What to Do with Large Porn Collections

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by bill5437, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. bill5437

    bill5437 Fapstronaut

    I have a lot of movies and stills I’ve purchased/downloaded over the decades.

    I guess the easy answer is to delete them all but I’m really attached to it all.

    I feel like I could put it in storage or at least away from the computer but as long as it exists I feel like it’s a safety and I can half-believe I might return to it someday.

    Anyone else struggle with this? What solutions have you found?
    deu guo likes this.
  2. Samipro

    Samipro Fapstronaut

    This is a good one...
    Personally, I just have kept the porn in which I have starred, given it's part of my personal history, and deleted the rest.
    For 'normal' porn, getting rid of it and starting a new collection (of almost anything else) is the best answer.
    You'll feel better (and free) after it's gone and you may start collecting the days without this useless disruption. Time to focus on joy, not so much pleasure.
    Best of success!
  3. i think you should burn it hehehehe

  4. you did porn?!
    Samipro likes this.
  5. sexytime

    sexytime Fapstronaut

    I'd say destroy it all. I think it will help you recover much faster. You spent money on this filth. If you destroy/delete these files, then the next time you will think twice with more thought before you open porn again.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Come on Bill, honestly! Would you tell an alcoholic that he can keep his large collection of liquor as long as he keeps it in a different place to his glasses and bottle top openers? Or would you tell a junkie to keep his large stash of smack as long as it is not in the same room as his foil, silver spoon and syringes? You are just indulging yourself in rationalization mate! :(
  7. bill5437

    bill5437 Fapstronaut

    I’m well aware of that :0 Just don't feel ready to let go yet.
    Deleted Account and sexytime like this.
  8. lfromcr

    lfromcr Fapstronaut

    @bill5437, I think it depends.

    If you really want to get away from PMO and STAY AWAY from PMO, then definitely get rid of it. It also depends on how much you hate 'being attached to it'. If you don't like being attached, keeping it around 'just in case' will never decrease your attachment.

    But even if you want to get away from PMO for a while, would you even use your stash later? I've heard many guys say that part of the thrill lies in the hunt for something new. So if you're wired that way too, consider getting rid of it AND consider learning more about that part of yourself. Maybe the newness you seek is an entirely new adventure (like something non-sexually oriented). Maybe you'll find you've outgrown the short term benefits PMO gives you.

    Either way, my suggestion is:
    Trash it in favor of something more life-giving.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. i deleted my stash, it wasn't huge (maybe a dozen videos of my favorites). There was definately sadness when I got rid of it but there was also good feelings.
    lfromcr likes this.
  10. P-Tycoon

    P-Tycoon Fapstronaut

    I deleted my large porn collection about 5 days ago. I felt free for a day or two but the craving to look at it on the internet doesn't just go way. I believe throwing away your collection will make watching porn ever-so-slightly difficult and you could even prevent a relapse.
  11. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    It's simple .... Keep it if you would like to stay addicted to porn. :)

    But answer these questions:

    1. What has porn and masturbation cost you in your life? (health, confidence, erection problems....)
    2. Are you proud of yourself for spending decades as a porn user?
    3. What will your life be like if you continue to use porn?

    Spend some time thinking about all the suffering the PMO has caused you .... and if you really want to continue with that suffering.... than keep the collection :)
  12. get rid of it! :) you will be glad you did in a few weeks, you will be very glad, after a few years!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    DELETE them if it is in your computer/device. If the porn is in CD/DVD, TRASH them. There is no other way if you want to succeed. Either you go all the way and be truly dedicated with nothing but full victory and success or you become a weak half assed pussy constantly struggling wasting your own time asking yourself what things could of have been. You can choose by being your very best or you allow to be enslaved by porn and all that mental and emotional slavery that come with it.

    I remember I was in your dilemma once not long ago. It was a very struggling three hours that very Sunday of March 20, 2016. 1TB. That was how much I had from some 12 years of accumulating all that. Then things where widdled down to around 480GB. The last bastion went all the way to around 260GB. But I realized to be fully dedicated I had to go full Spartan or the attempt would be absolutely useless. Took that 260GB folder and moved it to to Recycling Bin. Pondered for a full 10 minutes. Pulled that trigger. Right clicked and cleared the thing. End of story and never regretted ever since. Now I am some +110 days free and liberated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2016
    sexytime likes this.
  14. sexytime

    sexytime Fapstronaut

    oversexedsami likes this.
  15. Dump it, delete it.

    No one ever kicked a coke habit by walking around with a bindle in their pocket.
    oversexedsami likes this.
  16. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    Yessir, I about did for real. & I literally thought ehh I can watch a couple minutes and it clicked in less than a minute that the dvds had to go in the trash. I kept them because one I had was very expensive and one was a gift from a former boyfriend. I tried to rationalize it as "well, at least it's not internet porn." Wtf? Trash it dude! Or else you'll wind up finding a way to relapse.
    sexytime and TheSumOfAllBeers like this.
  17. Shekhar95

    Shekhar95 Guest

    I wish I could press shift+Delete then Enter for you, or I wish I was so rich that I could buy your collection and TRASH it in front of you.
  18. bill5437

    bill5437 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your support. I want to delete it. I just don't think I have the strength yet. Truly. I feel like I’ll regret deleting it asap. I kid myself by saying that I just need some space and I can get back to it, and I’m not as bad off as others. But I have 100s of movies and tens of thousands of images. I haven't even looked at most of it more than once. Just the obsessive collecting.
  19. P-Tycoon

    P-Tycoon Fapstronaut

    Delete it in the heat of the moment. I can feel what you are going though. A few months ago I was watching porn 5 or 6 hours daily, then I thought I have had enough. I shifted my computer to the living room but could not still delete my porn collection.

    But 5 days ago after relapsing for 3 continuous days, I opened the folder, closed my eyes and pressed 'CTRL+A' then "Delete" the "Empty Recycle Bin". As I said before the temptation of watching porn doesn't go away and you could relapse again but the frequency and duration of watching porn will definitely decrease.

    Delete your collection or throw it in the trash. You will suddenly feel as if you have a lot more control in your life.
  20. Jinx

    Jinx Fapstronaut

    I am a bit of a "collector" as well, so I can relate. Images downloaded decades ago, homemade movies with (now) ex-gf's, etc.

    I ran into the same dilemma -- to delete or not delete?

    I went with not deleting... I am not fully on the "no porn ever" bandwagon just yet, so I still hold onto the idea that as long as one works through their issues, it can be used sparingly as entertainment. That is the theory, at least. Will see what happens in practice...

    I have had mixed results using encrypted external storage. I use an extremely long password that is difficult to remember and not written down anywhere. If I forget it, I will be locked out.

    This is (usually) enough of a hassle to keep me honest. If I am going to put in the effort to find the drive and enter the password, I likely would've just found new content if I didn't have the storage....

    You could also consider locking it up somewhere or leaving with a friend or family member that doesn't live close by.

    If you keep it, it will always exist as a temptation, but so what...? Life is full of temptations... :)

    Full Disclose: I had to reset my counter last night because I made access to my drive too easy (next to the bed). I will be increasing the difficulty level to limit the chance of this happening in the future.