Porn isn't the problem, technology is

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Rlyq, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Rlyq

    Rlyq Guest

    No, I meant that more as an intellectual fight :) Whatever works for you is what you need to do. I'm not in any way trying to distract people from their objectives. I'm just putting that idea out there, some pick it up, some don't, some may later, that's all there is to it really. You're actually pretty bold to have kept your stance, seeing you have a streak going, congrats!
  2. lionace

    lionace Guest

    @Veritech This challenge can be fought on an intellectual level (solely discussion).

    @Rlyq Although your previous post is interesting, and I feel invited to reply to it I doubt your motives.

    You state you want to help this community. Why? I admit it right away: I am here to cure myself in the first place, and if doing so means helping others, that's even greater! What is really behind your posting?

    How would you solve the tech problem given it is the real cause? I'd leave it up to everyone him/herself what are the roots of their problem. Even if they are mistaken they'll need to figure it out themselves.
    Maybe it is just the real cause for you? Then better find people who feel similar about their own situation it will do you good to share your experience with them.

    Edit: sry didn't read the last post before it committed
  3. Rlyq

    Rlyq Guest

    Well it's not really practical to find anti-tech forums online :) No, I do have a bond with three older men who share this point of view, however I don't really need to talk about that particular subject with them on a regular basis, as it's a given to us. As a musician, I have seen the damage tech has done to authentic artistry, and I write about it regularly on my site. As a young man who has struggled with porn, tried NoFap, 'NoInternet', K9 Web Protection, etc. I figured I'd share my findings here. I'm not saying I'll do this all my life, but I've had a this anti-tech light bulb moment recently, and it's making a lot of sense to me. Talking about it publicly helps me test my logic. And raising awareness is one of the few things you can do when you're against such an enemy. Also, the weather is quite crappy these days :D
  4. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Fuck Porn! Fuck Masturbation!
    Veritech likes this.
  5. lionace

    lionace Guest

    love thy enemies
    this will truly free you
    hate is going to bind you to them
  6. Harvhe

    Harvhe Fapstronaut

    Just gotta remember, when there was no technology, man still wrote and illustrated down let alone carved into idols the desires of the flesh. Before the internet, there was VCR and magazines (both hoardable) and before them till the dawn of civilisation there have been brothels and escorts consistently complimented by crude idols and illustrations that spur our little caveman brains.

    I disagree with the OP in that technology is not the issue, its the inherent sexual desire of the human race as we were made by evolution/god whatever or however. Nature kicks in the drive to procreate as a constant reminder of our own existence and why we are here, all the mental processes across the ranges of technology are the same.

    Im sorry but each to your own, i think your points are beginning to fall apart into off topic fire-and-brimstone rhetoric for people who can't read or intelligently pick apart for a arguement.

    Condolences on the death of your uncle but this is not a engaging arguement and little more than a bit of emotional bait. Other than a loose reference to the process of dating women it has nothing to do with technology. Here's a story i made to demonstrate.

    Im sorry if i seem harsh but i speak my mind with deliberation
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  7. PrettySmartPenguin

    PrettySmartPenguin New Fapstronaut

    As much as I disagree about your view on quitting PMO (in my opinion you shouldn't be posting that on NoFap's forum), I totally agree about the technology thoughts. It's especially hard for me, because my dad has made our living from computer technology-based work, and I, for my whole life and during my university studies, focused on technology both on creative side (programming, Internet, electronics) and on leisure side (games, forums, music, films etc.), so I can say I'm deeply involved :).

    Yet as much as I observe it, especially from the point I learned about nofap, I started noticing things and wondering about the technology, mostly about the widely available Internet connection, games and social media. I see me, a primary school boy struggling with anxiety and fears, sitting in his room alone and thinking that he doesn't need any friends when he has his computer, games, and Internet (in the times when it started to become more available). Too many times I have fled from real life challenges and from friends that I used to have, into safe, cozy, content-rich computer world. Even now, when I see all my problems caused by playing, watching and mindlessly scrolling, I can't manage myself to cut off - what would I be doing instead then?! But as they say, admitting that one has a problem is a first step to be fixed...

    It's understood that for a young person it was really tempting, as I was born in the blossoming era of modern technology. But now I observe social media dragging my parents and even my grandparents generation - people tend to meet in person a lot less, as they can chat or watch other people sharing their lifes on facebook page, instead of asking them in person by a glass of beer. The facebook-checking time in the evenings became a habit for my parents. It really shocks me as I remember times when they wouldn't even imagine wasting their time like that now. It may be just an hour or two, but it adds up to shocking amounts over time.

    I'm not saying that the technology itself is evil. You may start an argument that all the technology was new at some point and always there were some people saying that it's no good. Yet this time, I think that the progress came too fast and some individuals, without ability to moderate, got lost (like myself), and even stronger people tend to abuse. I am afraid for the next generation as I watch kids that can't yet read or even speak, but are given the tablets from their parents, and are more fluent in their operation that some people my age.

    We are in the place from which we can't go back. You can't live in a developed society without an e-mail, internet bank account, or even facebook profile (as people from e.g. university post and discuss essential things there). Yet this stuff may be dangerous for some people, including me, and most people don't realize that risks.

    I apologize if my post or my opinions may be unclear or exaggerated to you, as this are my hot thoughts in this subject. I started to have this feelings about our technology some time ago but didn't really have anyone to share it to or any other opinions to read in this matter.
    Rlyq and lionace like this.
  8. Technology itself is not a problem, stupid use of technology definitely is. Without technology we would be stuck in the poverty and uncertainty of the Middle Ages, when simple flu could send you to the next world in a few days. But technology is power, and every sort of power demands responsibility.
  9. Rlyq

    Rlyq Guest

    I was about to delete my account, but wow, that was a great post, thank you so much @PrettySmartPenguin. You absolutely nailed some of my feelings regarding my own parents and self-moderation. One thing I'd like to point out, though, is that parents nowadays, especially those involved in tech, are actually becoming more and more aware of its effects. Steve Jobs is only one example of the trend going on in the Silicon Valley:

    TLDR: The guy used to tell the world about how great the devices he was selling were, was considered a living God by quite a few in that regard, yet the exact same devices were forbidden in his own home, for the good of his children. If somebody needs more evidence than that that tech companies are screwing their clients, there's strictly nothing I can do.

    But I don't care about the elite. I don't care about hanging out with Steve Jobs' kids. I've had friends whose parents owned the local high-end bakery think they were the cream of the crop, what kind of attitude do children who've been told their father is the greatest man of recent America have? I really only care about the masses, because the improvement I've seen in my life since I started becoming anti-tech times the number of people in my country would definitely make the world a better place.

    That's my message, and this is why I put it here, because I thought the people reading this forum would be particularly ripe for it. I'll build some other forum or site if somebody wants to take this someplace else, hit me up with your email address in a PM if that's the case.
  10. PrettySmartPenguin

    PrettySmartPenguin New Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't call myself anti-tech, maybe tech-aware ;)

    You know, drug sellers don't do drugs either ;) Kidding, of course, but he may had thought about consequences of abusing things he developed more than we do.

    That is true, and as I said, humans are imperfect and the time in which so much awesome technology was developed may have been too short for them to stop, think about consequences and take it by moderation.
    RoseTenthFan likes this.
  11. lionace

    lionace Guest

    Don't give up on your quest yet! I know of people I'd consider to be victims of internet and tech. I wouldn't count me as one of them but definitely there will be some amongst nofap users. Just it probably won't be enough to post one thread to gain their attention.
  12. I agree completely, but I'd say there is yet another factor to it, which could be called spiritual. In the Western world, Christian faith which has guided people since the late Roman era has weakened, partly because of scientific discoveries that seemingly disproved some biblical narratives, partly because of Leftist and Progressivist assault on the Church. And no new gospel appeared to replace it. Some could say the new gospel is Leftism itself, or New Age, but neither teaches real spiritual discipline like conservative Christianity does. It is possible we are in a spiritual hiatus, like the Romans in the era between losing faith the old gods like Zeus and accepting Jesus. I believe a form of secular spirituality would be the best thing to fill the void. It has already been born, but did not yet gain power over the popular imagination.

    If there were no Internet, spiritually confused people could use drugs, or excessive drinking, or perhaps casual sex as a means to escape reality.

    Perhaps we could use a label like techno-sceptic (like already existing Euro-sceptic). A techno-sceptic is not an enemy of technology, but doubts whether more tech is always better. Improvements in transport or medicine are awesome, but in some areas of human experience technology is just a distraction - e.g. in social life and sexuality.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2016
    PrettySmartPenguin and lionace like this.
  13. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    Yeah this post was so powerful until I read that part that he won't quit watching amature porn. I've tried everything and I mean everything to give up masterbating and porn. and Im now gonna try plan z and see if it works and that is getting rid of every piece of technolgy I own. I'm gonna put my phone, iPad, etc In a lock box and leave the key at work. i wont be able to communicate and visit this site unless I go to the library but its something I haven't tryed. hopefulay no emergency and I need my phone like a,family emergency. I can't remove the ps4 in the living room because its my sisters but I'm gonna delete the WiFi password and hope she doesn't use the ps4 for like 3 months so she won't put the password back in. I know technology isn't 100 percent the reason why we watxh porn nor will I solely blame it on it. we use porn to self sooth ourselves and deal with our emotions. I know speaking for myself as a porn addiCT I have to learn to deal with my emotions in a healthy way. but I'm gonna remove technology to the best of my abilties and see how that goes .....
  14. Yeah they say Salvador Dali secretly masturbated behind his easel to the nude models he was painting.
  15. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    Interesting ideas, my friend.
  16. F50C137YZ

    F50C137YZ Fapstronaut

    I think anti-tech is way too extreme.

    Do you enjoy warm food? I doubt that you cook it over and open fire.

    Do you like not having to dig a hole to shit in? I doubt that you have an outhouse.

    Do you enjoy having food stay edible for long periods of time? I doubt that you are an aficianado of natural forms of food containment.

    Do you like being able to travel wherever you want in the world in a reasonable amount t of time? I doubt that you ride your bike across the continent for the purpose of vacationing.

    Let's face it. Technology is everywhere and it's not going anywhere unless there is some sort of world wide catastrophe that knocks out the power grid.

    I'm sure that you'll come back and say, "Oh, but those forms of technology weren't a 'problem' therefore they don't count in this discussion."

    Really? Because computers wouldn't exist without electricity, period.

    Here are a few definitions of technology straight from the dictionary:

    1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
    2. the application of this knowledge for practical ends.
    3. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
    4. a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like.
    5. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.

    Look, I get your argument and even agree on a few points. However, such an extreme angle is not the answer, in my opinion. The answer is to study the effects of all of this tech in depth and to release the findings to the public so that they can make a decision for themselves.

    You suggest that drugs and porn are not problems. Are you for drug prohibition? Do you think that there should be a prohibition on pornography? What you suggest sounds a whole lot like prohibition of technology.

    I am all for individuals, of their own free will, deciding that they want to limit their use of technology. However, suggesting that technology be somehow eliminated would be for the "betterment of mankind" is a kind of prohibition. How do you know what is best for humanity or best for even one other individual?

    We, as humans, will always find ways to fuck ourselves up, tech or no tech. No tech will not solve all of our problems. Just as no porn will not solve all of anyone's problems. Maybe in an utopian, Aldous Huxley scribed world that might be the case.

    The real world is much more complex. You get rid of one problem, you create 1,000,000 more. That, my friend, is the real world. Utopianism can never and will never exist, which is kind of the point of all of those utopian novels if you didn't quite get the gist the first time.

    The illusion that there is some magic pill to make the world better is the real problem. The sooner you swallow that bit of truth, the sooner you will realize just how delusional you have become.

    Either way, thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is quite an interesting discussion, despite all of the rash statements and false claims.
  17. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Instead of abusing technology we should take advantage of it. People used to be very curious back in the day. But now we dont ask any questions? Instead we go on porn and not take advantage. Read articles learn about something on the internet read. Its a fact that the human race is devolving instead of expanding
    F50C137YZ likes this.
  18. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    The discussion on this thus far has been way too general and oversimplified. I think the SPECIFIC aspect of "tech" that we need to look at is media theory.

    One media theorist, Douglas Rushkoff outlines the media revolutions this way:

    With the alphabet and written language it could be externalized to writing, but of course few were literate and had to hear it from the priesthood for example.
    With the printing press the ability to read became wide spread, but the ability to control the press were in the hands of the few elites again.
    With the internet people can publish all sorts of stuff, not limited to the written word - but the new edge that only few has the ability to control is programming.

    This is not quite there yet, at least on a more popular level - but from what I understand it's getting there. Virtual Reality, sex robots - it's going to be beyond videos of people having sex.

    And on the concept of programming, when it comes to NoFap and PMO I think the REAL significance is not programming computers, but programming people with computers.

    And it's not making us any smarter.

    The way to understand how we use computers is we outsource our cognition. For example we don't use our own memory when we can do a search, and there are ever increasing ways in which we defer to machines in our thinking and choices. The net effect is it dumbs us down, and arguably even in the area of intimate relationships as well. Even if someone is using eHarmony they are trusting the process to an algorithm.

    Think about this for a second, we're trusting a machine to arrange relationships for us. I wouldn't trust my own parents to do that.

    And as Gary Wilson has noted there's a correlation between high speed internet and the physiological changes in YBOP. People who study online psychology knows there's an amplification effect with arguments, trolling and such - but with porn it's direct and it skews your biology.

    One of Rushkoffs book is Program or Be Programmed, just the title tells you something but there are very practical advice in that short book. Another one that's relevant is Present Shock, one of the concepts in that one is digiphrenia - worth looking up if anyone is interested.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  19. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

  20. badeae1

    badeae1 Fapstronaut

    Porn isn't the problem and technology isn't the problem.

    How you handle your emotions and the feeling of being rejected is the core root of the problem
    Stay clean