I am not allowed to have a girlfriend...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. ...by myself! That's right, it's me who doesn't allow me to have a girlfriend. Why? Gonna tell ya why!

    That's the thing: I dated a girl some weeks ago via Whatsapp. We chatted for only trice a day, so very very little contact. Then she lied on me by saying that she already has a boyfriend. I got depressed and very emotionally vulnerable (thus, I cried a lot the last time). Now, I live like over analysizing everything, thinking if I am right with my opinion on sth and stuff. It's pain, mental pain. I really don't wish it to anyone!

    So, now imagine we'd come together and we split up in 1.5 years. You know what the result would be? Remember: all the shit I have now I only got it from chatting trice a day for a period of 7 days...

    That's why I don't want a girlfriend. My question is why, why for the f*ck do I have to suffer from this small kind of bshit??? Are my hormones in a mess?? Or what??

    I am 18 btw
  2. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Don't worry, man, love is not only about giving. A healthy, sustainable relationship has to be in a balance of giving and receiving. At least that's part of the fundament it is built upon. You are right in choosing wisely who you want to spend your time and energy on, but that doesn't mean no girl is worth this. You might come across one that actually is worth it! You need to accept to be vulnerable in a relationship, that's what happens when you become intimate with a person on an emotional level.

    Why enforce restrictions on yourself, by yourself? This slowls down your personal growth. Redefine, reinvent yourself in every second that you walk this earth.
    FredSamson likes this.
  3. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    theres billions of women out there please don't let one online get u down
    ByeForever!! likes this.
  4. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Nah, sounds like an extreme case of Oneitis, ie, you've put all your attention towards this one girl, who from the sounds of it just used you because her boyfriend isn't there for her emotionally. Trust me on that one, I was down that exact path, but once I opened my eyes I basically said fuck her and moved on. I laugh when I look back at my situation and how she kept telling me she was going to break up with him to be with me but never did, and only talked to me to bitch about him, lmfao.

    You're young so that might be part of the problem too, but one of the biggest mistakes you can make is coming across as desperate, messaging a ton and getting attached (which you did because you said you cried over her). Protip: use your phone for setting up dates in the beginning and then when it starts getting serious you can start texting her more often.

    As Golgo said, there's billions of girls out there, don't get hung up on one that you met online.
  5. I know that there are billions of girls out there. But it doesn't help me. It's this suffering now, this overanalysizing and thinking if I am right on a topic or not. I want this to stop. Too bad that oneitis isn't a real "disease"...
  6. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    Dude. Online dating isn't real for multiple reasons, and coming from a guy who's been in two online relationships, take my advice: Go and find a girl in the real world, one you can actually meet and stuff
  7. I knew her personally! It was NOT online dating! She was in my class one year ago, but I had depression so I "waited" till my depression is gone. Then I wrote with her on WhatsApp
  8. And now I am constantly overanalyzing everything, I worry extremely if I am right on a topic (just an example: I hear about death penalty in the news and I start to think if my opinion on death penalty is right or wrong and this leads to a immense "paranoia"). This is what I don't understand, why I am "suffering" in this way. Are my hormones in a wreck? Or is it only a mental thing?
  9. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    Sorry, didn't know that
  10. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    You don't ever have to be right about anything. Being happy is so much better than being right.
  11. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Alright dude story time. It is my belief that just like pmo oneitis is a sort of disease that we create for ourselves due to one reason or another, usually out of the desire to have people in our lives. It's a mindset we create that we must be with so and so or because they said this or looked at us a certain way then they are the one or that you desperately want to be with them.

    In highschool I liked about 5 girls total, but not until my junior year. My first 2 years I was pretty much a loner, I had a few friends, but I never talked to girls even though I always wished I had the courage to. At the beginning of my junior year I FELL for one girl because, GASP, she talked to me first and gave me attention. Right then I made it up in my mind I had to date her, but I was a pussy at the time so didn't know how to ask her. I asked her through multiple notes, that included stupid shit about how I liked her and such and she got so upset she wanted to report me to the principle for bothering her. I stopped bothering her after that but I didn't learn my lesson. Later in the semester I did the same thing to another girl who simple stopped talking to me, which of course tore me up.

    Senior year I fell for another girl who I had got along with really good but I had learned my lesson about the note bullshit. I asked her out and we did lunch together but she brought a friend, crushing me (since I ONLY wanted to be with her). A few weeks later I asked her out to prom, but with her being younger than me her parents didn't approve of it, which completely devastated me. I actually had 2 other girls who I could have asked but didn't because I was so obsessed with this one. I also had another ask me to prom but again I said no, because if I couldn't go with this one I didn't want to go at all. I had created this bullshit attitude in my head that there is only one for me and this and that blah blah blah. So yeah, I didn't go to prom because I made up a fake excuse in my head why I couldn't go. Don't make the same mistakes I did.

    Safe to say after that point it wasn't long and I went to pmo to fill that void in my life since I "failed" to get with the "ones". It's just now that I am crawling out of that void and trying to change that mindset. You just have to stop caring so much and worry about yourself first.
  12. BobDobbs

    BobDobbs Fapstronaut

    Here's what I wish I had understood better when I was somewhere around the ages 15 to 23. I am 35 now.

    Work on yourself. Exercise, make art, write, volunteer. Clean and organize. Learn to build and fix things. Take up a hobby that puts you in contact with people. Enjoy time spent by yourself, instead of just wasting that time. But also find ways to interact and connect with a wider variety of people.

    You are SO young and inexperienced. Do not avoid dating, but try not to worry about it either. Be direct with people you like, and don't accept indirectness back. Be understanding, but don't take shit. Don't be pushy, but make yourself clear.

    I got so hung up on girls. I've had 4 major heartbreaks in my life, a lot of minor ones, and a lot of wasted time. I don't believe in "just letting it happen" because you won't find love by just letting it find you. You gotta be open to the possibility, and you gotta put yourself out there, and try to make connections. But you also can't just be constantly hunting after it. You gotta be relaxed and willing to gamble, which means willing to accept if you try something and it doesn't work.

    Find ways to enjoy yourself and be productive. See a therapist, talk to your friends about deeper issues (not just relationship stuff). That old saying that "You can't find love until you learn to love yourself" is BULLSHIT because we all deserve love, and we should all love ourselves, but that's not some simple step 1.2.3. process, where you complete a mission and you're OK with yourself. It's continually learning, growing, and it's not a smooth path. You gotta find the balance to enjoy the process. Sometimes you won't be in a good state to start relationships, but as long as you are trying to better yourself, and do interesting things, you can make room for someone else to share that journey.

    Cultivate platonic friendships. It's OK to be lonely. But don't let it swallow you. Avoid ruts, but a routine can be valuable in pursuing a goal. Set goals and work towards them. A big goal, and plot out some of the intermediate steps. Be flexible. Take care of your health. DO NOT WASTE TIME.

    But it's actually good to get your heart broken a bit here and there. You learn to recover. One of my best friends is 28, and he did not date AT ALL for about 10 years. Wouldn't let himself and didn't try, because he was stressed out about something else only partially related to dating. Now he has dated 3 girls in the past year, and he has NO fucking clue how to handle his emotions, overreacts to small disappointments. He's going through the same growing pains now that you are. You'll get over this girl, and you'll date someone else for a few months or a year, and get your heart broken, and then it will happen again, and it will suck every time, but you will learn about yourself and you'll learn what you can and can't tolerate in a relationship.
    HopeFaith, strugglemode and Pluto like this.