Could masturbation reduce or stunt height growth?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TheRevenant, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Well, it may sound stupid to many of u but i think based on my own experience and some simple facts, it could be possible.

    Ok, let me tell u some about myself :
    I'm 20 and I started masturbating almost more than 6 years ago. I can clearly remember that I was having my growth spurt before and maybe some months after I started fapping and then the growth process slowed down significantly and it almost stopped but back then I didn't care much about it, cause u know I was a kid and I thought there is still lots of time until I became like 17 or so and I came to myself and saw that almost 3 years has passed and I haven't grown as much as I thought, so I decided to quit this and start working out ( cause I used to be a video gamer and spent most of my time behind the PC). I held my streak to almost 3 months and unbelievably, during that period, I had grown almost an inch which was pretty much for me. But unfortunately I grew cocky and I thought that I could control masturbating and limit it to once a month which I obviously couldn't and then I stopped growing again.

    Now let's talk about some facts:
    When u ejaculate, u lose some certain nutrients which are not very easy to recover like Vitamins B6, B12, and E; Calcium; Magnesium; Selenium; and Zinc,(There could be more) and these mostly are the main ingredients for height growth and also ur testosterone level decreases which is also the most important factor for height growth. So every time my body wanted to get some "juice from the cellar", it would find it maybe half-empty so it couldn't use the required amount to send them to the cartilages, joints and bones.

    Well now some of u may say: "WTH, that's total rubbish, if that's true then almost all males should be dwarfs", I'm not saying it would stop u from going 5' to 6'2" but that it may restrict u from reaching ur potential and peak height. Maybe if u were supposed to reach 5'11", instead u would end up 5'9.5" and nobody'll ever know if he could gain maybe 2 inches more, U know what I'm saying?

    I know that there are a lot of factors effecting ur height like obesity, lack of activity, Malnutrition, smoking and etc., but based on what I experienced, I would say that masturbation could also be one.

    I've also have had some other side effects from masturbation which I'm sure many wouldn't even believe, like eye floaters which still exist and kinda annoy me but I've learned to ignore them. What I'm saying is that the effects are different on any human being.

    Just keep in mind that I don't mean to impose my opinion to anyone but to hear others' experiences and ideas and have a healthy conversation about it, I could even be proven wrong, so feel free to enlighten me:).
  2. Hi Revenant, saw your post. Questioning every thing is good. Masturbation will not effect your height or growth. There is only one reason anyone masturbates, and that is because it feels good. The reason it "feels good" is because it results in a brain reaction, a brain reward reaction, a dopamine high. If MO did not give us that high, we would not do it. Put it another way, if we got that high from scratching our elbows, we would be chronic elbow scratchers.

    I see you are on day 19 and going strong. That is excellent, and that is more than most newbies can say. Most of us start, stop, fail, and try again, multiple times before we make that many days straight.

    The eye floaters are legit, though. That has to do with dopamine abuse, and dopamine withdrawals. Dopamine abuse is 100% in the brain. That neurotransmitter does not effect height, but it does effect perception. Floaters are a result of screwing around with dopamine abuse, and how our brains perceive our reality. By the way, alcohol also effects, badly, our dopamine reward center, which is probably one of the reasons we abuse alcohol. Our dopamine response reaction, system, is associated with balance, so, if you have ever gotten drunk and a bit off balance, it has a lot to do with screwing with your dopamine response system.

    Here is pretty good article on alcohol use and dopamine release. I know, you might ask WTF does alcohol abuse have to do with porn abuse. If you study the problem you will see all of it is just about the species finding new ways to push a button to get a brain reaction we perceive as "feeling good."

    Once you understand what the problem is, it becomes much easier to fix it.

    Keep going. Porn is not an option.

    Much Love.

    Will I AM
    passwd likes this.
  3. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I'm not a doctor so don't take my word for it;

    but I remember reading that when you are young and your body is still developing, the masturbation "abuse" causes much fluctuation in testosterone levels and MAY/MIGHT cause a slow down in development in muscle growth and things like voice tone changing....

    I don't want to cause issues so if somebody disagree I don't care. There has to be studies about that, but again ,you can find studies that say what you want to hear (both sides of the fence).
  4. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Than you so much man both for the reply and the compliments:).
    Oh so the eye floaters are the result of masturbation, figures:(. Do u happen to know, if they will fade away over time? cause years ago, I visited a doctor and she said that it's not something to be scared of until it really interferes with ur perception, and that there is no simple medication for it yet(at least in our country :confused:) but it could be operated which is not recommended until it's really necessary. She said, I should stop rubbing my eyes and maybe they'll go away eventually( I really hope so :confused:), so I really wanna know if there is sth that could help with my problem that u happen to know?

    But let's talk about the height matter now. Don't we lose sperm when we ejaculate? Isn't our sperm made of many nutrients, critical for our height? Don't we deplete it by over masturbating? Don't we decrease our testosterone level?
    Then how couldn't that deficiency have some impact over our height?

    Again, thank you for ur time:).
    arpegius and Shin Iu like this.
  5. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Thank u for ur reply.

    I've also heard about voice tone changing but I'm kinda sure about the muscle mass thing cause I've been working out and since I've started Nofap, I can definitely see that I've gained some mass.

    I can see that the link u posted, shares my opinion about height. And I've also seen some other websites supporting this matter. But still, this is just one article and there is already a lot of objections against this topic(I don't know but maybe we want to deny the fact that we could be taller???:D).
    HappyInTheRain likes this.
  6. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    I'm not a doctor either and I'm sorry that I can't give you advice for your height issue. I doubt there's a magic key to make you taller / grow more. But if you commit to a good and healthy life you will be benefit on all accounts and maybe you can additionally find some special treats that have a positive impact on your growth.
    And keep in mind what so many say: inner growth is the most important thing of all

    As for ejaculation, it's a basic function of the male human body. Likewise as it produces new cells every day and discards old cells, it produces sperm/ejaculate every day and when the storage is full (because no ejaculation takes place) the body discards the sperm in the so-called pollution (wet dream). That means you have fresh semen in your scrotum all the time!

    We all know from experience that ejaculation is a straining activity ;). It feels good but afterwards you're exhausted. I don't think that has anything to do with the semen/ejaculate production.

    So I would say ejaculating (if in mating or masturbation) is part of our nature. Urges to masturbate/ have sex are also in our nature (even if many social factors affects it). So it is out of the question that ejaculation could be bad for the body per se. Rather we should look at it this way: how much do we want to indulge in our nature? When do we want/need to control ourselves?

    @TheRevenant, I think you shouldn't worry about your masturbation habit. Rather see it as something normal but changeable. Even watching porn has become "normal", in a way, since so many do it nowadays. But YOU have the knowledge and the power to advance from "normal" to what you really want to be.

    Quitting porn is possible
    Quitting masturbation is possible
    Quitting sex is possible

    And this is but one corner. So many more crazy tasks are proved to be possible, by brave men and women through living.

    Don't be anti porn / anti masturbation / anti sex. Be you and become you.
  7. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

  8. TheFutureMe

    TheFutureMe Fapstronaut

    I've been using since I was 9 years old, and though I was already "tall for a boy my age" I reached 6'6 (almost 2m) so I really hope masturbation had nothing to do with a height reduction, or else I'm (not gonna say that, ami I?) glad I did use (shit, I said it) or else I would've been unbearably tall (in a world that mocks physical differences like they mean something).
  9. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Thank u for taking the time to write this.
    Well I can see what u're saying but i gotta say that even our body has a limit and if we move beyond that it may not be able to recover as well as before. Think of it as if there is a water source in a small city that regenerates itself everyday and the population in that city is one hundred, so with this situation there is balance in the city but if the population becomes x2, x3 or x10, then definitely there would be water shortages which inevitably will lead to many problems, what I'm saying is that if we don't learn to consume in a way that we could hold a balance, we're gonna have problems.
    So if our body can't get enough zinc or calcium then it cannot make enough bone structures and it could cause disorders in our height process.
    I'm sure that most of us know that what matters here is keeping a balance and there few people that could hold that balance, but I'm not in that group, cause if I wanna limit my masturbation to once every 3 weeks then I would get that sweet taste over my tongue again and then I can't hold my self for another 3 weeks thus I would do it even tomorrow, that's why I'd rather not do it at all than to do it less, cause I wanna forget how it feels and I thinks that it is the only way for me to make it.
    I'm not anti-anything but I'd rather not do them and cause I feel better not doing them then I would recommend it to others too.

    Btw, thanks again for ur nice words.
    Jones6787 likes this.
  10. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

  11. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Well I guess it doesn't work in this case :D.
    6'6 is super tall ( can u share some?:(:rolleyes:). I am 5'8 and I've always had problems with my height (still do) and I always think with myself that if I hadn't done this crap, at least I would've been 5'9 or 5'10. I guess this has been one of the main factor of my sociality issues cause when I'm with others (especially in the gym) I feel towered most of the time and when I walk by a tall girl I feel like "Tyrion", so I always wish there could be some way, so I could maybe gain an inch or maybe more and believe I'm working my ass off in the gym and outside during the past 2 months and I hope that maybe exercising would increase my testosterone level and help me a bit.
    I guess we both have height issues but kind of different :).
    I really liked this part of ur words : (in a world that mocks physical differences like they mean something)
    And also thsi quote from @Jodo Kus : inner growth is the most important thing of all
    (I don't know why I can't tag anyone. What am I missing?)

    Thank u for sharing ur thoughts.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I will throw my own viewpoint into this discussion, like you, based on what I experienced.

    I started puberty at 13 and began my 'career' of masturbation. At that age I was below average in height among my peers. It wasn't until three decades later that I first saw pornography. My major growth spurt kicked in about @15 and at by the end of high school I was one of the tallest in my year. Sometime after eighteen I grew another inch in height - 6' 3". :eek:

    It seems to me that genetics are the arbiter of height. After all, such things are written into our DNA. Therefore, I can see no likelihood of the theory you posit. Even if your suggestion were true, 99.99% of males masturbate during puberty. :rolleyes:
  13. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Thx for sharing ur experience IGY.

    Yeah u're right cause genetics plays the major part in it, I guess I could be wrong and the effect may not be tangible.
    This is good, reading different experiences.
  14. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    It's certainly an interesting concept. The field of epigenetics is a fascinating one and one that I think is not totally understood even by the brightest minds working on it. I'm somewhat persuaded that excessive masturbation could have a negative effect on physical development, but I'm far from an expert on the matter.
    As for height, specifically, I started masturbating when I was probably around age 10 or 11 and did so excessively into my adolescent years. I ended up at 5'9", so I'm not short by any means. Could I have hit 6 feet? Good question.
  15. Plshelp

    Plshelp Fapstronaut

    Idk if this has to do with not fapping but I have tried not masturbating this summer and I've grown 10 cm just this summer but it could just be puberty idk
  16. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Thx for the thought.

    Exactly, that's what I'm saying cause u know many times knowledge denies the yesterday knowledge and introduces another fact.
    Like the time that scientists thought that the universe is shrinking but now they're sure it's expanding. And like u said it may not be understood even by the brightest or maybe they're not very interested into this topic yet but who knows, maybe we'll learn some interesting stuff in the new future that could make many people shocked.
    let's put it this way, nowadays many doctors and psychologists think of masturbation as something pretty normal and even healthy so science says :"KEEP MASTURBATING", but why have we joined Nofap? Is it because we want to go against the flow? No. We have joined here because even though we're not experts but we have experienced so much trouble fapping that we no longer want to listen to "MASTURBATION IS HEALTHY" thing.
    So u see,(most of the time) experience is much more authentic that what the science says, cause who can deny what we have experienced, it's like someone says that sun is black:confused:.
    I'm not saying this would affect everyone's growth (human beings have different DNAs) like the fact that many people are more immune to a certain disease but others are not but what's I'm saying is maybe it could prevent us from reaching our peak height. For example if I hadn't fapped, maybe instead of 5'8, I could have reached 5'9 or 5'10. But I'm also sure that some people's genetics are so strong that this could not or not have affected their growth.

    Like to hear more thoughts:).
    Jones6787, goodnice 2.0 and Jodo Kus like this.
  17. TheRevenant

    TheRevenant Fapstronaut

    Hi @Plshelp , thx for sharing ur experience.
    Well, it could be puberty or it could be a sign that not fapping would help you grow. I had the same experience during which I grew an inch. ( It was a 3 months streak)
  18. Surprisingly I've read stories where people have claimed that NoFap has made them taller but I think it's just placebo
  19. TheFutureMe

    TheFutureMe Fapstronaut

    People feeling burdened by their behaviour/habits/history have a tendency to lower their head and arch their back. Once the pride of taking actions and standing for themselves in a fight that matters to them starts growing, people get taller, straighter, heads are up, chin forward and eyes no the horizon !
    NightReaper775 likes this.
  20. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    Haha. That still won't push me to six feet.