Do you think I'm too hard on myself?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by TrueHuman, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with work and responsibilities. I'm 20, and soon I'll be 21. I told myself I will have no more excuses once I'm 21 because I'll be able to go to the bars. So I'm making sure I am fully rebooted by then.
    However just feel I take on to many goals at once.
    Currently my goals before 21 are...
    • Fully reboot (275 days no porn, 90 days no masturbation)
    • Have atleast some money
    • Get good grades
    • Start working out again
    • Buy a gun (cost money)
    • Have painkillers
    • Get an expensive watch
    • Get a job
    • Get an internship
    • Etc. Etc. Etc.
    It's alot. I only got 3 more months till I'm 21. Sometimes I just don't even know where to begin. I get discouraged when my plans are altered or cancelled. I see other people and I see how successful they are and I just hate them. I hate seeing other people happy. Why are they happy? Why aren't they suffering? What makes them so happy? Damn them to hell.
    I hate the police. I hate, hate, hate. I hate everyone. I only love myself. I want everything.

    No matter what ill be great one day. And when that day comes I'll be on top, dominating everyone else. I've made alot of progress but still got a ways to go.
    People will recognize me instantly, they'll sense my evil Aurora and know not to play games with me. I refuse to be ripped off again. I'm a no nonsense guy. I don't fuck with bullshit.

    No matter what I'll have what I want and no one can stop me.
  2. rave756

    rave756 Fapstronaut

    Certainly it's admirable to set life goals at the age of 20. That said, give yourself some time to accomplish...many... of them?! You might find your goals adjusting as you come into your own, and that's OK.

    You might read up Scott Adams' series on Goals vs. Systems. As you start to achieve some of your goals and experience life as a 21 year old, the path to reaching your next goal will then take shape. Good luck on both your nofap experience and your life goals!
    TrueHuman likes this.
  3. The Progressive One

    The Progressive One Fapstronaut

    Has anyone ever told you you're great other than you? People that have a supremely high level of self-confidence are usually people who are oblivious to what's actually going on. In other words, the ones who are good today and have the potential to be great tomorrow aren't wasting their time seeking validation from strangers on the internet. They're also not constantly giving themselves pats on the back for doing nothing nor do they make excuses for their failures.

    Get an apartment. Start paying your own bills. Become independent before you start talking about how "hard" you're life is. You have no clue what hard is. You've never supported yourself. You've never had a real job. And to top it off you have a ridiculously high opinion of yourself and zero respect for people who actually HAVE earned something.
  4. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Woah there buddy. I certainly do know what "hard" is. If u don't think I do then that's your opinion. Also I'm not seeking validation, Im just asking if people think im setting to many goals at once.

    Unless you've had to cause bodily harm or almost been killed on more then one occasion, unless you've been molested as a child, unless you've been tormented/depressed for years, unless you feared getting a disease, unless you feared going to prison everyday, unless you take rebooting seriously EVERYDAY, unless you workout hard everyday, unless you feel like your the only one confused, unless youve had to defend your very life on more than one occasion, unless you've had to do illegal shit to get cash, unless you've had to beat up ur best friend for money, unless you've had to look out the window for cops, unless you've been kicked out of school on more than one occasion, unless you've feeler like killing yourself, unless you've been a 16 with a limp dick watching other guys get pussy, unless you've been in the hospital sad, unless you've had to run from the police for SERIOUS crimes, unless you've had to watch other people happy while your depressed! Unless you've become evil just to be happy, then STFU!

    I look in the mirror and I see an evil man. Am I happy? Now Im beginning to be, finally after Nearly 8 years of depression. But at a cost. My morality. I have almost no compassion to my fellow human beings. I take walks in the night wondering when I'll be great, sometimes for miles, and miles, into the woods getting lost, wanting to escape, wanting to find some portal to another land, maybe that's why I take shrooms nd acid. I've had a tough live, been spat on and shitted out, then put in the trash, and finally im walking out the junkyard, washing my self off, becoming a great man. Financial shit Ain the only thing that's hard dude. I've had friends betray me, I'm strong. Idk about u, but i know about me.

    My eyes are as black as a great white sharks. Everyone who looks into my eyes is scared straight I can see it in them. Even the gangs, the tough guys, etc. They see what I'm capable of. I'm a man who will do anything for happiness and pleasure.
    How dare you say I haven't had it hard. I'd say I've had it harder than a good 70% of earths current population.

    What's so hard bout ur life??? U pissed cause u couldn't pay ur rent? Gtfo of here. Gtfo off this thread. So u can't pay the rent big whoop. Go cry bout it. If ur happy ur happy if ur not then your not. Shelter is temporary. Happiness is life.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  5. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy,
    I went through many tough situations and had some emberassing disappointments in my life. When I was around 19 years old and finished school I felt ruthless like you do right now and wanted to get respect and love at all costs.
    I was a very domineering and intimidating person but.. there is no point in acting out of revenge. It only brings more pain to yourself and the world.
    Stop this risky, self destructive behavior. All these idiots talking trash want you to hang out with junkies and get f*cked. All those mentally ill gender confused feminists want to bring negativity to your life. They want to drink your "male tears". All those trolls want your attention and when you get mad and write long posts they laugh their asses off.
    But notice something? It has nothing to do with you. These people want to bring destruction to everyone. Even the feminists. They don't hate men, they hate children and women, too.
    The cure would be countering these negative influences with positive ones. Unfortunately this is hard to do or impossible. Most people want more and more and fear losing what they already took for themselves. You know what I mean. Teachers and politicians don't even have the decency to suggest young kids healthy identities and roles in this satanistic society.
    And if you are like I was you think poorly of succesful and happy people. But you never know what a person has gone through. Most people I learned to respect and admire are low key guys. Not celebrities or youtubers. So keep your eyes open and get interested in other people.

    So now you have my advice to build your own identity, find a better network or go your own way. Never react to hateful people and the toxic circumstances they create. Chances are they knew how you would react and wanted you to become like this.
    But you deserve the best. There are no limits of positivity you couldn't reach in this life. There are some people who want you to realize this.

    And.. what has saved me personally? I became a Christian. You can too. You can always learn something about the bible which is the most amazing collection of books ever. In this day and age you can listen to sermons online. I would recommend Robert Breaker's youtube channel. He is charasmatic and smart and has serious discussions but also explores the less important but fun passages of the bible. To you I would recommend this Video. Please watch it.

    Best wishes
    TrueHuman likes this.
  6. @TrueHuman Yes, I do think you are too hard on yourself. So that's that...

    But as far as your goals go, we all are different. When some people set too many goals at once, especially in a short time frame which can make it even more intimidating and stressful, it discourages them, paralyzes them and the end result is lots of procrastination and no progress. It's about slow and steady for some, rather than fast and furious. They would simply burn out. Their engines would overheat, so to speak. But you seem to be a type of person who could actually be motivated by that instead. You have that hard, warrior type of mindset. I don't really know you so I can't tell what's best for you. Observe how you feel and adjust some things, experiment, see if maybe you feel less overwhelmed. There is no right approach, it depends from individual.
    TrueHuman likes this.
  7. Literally last night, I was doing some therapy work on myself and I had to answer some questions like: do you envy other people's success, do you have problems with authority figures such as cops, teachers, etc. and it reflects the way you were treated when you're in your early young adulthood.

    I think your goals will be achieved (perhaps altered too) if you're willing to heal the pain in your past. I'm seeing a therapist right now as well and I'm doing this type of work. Removing all the tough guy facade. Because that facade came from being disappointed in the past.

    I got discouraged from failure, rejections, being bullied, etc. and I'm covering it up with workaholism, mastering pick-up, and staying with a small group of friends who validate me. I'm seeing some results already. I've gone out of my comfort zone more, more open, procrastinate less, and my sex life is even more awesome.

    If you want to go deeper on this, have a read at Homecoming by John Bradshaw
    TrueHuman and Deleted Account like this.