Why I HATE you porn.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by traveller22, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Why I HATE you porn.
    ( ...in no particular order. )

    It makes me a liar.
    It makes me less interesting.
    It makes me feel dirty.
    It gets me high using someone else's slavery or self-degradation.
    It's free but costs me my self.
    It blocks my creative flow.
    It eats my self-respect.
    It devours my time.
    It's the ultimate bait.
    It contributes nothing.
    It feeds my existential anxiety.
    It cuts off my metaphorical balls.
    It invades and conquers my imagination.
    It is the itch I cannot scratch.
    It makes my d**k raw.
    It steals my sleep.
    It hurts my wife.
    It endangers my children.
    It kills my joy.
    It turns giants into dwarves.
    It objectifies women.
    It turns my sexuality against me.
    It's as powerful and addictive as any Class-A drug.
    It's pushed on every TV, tablet, smart phone & PC.
    It is a pathway to the void.
    It is an apple without a core.
    It's like rust on a needle.
    It makes me feel feeble.
    It consumes me as I consume it.
    It's crack cocaine for the human brain.
    It makes me insane.
    It's pixels gives my soul melanoma.
    It spreads like a cancer.
    It's a sea without water.
    It beats my inner child.
    It turns me this father into a boy.
    It's life aborting.

    I don't want to be 80 and looking at porn.

    PMO is NO LONGER an option.

    I'm stopping it now!

  2. iRebootMyself

    iRebootMyself Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I feel you...
    I'm not doing NoFap just because those symptoms that the porn does, I just don't want to be a slave for some fake bitches...
  3. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Yeah the porn slaves are waking up & starting to kick this sh+t.


  4. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I hate porn because I realized it was the wrong way to approach things because I was afraid of being hurt and it was an easy way out. I hate porn because it was so easily available not realizing the true cost. I hate porn because it allowed me to look for and achieve "perfection." A kind of "perfection" that is full of emotional isolation and holding back your full potential. I hate porn because it is a form of escape that robs you of your time and soul.
  5. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    GSarosi, I can say "Amen!" to that!!!

  6. gen66

    gen66 Fapstronaut

    wow, that's an inspiring list, good,job indeed, all of them a painful truth :(
    traveller22 likes this.
  7. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Those sorts of lists are a good reminder of the downside, after the dopamine hit.

    We'll get there.

    fight for life likes this.
  8. @traveller22

    Hello Mate,

    I want to say. I can feel your pain. I think I really do.

    You are for sure right about all that facts stated.

    I am feeling sometimes as half a man + porn naturally develops all these bad habits we all have.

    I just want to say, watch out for really extreme emotions.

    Anger you are feeling now, Rage etc.

    Be strong!
  9. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. It's controlled, determined rage, with a specific goal in it's sights.

    A final end to porn in my life.


    Lightningbob1964 likes this.
  10. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    The absolute GREAT remedy? When the kind(s) of women you find attractive start talking to you. Especially the ones who make the move. It doesn't even have to lead to anything btw. A simple smile and knowing her name is sometimes enough. Then bam! Your distaste to porn is immediately activated and you just let that crap go and you move forward. Well that was what happened to yours truly and I never looked back afterwards. Because of that I have been clean 31 days and the time just flew by.
    volt2187 and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Wow. What a great list.

    I have been a porn user for over 20 years.

    I have a wife and three kids, a great family. I have a great career. I drive a nice car. My wife and I enjoy intimacy. Life is good.

    But if I keep going the way I am and taking risks by watching porn, my whole life can come crashing down like a house of cards.

    Yet until finding NoFap, the best advice was, "Have some self control!"
    Lightningbob1964 and traveller22 like this.
  12. Hating it helped me to quit. Our problem is, many of us want to control porn, but keep it in their lives, like a bottle on the shelf. Maybe not use it all the time, but have it there, like an amusement park ride, every now and then, when we get down, or are bored. Porn cannot be quit that way. But, it is hard, because, for many of us, we are not merely physically reliant on the dopamine rush it gives us, but it has become a substitute for emotional connection with reality. For many of us, when we give it up, it feels like losing a friend. But, porn is not a friend. For the porn addict, it is, and only is, a debilitating, ugly disease.

    So, traveller, you have exactly the right idea. You have to hate it, expel it from your life, defriend it, excommunicate it, despise it, want to kill it, and quit trying to control it. It has to go, forever. This must be your mindset. Sounds like you have it.


    Lightningbob1964 and traveller22 like this.
  13. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest


    To break an unwanted behavior you have to find a replacement (healthy) behavior. Well, it just so happens for me instead of watching chicks on a screen and jerking off I approach them in real life and as you said @GSarosi after just one interaction, I'll never go back to that fake bullshit. It's awesome though, even the girls who are 3-6/10 are elevated to a 8 or 9/10 because I'm finding so many of them so attractive, and not focusing purely on looks.

    I'm surprised no one's mentioned it because I've seen it brought up here before about how it's not healthy to hate porn, just to accept it's there and not a part of your life anymore. Yes, both of those are true, but FUCK PORN and the assholes who make it! It doesn't add anything positive to society and only serves to bring people down, those involved and those who consume it. It wasn't until I started to hate it that I've accepted that it will no longer exist in my life.
  14. A Basit

    A Basit Fapstronaut

    For the last 13 years... it has has almost destroyed my life... Starting the road to Freedom now.

    I really feel stupid at this stage because its so simple yet so hard to get that it GIVES YOU NOTHING... We can see with our own eyes those fake body parts yet we keep looking at it as if its real. unbelievable!
  15. kale

    kale Fapstronaut

    you outlined it so damn well
    i'm almost a week off of porn and i'm gonna come back to this when I'm feeling an urge because i know it will help me stop and think it through
    also it helps to know others are feeling the same shit
    traveller22 likes this.
  16. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Ultimately, you don't want to hate P because you are still reacting to P. You want to overcome it where it's simply no longer part of your life.
  17. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    @WilliamOneAndDone, you are an inspiration with 1000+ days free of PMO.

    @buzz Lighthear, I hear what you're saying. For me this list is there as a reminder of all the things that I hate that my porn habit does to me. I need to keep in mind all the things it steals from me.

    Somewhere deep down, even though I've had a 6 & 7 month streak of clean time, I was holding on to porn - like that person in one's life we keep hanging out with, who ultimately brings us down.

    PMO is like a black mamba in my bedroom at night. A healthy level of fear & aversion to it is vital. We cannot allow it to lie under the bed while we sleep.

    Porn is a deadly toxin & the list helps me keep that fresh in my mind.

    A Basit likes this.
  18. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I remember mentioning it to a priest once. His reply was the ultimate in understatement; 'Oh, so you know what a woman looks like'.:D
    A Basit and traveller22 like this.
  19. Porn is taking something beautiful (intimacy) and making it cheap & ugly, as well as damaging. Everything on your list is dead on. It has become an evil entity just lying in wait for a low point in your life and then you hear this voice saying "Come here & I'll make everything better" and just like drugs or alcohol, we come running, needing relief. Unlike drugs or alcohol, you don't need money to gain access, which affords you a little more control. I'm all for freedoms, but I think all porn sites should be pay sites. Besides helping us, it would remove parents fear of their children stumbling onto it.
    A Basit likes this.
  20. A Basit

    A Basit Fapstronaut

    Porn will remain free forever. That's one of their strategies so you can watch free porn and then think "if this is free porn, paid porn will be better" and then buying memberships.

    I heard the news once that all porn sites will move to .xxx and will not be allowed on .coms or other Top Level Domains but disappointed to see it was never implemented.