I'm chemically castrated and fapping and porn are no longer problems

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by VicistiGalilaee, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Are you "potent" in other parts of your life? Are you successful in your work, study, etc ?
  2. VicistiGalilaee

    VicistiGalilaee Fapstronaut

    Yep! I'm a prolific writer, run my own website to promote my writings, etc. I'm loving life, especially now that there's no sex drive to interfere with it or make me miserable.
    lceres6 likes this.
  3. VicistiGalilaee

    VicistiGalilaee Fapstronaut

    But it's not so much just that sexuality gets me in trouble, but that I dislike the very sensation it produces, the constant craving and envy of those who get to discharge their sexual desires in a healthy way, etc.
  4. I suppose it could have side effects, but I'm not sure.
    When my flatline was at its peak, I also had barely sexual desire, but I felt unenergetic in return. I actually like feeling a little bit aroused, just the amount I can transmutate (maybe I can't and it is placebo, but it feels to me that way haha).

    If I were you, I would try to minimize sex drive like you do and see if it works for you. If it works then that's great. But be aware it might work now but not in the longrun and you might have to consider other methods. I'm no expert on this :D
  5. juswannabfree

    juswannabfree Fapstronaut

    This post makes me sad. I'm both happy and sad for u at the same time. To reach a point where drugs/medications to remove your sequel desires become the only solution makes me sad because I feel the same way that my sex u all desires have caused nothing but pain. The drugs are a temporary solution man. There has to be a better way.
  6. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    Stop all the bad habits. All the best.
  7. Crispy21

    Crispy21 Fapstronaut

    I should look more into this. Slowly seems like the only possibility for me living a fruitful life.
  8. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    No, it's not.
    FredSamson likes this.
  9. VicistiGalilaee

    VicistiGalilaee Fapstronaut

    You don't know that though. It's totally a case-by-case thing. Some people should try to work through these issues if they want a sex life. I don't want a sex life at all and see sex as the problem, rather than there being an extrinsic problem. Whether or not he thinks this will help is his own business.
    TomBradyGOAT likes this.
  10. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    You'll do what you like, I'm sure, and so will he. But taking a pill seems like a shortcut to me; a cop out. It avoids any attempt to examine the root causes of your PMO problems. You learn nothing. There are plenty of people who are asexual and PMO free without chemically castrating themselves. What are you afraid of?
    zenon27 likes this.
  11. Crispy21

    Crispy21 Fapstronaut

    If youre not asexual then youll live life fighting urges that will never be fulfilled.
  12. VicistiGalilaee

    VicistiGalilaee Fapstronaut

    Amen. I am not naturally asexual, but I loathe the fact that I had sexual desire. Walking around with attractive women everywhere, it was like being in a parched desert with bottles of cold water everywhere that you can't open.
    Crispy21 likes this.
  13. VicistiGalilaee

    VicistiGalilaee Fapstronaut

    I understand well enough the root of the problem, but knowing about it doesn't resolve it. besides, why work harder when you can work smarter?
  14. Crispy21

    Crispy21 Fapstronaut

    I like this. Especially when youve tried to open them but you just cant.
  15. VicistiGalilaee

    VicistiGalilaee Fapstronaut

    Or when you try so hard that you get rashes on your hands. :p
    XPiRED likes this.
  16. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    Well, if you're not asexual you could try to have a relationship with another person? I think I'd try finding a normal human outlet for my sexual desires before chemically castrating myself. Because, you know, you CAN learn how to refrain from PMO without living a life of misery. Honestly, that "walking in the desert surrounded by bottles of water you can't open" analogy is nonsense.
  17. VicistiGalilaee

    VicistiGalilaee Fapstronaut

    I have completely given up the idea that it's possible to live a life without PMO without living a life of misery apart from eliminating my sex drive altogether.
  18. mimikry

    mimikry New Fapstronaut

    bullshit, im sure u will at some point come off the clomipramine.i have known ppl on TCA's and SSRI's. They usually taper off them SLOWLY over time. I knew a guy who was on a TCA for 2.5 years, tapered off, then moved on to SSRI'S for another 9-15 months then finally came off everything. He was in the army and has PTSD. if u thnk its impossible to live without PMO, then that is ur problem right there. ur mindset needs to be changed ASAP. go see a therapist n maybe try different types of therapy.
  19. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I'm no expert on this, so these are just thoughts to consider.
    If the drugs are necessary to help you live your life, I'm not going to say they are bad. Some people on antidepressants really just need to work through their issues, many others need help chemically balancing their brains', and some need help chemically balancing their brain until they can work through their issues. That is something you (and your doctor and anyone close to you) need to work out. I'm not really a fan of the idea of removing your sex drive though, even if you plan to be celibate for the rest of your life. It is part of your nature, part of what you are, and to not let yourself feel it is to deny yourself the ability to grow as a person by denying certain pleasures to yourself. Many people have an underlying emotional issue which causes them to turn to addiction, and to just hide the addiction can let the original issue fester.
    That's just some food for thought. Think it over and don't be afraid to reconsider the issue over the months and years to come.

    Best wishes
    TheWife likes this.
  20. zenon27

    zenon27 Fapstronaut

    I've suffered OCD, Pure-O myself for all my life, saliva obsession, heart beat, walking, sexual obsession.
    But reading this makes it feel weak. I normally don't believe in pills. I would rather my body and mind torment itself until they struggle and get full immunity to the root cause of it. Facing the fear head on. Not allowing ego to win my battles.

    For me pills would apply a lousy way out. While anti-depression can make people cop to move past events like suicide moment. What happens if the solo reason they used them after is to kill their sexual urges?

    Its natural behavior, why not just get castrated completely and it will never bother you again.
    But that just me

    I wish you best, its your body, you can what you want. But i could never go the same root you are. Even if OCD puts me on the edge, I can't give in to the pills making me numb. I would rather feel all, than feel numb in any way. What doesn't kill a person, makes him stronger after all.