
Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by High AsFa, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. High AsFa

    High AsFa Fapstronaut

    hello everybody i want to ask something after rebooting how you see girls are you shy?? or not cuz i have such a burning desire for women but i dont dare to talk to them any tip or advice
    DannyCool and himmelstoss like this.
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    One lady who use to be on this site before because her husband had a porn problem use to say that if you treat the women as a friend first and not presume you are looking for sex but it mite lead to that or it mite lead to a nice chat or it mite lead to friendship who knows. :)
    High AsFa likes this.
  3. High AsFa

    High AsFa Fapstronaut

  4. RadioactivePancake

    RadioactivePancake Fapstronaut

    I was a woman once (long story), and yeah, women definitely prefer to be talked to as if they are human beings with brains. They dig some good conversation. Don't give off any flirtatious vibes or suggestions that you are looking for romance... that scares them away or makes them defensive.

    It's tough to talk to girls... the fear of rejection is big and keeps so many people from reaching out and having a conversation. I think rebooting has helped many men stop seeing women as a means to quench their sexual desire and instead see them more as confidants.

    If you do try to make conversation with girls, try commenting on something you both have in common, or ask about the book she's reading, etc.

    Good luck! :)
    High AsFa likes this.
  5. High AsFa

    High AsFa Fapstronaut

    ok thank you i will look women more respectfull now
  6. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Although society tends focus on the differences between men and women, we are all human beings. Mankind has much more in common with womankind than differences. Both sexes each have two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes, walk upright and have opposable thumbs. Both sexes need to eat to avoid starvation and need to seek shelter from the cold.

    You approach other human beings. So approach the ladies in a similar manner.

    Why do you befriend your male peers? Because you have common interests and cohesive personalities. Why should befriending a female be any different?
    High AsFa likes this.