I need help

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Ultra Zork, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Ultra Zork

    Ultra Zork Fapstronaut

    Recently I went into a fight that ended with me getting a scar from a person I hate anyways (he started).
    Ever since the event, I've been angry.
    "Why does this have to happen to me"
    "The scar will never go away"
    and many other angry thoughts I get.
    My mind has been consumed by rage
    even my blood pressure is higher now.
    Everybody says they can't see the mark.
    The anger has caused many relapses .
    I need help
  2. Rikarwb

    Rikarwb Fapstronaut

    are you angry ? Then you must release that anger ( in a healthy way of course )

    punch a tree, listen to agressive music, learn a martial art, break stuff, scream. You'll probably feel tired afterwards, and when that happens, you'll no longer have anger within you.

    Forget about the scar, either you own it, or cry about it, and let me tell you, my friend, that crying over it wont do shit.

    So release that anger, and return to your path to pursue your objectives :)
    Ultra Zork likes this.
  3. Midnight

    Midnight Fapstronaut

    Meditate; squat; deadlift
    Ultra Zork likes this.
  4. Ultra Zork

    Ultra Zork Fapstronaut

    any advice to coping with the scar itself?
  5. Ultra Zork

    Ultra Zork Fapstronaut

    anybody who has a similar problem here?
  6. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    i used to have murderous thoughts before and it drove me crazy. i just wanted to kill him so bad, no i didn't want him dead, i wanted him to suffer the pain, i wanted to put him into the saw traps, tortured him, and felt good watching it.
    i think those thoughts occurred because i hated myself, since i started to understand myself, not abandon him, then those thoughts disappeared 1 year ago. murderous thoughts went away and suicidal thoughts set in lol, but at least suicidal feeling was much less uncomfortable than murderous feeling which u said it gave us high blood pressure

    i image there's a little boy inside, he was aggressive, he needs help. not punishment by giving plenty of relapses
    Ultra Zork likes this.
  7. Ultra Zork

    Ultra Zork Fapstronaut
