27 years old and tired of being alone

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by WokeUp88, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. WokeUp88

    WokeUp88 Fapstronaut


    I'm new to the community and can't believe this group exists. It feels like I've been struggling with loneliness since I was a teenager. I discovered porn and PMO when I was about 10 years old and used regularly until I discovered about porn addiction a couple years ago. I've had success with the 90 day challenge in the past and I need a change in my life. I can't keep on existing like this.

    Here's my story:
    I'm 27 years old and I've never really had a true girlfriend. I've dated girls for short periods, but the chemistry usually burns out. I'm not a virgin and have messed around with girls over the years but it is so sporadic. It might be 2 years between hook ups. I haven't had sex in 2 years. I keep trying to rationalize and explain to myself why I feel unwanted and lonely.

    I don't think I'm an unattractive guy. I've been doing Crossfit for about 3 years; I'm in decent shape and feel like I can take off my shirt. I'm educated. I'm finishing my 2nd masters degree and establishing a career in organizational development. However, I can't help but feeling insecure. I can't help but thinking that girls don't think about me. I even struggle with low body self esteem at times. It doesn't make sense because I know I'm in shape but feel embarrassed about my body.

    It gets worse because when I'm feeling insecure and anxious I smoke pot. I tell myself that smoking pot will relax me, distract me from my insecurities, and slow down my racing thoughts. But smoking pot then makes me horny and its not soon until I PMO.

    I don't wanna be on this cycle anymore. I wanna meet a girl and learn how to see when a girl is liking me. I tell myself I'm a great guy, who can be charming and funny. I'm a guy who would treat my girlfriend well. I just want one chance to prove I could be a good boyfriend and could make a relationship work. But I feel like I've never a chance with girl

    I'm so distracted by self defeating thoughts. I hope by rebooting over 30 days will help me to start thinking clearly. I need to get out the cloud.I also think I'm gonna quit smoking too. I set the counter today. I just wanna feel confident in my own skin and find a relationship. It feels like ive been alone for most of my life and I want connection, love, sex, support. I hope you can relate
  2. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Yes, stop smoking. That might get you more anxious in the end.

    Also, you seem like a good man. Are you a little shy? You definitely don't need to have low self esteem of your body if you work out like you say you do. Its a mind fuk.
    You haven't found the right girl for you that's all.
    Sometimes you meet the girl when you least expect it. do you have hobbies? Passions? Are you member of a club or something? You may meet a nice girl during hobby-related activities. somebody that would share the same interest.
  3. WokeUp88

    WokeUp88 Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks.

    I don't think I'm shy at all. I would describe myself as extroverted. I have hobbies too. I'm into fitness, music, cooking, movies. I love going to the movie theater. I'm in school full time too and I work too
  4. wanabefree

    wanabefree Fapstronaut

    I actually have a question about weight loss. I work out about 1-2 times per week at the gym doing mainly triceps workout and leg workout mainly lunges.

    Is lifting weights 1-2 times good enough for fat loss or do I need to encorporate cardio within my workout and increase my days working out?. I find cardio to be quite boring, but lifting weights more interesting.

    In terms of my diet I eat a lot of carbs. What carbs do you recommend for weight fat loss?
  5. WokeUp88

    WokeUp88 Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    I dont wanna pretend to be a fitness guru or anything. When I was trying to lose weight, I found a combination of working out and eating clean worked best. I had been trying to lose weight off and on my whole life. However, when I committed to eating healthier that's when I saw results. So, I knew when I act my portions were too big, so I reduced my portions by 1/2 every time I act. For example, instead of eating 2 pieces of chicken, I only ate 1. I also cut out fast food and soda. In combination with that I worked out 3 times a week religiously. It was just part of my routine. After about 6 weeks, I really remember noticing differences.
    wanabefree likes this.
  6. noper32

    noper32 Fapstronaut

    I completely agree about diet and weight loss--I lost almost 50 pounds without any exercise simply by watching what I eat. The easiest method for me was just to get a Fitbit and make sure I ate a lot fewer calories than I burned each day until I reached my target weight. Nothing more complicated than that. I now exercise regularly, but still consider diet the key for weight management.
  7. Emotionally_indifferent

    Emotionally_indifferent Fapstronaut

    Man first crucial thing is that you have to feel like you are welcome in a relationship you should not feel unimportant or unwanted because you are as important to the relationship as is your girlfriend. Secondly I believe because of your low self esteem you assume that you are not that worthy and hence you feel unwanted. I m not sure and i beg your pardon if i m incorrect but you seem to be a person who has a lot of friends but has very less or none, close ones and if that's true then this might be happening because you want to get connected to a lot of people in compensation of the emotional intimacy you might be seeking. Look pal, people expect something in a relationship from their partner for simplicity I'm calling it your love map, now the question is what do you expect. In fact you should not settle for a girl less than what's in your love map just because of some social or peer pressure. So in a nutshell find a girl who satisfies maximum parameters in your love map and before that work on your self esteem issue.
    Tips to solve your self esteem issue:
    There is a reason behind everything. Your insecurities are definitely related somehow to the experiences you might have had in the past. You are your beliefs and beliefs are formed as a result of knowledge that you have about something and what you have experienced correspondingly.
    All you need to do is find a way to change your beliefs and for that try to grab the experience that you might have had which in turn made you develop such false beliefs.
  8. wanabefree

    wanabefree Fapstronaut

    What a great idea!! Eat 1/2 portion of what I would normally eat and exercise 3 times a week ?!?! :eek:

    I am gonna give it a try :rolleyes:
  9. MikeSolo

    MikeSolo Guest

    Dude, it's the fucking porn bro. Be sober and relax, everything will fall into place.
    hlpisontheway likes this.
  10. I can relate to your story man. I'm 26 about to get my first masters here in a month and have a career lined up soon too. I haven't had a girlfriend in 3 years and have had sex once since then. I would consider myself kind of shy though at least around people I haven't met before. Hope things are working out for you, thanks for sharing.
    hlpisontheway likes this.
  11. shockspade

    shockspade Fapstronaut

    I feel you too, man. I think that fact that you're here, just posting this specific thread, is reason to feel encouraged. We create all our problems first in our heads, and then what we've imagined we will into being. I think in order to move past feelings of insecurity, you have to create a new, more accurate, narrative. Stay strong.
  12. WokeUp88

    WokeUp88 Fapstronaut

    Day 33 (after a reboot)
    July 7, 2016


    Its been a while and I thought I should give an update. I just wanna start by saying that I'm writing this to encourage anyone out there struggling with addiction. There is a peace beyond the storm.

    When I began this blog, I started a 90 Day Challenge. Ultimately, I failed in my efforts. I would have a string of good weeks and then I would blow all that hard work to binge for a weekend while my roommate was out of town. Funny thing is that my roommate was out of town with his girlfriend, while I was isolated. Some of it was self isolated and some wasn't but it was all the same in the end. I was depressed. Not depressed in where you feel sad, but all the other symptoms of depression. Ruminating, racing thoughts, insomnia, anxiety and then I would feel empty on the inside because I'm constantly fatigued from trying to manage racing thoughts. Constantly trying to pick myself up when I didn't have the energy. Then, I was coping by drinking beer and smoking weed. It helped manage boredom and I was lonely. Like deeply lonely, but surrounded by people that love me. I couldn't see it because again every thought I had was being filtered through this depressive lens of the would.

    Then, I moved out into an apartment by myself for the first time in 5 years. This was in mid-May and I was still pretending to be on a 90-day challenge. On my umpteenth bender, I was exhausted. My dick was numb and I was a nervous mess. I reset my counter at the beginning of June. I needed to get my act together. Throughout the month, I dealt with urges, depression, and got a manage on racing thoughts. I started working on my thesis to finish my second master's degree. I started reading 2 books just because. I By the end of the month I'm not coping with porn anymore; I was building real coping skills. There were a few slips, but all things being equal, there were significantly more days when I was not masturbating versus the couple of times when I slipped. I immediately felt guilty afterwards and I think it gave me more motivation to keep strong.

    Then I met a girl. I dont know how it happened. I'm the guy who has been single most of his life. I'm the guy who's 20's have been defined by random hook-ups and inconsisent sex. I lacked self confidence and ruminated on what I thought I was missing. But without being emotionally and chemically dependent on porn and other substances, I'm thinking clear for the first time in a long time. This is the first time I feel like I know who I am. I know what I stand for. For so long, I've tried to be who I thought girls wanted, rather than trying to figure out who I am or what I need. Because I was so depressed I thought I could match with anybody and I never stopped to think who I might be compatible with. It didn't start to click until a few months ago.

    I matched with this girl on Bumble and we went on our first date a few nights ago. Because my head was clear, I was different that night. I was confident and I had game I didn't even know I had. I'm a licensed therapist and I never was able to translate what I knew about people to my own life. I read signals and body language all the time. That night, I was actually noticing someone flirting with me. Again, I'm the guy who has always felt invisible.

    And I hit the jackpot. This girl is in her medical residency and she wants to be a OBGYN. This is the first time I think I matched with someone. I would describe myself as a nerd, but more Kanye smart. I've never been with a girl who appreciated that part of me. Unfortunately its a huge part of who I am. As well, we bonded immediately about being people of color living in the Mid-West and how out of place we feel sometimes. I knew then that I can be myself.

    Today, I'm confident. I know what flirty things to say. I know how to keep the conversation. I found a confidence in me that buried underneath years of guilt, embarrassment, shame, depression, anxiety, and what ever else emotion. Masturbating to porn contributed greatly to that because I constantly fatigued and cloudy. I never had the energy to get better. I kept masturbating because it was the only time I can control feeling anything other than numbness.

    Now I'm not saying that my story is finished or I'm about to have a "happily ever after" with this girl. What I am saying is that I have a date in a few days. I'm learning that I can flirt. I'm learning I can be funny with girls. I'm learning that I can read signals from women. What I'm saying is that I finally feel like I build a life that I thought I would never have. I'm gonna make a great boyfriend one day soon to a girl and I'm really excited about what that will bring. I cant say I've ever been able to say that. This is the first time I can say that I am excited to court a girl. Something has clicked within me. I know what to do and say.

    So stay strong. Whatever you are struggling with. I never thought I would overcome, but today I'm a new man. Today, I'm on Day 33 and its going great. There is no weed or beer in the house. And I'm planning on calling my new friend tonight to talk on the phone. Reprioritizing my life has given me new ways to cope. I'm starting new shows, books, and I'm taking care of me.

    Take care of yourself. It's worth it. You're worth it.


    Chained1991 likes this.
  13. WokeUp88

    WokeUp88 Fapstronaut

    Day 33 (after a reboot)
    July 7, 2016


    Its been a while and I thought I should give an update. I just wanna start by saying that I'm writing this to encourage anyone out there struggling with addiction. There is a peace beyond the storm.

    When I began this blog, I started a 90 Day Challenge. Ultimately, I failed in my efforts. I would have a string of good weeks and then I would blow all that hard work to binge for a weekend while my roommate was out of town. Funny thing is that my roommate was out of town with his girlfriend, while I was isolated. Some of it was self isolated and some wasn't but it was all the same in the end. I was depressed. Not depressed in where you feel sad, but all the other symptoms of depression. Ruminating, racing thoughts, insomnia, anxiety and then I would feel empty on the inside because I'm constantly fatigued from trying to manage racing thoughts. Constantly trying to pick myself up when I didn't have the energy. Then, I was coping by drinking beer and smoking weed. It helped manage boredom and I was lonely. Like deeply lonely, but surrounded by people that love me. I couldn't see it because again every thought I had was being filtered through this depressive lens of the would.

    Then, I moved out into an apartment by myself for the first time in 5 years. This was in mid-May and I was still pretending to be on a 90-day challenge. On my umpteenth bender, I was exhausted. My dick was numb and I was a nervous mess. I reset my counter at the beginning of June. I needed to get my act together. Throughout the month, I dealt with urges, depression, and got a manage on racing thoughts. I started working on my thesis to finish my second master's degree. I started reading 2 books just because. I By the end of the month I'm not coping with porn anymore; I was building real coping skills. There were a few slips, but all things being equal, there were significantly more days when I was not masturbating versus the couple of times when I slipped. I immediately felt guilty afterwards and I think it gave me more motivation to keep strong.

    Then I met a girl. I dont know how it happened. I'm the guy who has been single most of his life. I'm the guy who's 20's have been defined by random hook-ups and inconsisent sex. I lacked self confidence and ruminated on what I thought I was missing. But without being emotionally and chemically dependent on porn and other substances, I'm thinking clear for the first time in a long time. This is the first time I feel like I know who I am. I know what I stand for. For so long, I've tried to be who I thought girls wanted, rather than trying to figure out who I am or what I need. Because I was so depressed I thought I could match with anybody and I never stopped to think who I might be compatible with. It didn't start to click until a few months ago.

    I matched with this girl on Bumble and we went on our first date a few nights ago. Because my head was clear, I was different that night. I was confident and I had game I didn't even know I had. I'm a licensed therapist and I never was able to translate what I knew about people to my own life. I read signals and body language all the time. That night, I was actually noticing someone flirting with me. Again, I'm the guy who has always felt invisible.

    And I hit the jackpot. This girl is in her medical residency and she wants to be a OBGYN. This is the first time I think I matched with someone. I would describe myself as a nerd, but more Kanye smart. I've never been with a girl who appreciated that part of me. Unfortunately its a huge part of who I am. As well, we bonded immediately about being people of color living in the Mid-West and how out of place we feel sometimes. I knew then that I can be myself.

    Today, I'm confident. I know what flirty things to say. I know how to keep the conversation. I found a confidence in me that buried underneath years of guilt, embarrassment, shame, depression, anxiety, and what ever else emotion. Masturbating to porn contributed greatly to that because I constantly fatigued and cloudy. I never had the energy to get better. I kept masturbating because it was the only time I can control feeling anything other than numbness.

    Now I'm not saying that my story is finished or I'm about to have a "happily ever after" with this girl. What I am saying is that I have a date in a few days. I'm learning that I can flirt. I'm learning I can be funny with girls. I'm learning that I can read signals from women. What I'm saying is that I finally feel like I build a life that I thought I would never have. I'm gonna make a great boyfriend one day soon to a girl and I'm really excited about what that will bring. I cant say I've ever been able to say that. This is the first time I can say that I am excited to court a girl. Something has clicked within me. I know what to do and say.

    So stay strong. Whatever you are struggling with. I never thought I would overcome, but today I'm a new man. Today, I'm on Day 33 and its going great. There is no weed or beer in the house. And I'm planning on calling my new friend tonight to talk on the phone. Reprioritizing my life has given me new ways to cope. I'm starting new shows, books, and I'm taking care of me.

    Take care of yourself. It's worth it. You're worth it.
  14. its all diet, like 80% diet. Put most of your focus on eating clean, quality real foods and if you have more time/energy workout a bit. I've gotten people some great results with food and a few walks per week. Consistency is key, most people give up/get frustrated too soon.
  15. man you Crossfit.... you have an amazing environment right there to meet woman... where else can you hang out that easily with beautiful woman AND not look like a douchebag because your shirts off... If theres nobody interesting at your gym, change class times or even better tour all the gyms in your city until you meet someone interesting.

    ask a cute girl thats better than you at something for some tips after the class, ask them how their eating to look so good, talk about diet, talk about workouts, talk about crossfit lol. Its actually a really easy environment lol. I am physically sick lately so I can't workout but as soon as I am good to go I am joining a gym to do exacly that.