted Account and Denzel889 like this.
  15. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Thank you brother, I now WE can all do this and we will win the crowd and become something beyond all imagination
  16. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    My name is Denzel Brian Armstrong... Warrior of this dimension... Member of NoFap community, determined to quit MO forever... And I'll have my vengeance... In this life or the next***
    Real_OGH likes this.
  17. gogibasket

    gogibasket Fapstronaut

    Truely powerful post. Amazing!
    Denzel889 likes this.
  18. tattleen7

    tattleen7 Guest

    Great Post Buddy..Thank You
    Denzel889 likes this.
  19. Denzel889

    Denzel889 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all brothers for supporting me... It's an honor to be with you...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

    Awesome! If you want an accountability partner ill help you out!
    Denzel889 likes this.