what do you guys tell people?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by DarthVader22, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. I mean... if your feeling lonely or depressed and you can't tell anyone why.

    hard to do this without having the support of those closest to you.

    you just gotta make up some excuse or tell them "your fine"?

    what do you guys do?
  2. I mean, when family members ask you why your not dating now. or why you seem down during a flatline.
  3. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    That one is easy for me. No one gives a damn when I am, so I don't have to say anything.
    Allnightlong and Low like this.
  4. iceman40

    iceman40 Fapstronaut

    It is close to impossible to find somebody who truly cares about you. Most of our friends are there as a social venue and when things are good. Yet when things are bad or you need help some of them disappear if not all. In today's day and age where everybody is connected through some form of social media, having a group of friends meet on a regular basis is getting close to impossible.

    For me I have just a few friends yet I know I cannot count on most of them because they're busy with their lives. And I cannot expect them to be my psychotherapist because they're not trained to deal with this kind of stuff.

    One of my friends she works for the state of California and every little thing bothers her. He talks about some new supervisor at work, relationship, and small stuff that does not matter in the overall life. we talk on the phone she jumps all over issues on me and frankly I'm tired of it. So what she's doing and she's using me as a therapist tell me all of the stuff that's going on in her life and I'm not interested even though I'm a good friend. Because it's the same thing over and over and she's not growing or maturing. I don't want to be rude but life is full of challenges and we have to focus on positive and constructive things. I cannot devote 30 min. of my day to somebody who's not able to solve the problem and goes over and over and over the same stuff every day.

    And I believe I don't want to burden somebody else the same issues that are going in my head. I need someone to talk to about my problems but most untrained people don't know how to react. Two of my friends when I tell them about an issue, they respond with a quick but useless solution. So I spend time explaining and explaining my issue and it stresses me more when I talk with them. I'm thinking how in the world am I supposed to you when you quickly making decision based on a short conversation?

    So to sum things up, find a trained person to see on a regular basis. Therapist who is very trained and knowledgeable in this contradiction is very important. Another important thing you have to look for therapist is whether you guys are a good match for each other. And finally you may tell your friends and your loved ones who you trust the most, tell them just the tip of the iceberg because they may not understand or they may not be trained in dealing with such an issue.
  5. good advice man. I deal with similar issues with untrained people. really I just want someone to listen and instead they fire back crappy solutions.

    maybe a therapist is best. for now I think I'm going to try to tough it out on my own.

    thanks again for reply
  6. w
    well that doesn't help me :p

    lol it's ok. that sucks to hear man. :( I hope your still going strong with your streak
  7. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    The streak just began yesterday, but I hope to carry it on as long as possible.
  8. r
    right on dude. stay strong.

    it gets easiar after first week.
  9. You don't owe anyone an explanation for anything that you feel, do or say. Period. You just don't. Not family, not friends, not acquaintances. No one is entitled to that. Now, that being said, there will be people in your life that you care about enough to let them in on these things.

    I used to think that every friend, family member and acquaintance deserved to know the inner workings of my emotional framework or why I was doing certain things. Now, I personally require a degree of reciprocation on the other person's part in order to share more. Share little bits at a time with people. Don't close yourself off, but don't feel like you owe everyone an explanation for every fleeting feeling or even deep, dark despair. You don't have to lie and say that you're fine, but you don't have to spill your guts either.

    If you don't want to talk about something, you don't have to, especially if they're asking questions of which the answers are none of their business! Really? Your love life? Is this the seventeenth century where your love life is everyone's business because it's a financial matter? No, you're allowed to just be single: whether it's because you're depressed, you're a monk, you're asexual, or whatever. They don't have to know and frankly, it's kind of a rude question. I hate when people ask me why I'm single, as if insinuating that there is something inherently wrong with being single.

    My bad for the rant. Really though, what about asking them a question in return? "Is there something wrong with being single?" or "Does one have to be dating or looking for a relationship in order to gain contentment or happiness?" or "How many times have you been married again?" or "Is that really the most interesting question that you have for me? What about the genocide going on in distant parts of the world or that tornado that happened in Indiana the other day?"
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2016
    Strivefwd and StepsReborn like this.
  10. n
    no need to apologize for the rant. I liked the whole thing. your right.... I need to practice
    NOT giving people and explanation. I struggle with feeling like I owe my family members an explanation of why I'm not dating. and yes they do sometimes ask me why I'm single and it sucks.

    I'll try your strategy and ask a question back :)

    cheers man thanks for reply
    StepsReborn likes this.
  11. Yea man, I can relate. I have dealt with this kind of inner obligation to tell my family everything.

    I want to mention that humor itself can be a good deflector of questions that you don't want to answer. It implies a healthy disposition as opposed to a defensive one. :)

    You're welcome, any time! I hope that things go well.
  12. Totally agree with @Dante Alighieri. You don't need to explain yourself. If anyone asked me why I'm still single or not interested in dating or depressed or whatever, I would just sayet that I'm working on myself and some personal things at the moment. They don't need to know anything more than that unless you want them to. Also, it makes me kind of sad that people don't like to accept that people are single just because they want to be or because they're not ready for a relationship yet. In my opinion, it's wise to wait on dating until you're in a better place with yourself. So I think people should support that decision.
  13. franco216

    franco216 Fapstronaut

    If there is honest interest in my (non-existent) sex life, I try to share how I see it myself: I'm sexually inhibited and anxious around women. It's a real issue, nothing more nothing less. Other people have worse issues, though.
    Lone_Wolf likes this.
  14. My situation is similar to you. I will be more than happy to talk to you. You can add me on kik, skype whatsapp whatever works for you.
  15. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    I can strongly relate to this portion of your post. People like to pretend they'll be there for you, but quickly turn their backs and make you feel like trash when you actually do need them.
    As for the people being "busy with their lives", I find that to usually be bullshit. People who constantly bleat that they're busy usually miraculously find time to squeeze in 3-4 (if not more) hours of TV a day.
  16. Strivefwd

    Strivefwd Fapstronaut

    And i agree with you. "friends" always say they are too busy and do not have enough time to be with us but they are just lying to themselves and to us, for even when we are busy, we always find the time to do the things we love i.e., waiting in line for starbucks, fb,....P. Instead of them saying "I do not have time to hang out with you", they should say "i do not have the love to hang out with you"