90 day challenge group: Anyone Can Join

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Dudekidmanguy, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. TheFatKid

    TheFatKid Fapstronaut

    Ok... I'm jumping in now.
    I had a 3 week streak at the start of the summer, cause i was at a lot of camps. But when i was home alone the pressure was too much and failed misserabli.
    Now i feel motivated to start again,... AND if i manage to stay clean for 90 days... It's gone be my birthday (nov 25). Yeey C:
  2. District19

    District19 Fapstronaut

    Today i am on day 3 after my relapse...we should think wisely and make more efforts to built a superb career ....there nothing to do with porn...simply reject it...al the best
  3. twinpeaksfan

    twinpeaksfan Fapstronaut

    Hi all. Day 5 for me today and I would like to report an early benefit that will hopefully inspire you. I've read many times in the past how masturbation relieves anxiety. Well, I suffer from anxiety and I would like to say that 4 days WITHOUT masturbation has already reduced my anxiety and I am feeling calmer and more focused. Early days I know but I wanted to share this because it is such an early (and unexpected) benefit for me. On to day 5 now, good luck everyone! :)
  4. Dudekidmanguy

    Dudekidmanguy Fapstronaut

    That was me not too long ago...not just with attractive girls but with everyone. I slowly began to start being able to talk with others. Porn will make you feel awkward talking to people. I think that a big part of it is quitting porn, but it's also being comfortable with yourself. You should just say what's on your mind instead of thinking what to say or do to avoid being awkward. Last school year I found myself doing that a lot and it was hard to make new friends. If you ever get urges remind yourself that porn is blocking you from being able to do these things. Sacrificing porn will give you time to do things you want to do. For me those things are studying, playing my saxophone, reading good books, and hanging out with friends. In order to gain something there has to be sacrifice.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Dudekidmanguy

    Dudekidmanguy Fapstronaut

    I'm glad to hear that quitting porn has benefited you. Keep it up.
  6. Dudekidmanguy

    Dudekidmanguy Fapstronaut

    Haha staying clean for 90 days would be the best birthday present for real. Posting everyday should help. It's good that ur encouraged after a relapse. Hopefully u learn from it and don't see another relapse any time soon. Stay determined.
  7. Dudekidmanguy

    Dudekidmanguy Fapstronaut

    5th day now and I had an urge to MO but fought it off quickly. I never really expected simply posting a diary on a website about quitting porn would actually help at all. But I feel like I'm not alone and I have support. I'm staying strong and getting stronger.
  8. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    Day 8 here. Haven't gone this far since I tried years ago and made it to 5 weeks. Now I understand more about what's going on in the brain and why it's important to do what we can to reverse the bad effects of porn over the years. Good luck to all!
  9. Couple days in and it's getting harder. The first few days I could ride off the motivation of starting this whole thing, but now I'm gonna have to start relying on discipline more and more. Mornings and nights are the hardest times for me, I used to daily PMO then. Just waking up and going to sleep without PMO is a huge accomplishment for me now though!
  10. EzraTilian

    EzraTilian Fapstronaut

    Day 4. Gave into MO but did not give in to P. I feel like once I get the urge to MO, it won't go away until I give in. Any tips from people on how I can deal with that urge?
  11. In my experience, giving into it makes it go away for a little bit, but will also make it come back stronger. I try to deal with it by getting up and doing something else. Idle hands... you know how the saying goes.
  12. twinpeaksfan

    twinpeaksfan Fapstronaut

    Hi all. I'm on day 6 of quitting masturbation, although I never really used porn. Do I still belong in this group? I feel so much identification with others on here, (temptations, struggles, benefits of recovery etc), but in the interests of full disclosure my problem has always been enslavement to masturbation and sexual fantasy, though not stimulated by porn. Anyway day 6....starting to feel urges. Last night was particularly difficult. Images kept fleeting into my head and it seems that erections seem to take an eternity to go away when the option of masturbating isn't there to deal with them! I will keep on keepin on though. So glad to have joined this group and best wishes to you all on this journey to freedom :)
  13. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    @twinpeaksfan Totally relate to that. I gave up porn pretty easily but when I used it, it was to get one more O when I would normally quit. Morning and nights now are the big challenge too. Tho day 4 was the worst with a 45 minute episode at 5am.
  14. TheFatKid

    TheFatKid Fapstronaut

    Day 2 succesfull. I don't feel challenged yet, but time is still young.

    Btw how can i get a counter going?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. So I don't have enough likes yet to post the link for you, but if you google "NoFap counter" it should be the first thing that pops up.

    You will need a few posts in your history and a like to edit your signature and add the url it gives you.
  16. pablo8744

    pablo8744 Fapstronaut

    12 days in now. Today is the first day I feel urges so I keep busy and I go out with friends
  17. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    Double digits for me today. Yayyy!
    Napav likes this.
  18. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    Hi all!
    Even I want to join this 90 day challenge.!
  19. MO'ed today.
    That was five days of no PMO, so a new record for me! Mornings are really tough, does anyone have any advice for those?
  20. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    @jcbwrnr Just start your day earlier. Get up before you start rationalizing the morning wood and falling off your horse.