Need to stop sexting but i feel empty if i stop...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Kristen, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    I really need to stop sexting,
    But i just cant...the thought of it makes my heart ache..and maybe its stupid but everytime i think about it...I feel sick and just feel a hallow shell..
    I dont know what to fill my mind qith and i just dont feel like i have a the point of living...iv been doing pmo for years..since i was a kid...and not having that..i dont know w6hag to do with myself..before i was so focus on getting my next dopamine high..that became my purpose in life..that was what gave me happiness (short lived tho) its what i look forward to throughout the day.
    And i like being able to keep checking my phone for sexual texts..if i what..what do i do? I dont want to live life an empty shell..i cant handle it emotionally to feel this crappy...
    And dont say get a hobbie..because i literally hate everything..the only thing i do is sleep, eat, work and sex...i have no other interests...
    HappyInTheRain likes this.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    I was thinking what did i do before PMO..and i have no memory..PMO was a constant thing in my consumed me..I did PMO for 4-8 hrs a day..Every day..anywhere..i dont know life without pmo....
    makethatchange and Lucky1 like this.
  3. Hi Kristen, thanks for your post. To beat this, you need to stop sending sexting and not responding to sexting. You need to have a filter that prevents porn on your phone and your computer. I used to be addicted to porn and I like you did PMO for 4 hours a day and sometimes more and that was just about everyday. The first step is to stop what you are doing and get rid of all the sexual image on your phone and computer. After that it is not so hard. After that you can discover new interests and new hobbies. Since I greatly reduced PMO and even sexting, and even stopped sexting and PMO I developed new interests and new hobbies.
    goldstein likes this.
  4. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    You really need to educate yourself. You must have some curiosity within you. Then just start reading what you are inclined towards. And go from there. Good luck.
  5. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    You have to understand that none of us on NoFap has it easy. No one is gonna beg you not to give in.
    You're not doing it for us. We all do it for ourselves.
    You need to face the feeling of emptiness, not run from it into the PMO.

    "A man is born to work, to suffer and to fight; he who doesn't, must perish." -Nikola Tesla
    That's the reality that we need to accept.
  6. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Hi Kristen.

    We all have our triggers & reasons why we continue with PMO, sexting etc. One of the key things you need to do is some self-searching & ask yourself: What emotions are driving me to continue with this behaviour?

    It could be one or more of the following: low self-esteem & wanting to feel better about yourself, anxiety & trying to get some relief via dopamine, seeking attention from others, boredom.....all sorts of things.

    Knowing why we do a certain thing is a big factor in breaking a habit.

    Beyond that, read, educate yourself, spend lots of time on NoFap, work on your meaningful friendships, exercise, read books & listen to music that uplifts you etc...

    Ultimately we must WANT to stop.

    We've got the power.


  7. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    "life is a beautiful punishment, death is a dark relief". my belief is life itself is already empty. kitten so i think u would rather be in the empty shell than being completely nowhere. try to do no pmo for just 4 days and see. u will see the difference, u may suffer, but u will see the difference in the suffering, u will try to fulfill ur mind with something instead of p. please. let urself into the empty shell, and face it, and u may see, the shell isn't really empty
    goldstein and oreogirl like this.
  8. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    My question is why people consider sexting NOT porn? How about sexual videos on youtube? What is the benefit for them? It is porn, its artificial sexual stimulation. If you are not ready to change, than you wont.
  9. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    For any PMO or MO addict, anything in the media - pics, Facebook, porn, youtube, magazines etc - that is sexually arousing IS bad for the addict. That's just a fact.

    A recovering alcoholic can't sip on wine & say, "Oh, but I'm staying off the whiskey - that was my real poison".

    There's no room for rationalisation when it comes to breaking PMO addiction for good.

    Sexting is inappropriate within this context, unless it's your partner.

    HappyInTheRain likes this.
  10. sumssense

    sumssense Fapstronaut

    You'll hear similar advice wherever you go, for dealing with many types of addictions. It's easy to give advice and it always seems simple until you try but quitting an addiction is anything but easy. Remember anything worthwhile isn't easy.

    It sounds like you're stuck in a cycle, and if all you do is "sleep, eat, work and sex" you'll have to work extra hard to break that cycle and through your routine on its head. When we're stuck, it seems like getting out of it is unimaginable. Start small, try something new, anything and see what happens. I know how tough it is to break out of grinding through the days, I'm trapped in my own routine and struggle to take even my own advice but I have to keep trying.

    Keep trying, you'll get there.
    goldstein likes this.
  11. wonderboy

    wonderboy New Fapstronaut

    This is like a diabetic saying: "I don't want insulin, but I will continue eating candy" or someone is being completely dehydrated and when offered something to drink saying: "Thank you, but this will not help me".
    I mean, come on. Getting a hobby or new interests in general is a major part in getting rid of habits you do not want. Why even bother posting here if you reject the help that is given to you? At least why not give it a try?
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  12. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut

    Think of this as a huge positive, you now have 4 - 8 hours per day you can use to visit parks, go outside, meet up with friends, learn a musical instrument, learn about investing, write a book, volunteer, write down places you want to visit around the world.

    You have so much time now! Be free!
  13. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    When we are in a cycle of only eating, sleeping, working & acting out with addiction X, we are living a life of a slave.

    If you want things to change & start making room for other things in your life, things will begin to change.


  14. phil 52

    phil 52 Fapstronaut

    Hi,me thinks you need a real meaningful relationship,where all your sexual needs can be replaced with real sex!!(I know I do lol)
  15. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    This is actually terrible advice. Filling an issue with a different issue just because it is perceived as good, doesn't solve anything. In fact, it does exactly what porn does, which is take something good like sex, and corrupt it.
  16. phil 52

    phil 52 Fapstronaut

    Nothing wrong at all in sex within a loving relationship!!How can that be bad advice?
  17. DedicatedShrum

    DedicatedShrum Fapstronaut

    Because you didn't made yourself clear in your first post that the relationship you advise her to get into should be with someone she loves supposed to just for the fun.
  18. phil 52

    phil 52 Fapstronaut

    what part of"meaningful relationship",isn't clear?
  19. Patric

    Patric Fapstronaut

    The problem is that you might well bring your ideas about sex from P or other kinds into that loving relationship. The process to get back to reality will get much harder in that case. Facing the inner, true you, the loneliness and all nasty stuff there and accepting it as a part of you, is the best way to make progress. Keep denying all the darkness and you get no-where that can lead you to true change.
  20. phil 52

    phil 52 Fapstronaut

    You "MIGHT"get knocked over by a bus.If your in a true meaningful relationship,and your open and honest about your life together,and undergone the understanding about your problem,thats got to be what everyone,would strive for right?The answer is not to rack up as many days as we can and live like monks.Its to break the chain of the habit,and move on to a happier life