PMO = STRESS = Cortisol = Inflammation & Pain

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by WifeInTheDark, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    So I was reading this article on how people in happy relationships suffer less heart attacks and have higher pain tolerances:

    It is semi-jokingly referred to as having superpowers. The other half of that coin is though, people with PMO addictions and their SOs have MORE stress in their lives. Therefore it would stand to reason that they also have more situations triggering a cortisol release and more problems with resulting conditions like inflammation, heart disease, weight gain, fibromyalgia, and other inflammation related conditions.

    As the wife of a PMO addict, I've noticed a direct correlation between having a fight and being angry over PMO-related issues and having more muscle spasms, headaches and body pain in general. The more I'm in situations that trigger unhappy emotions, the more pain I'm in. And conversely, the more we cuddle and talk and confide in one another, the LESS pain I'm in.

    So, my question is - Has anyone else noticed this same cause and effect?
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  2. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    I've suffered a lot of health problems recently. I'm not sure if it's related but I wouldn't be surprised. I suffer from depression. I've recently noticed extreme fatigue and difficulty in concentrating. Various skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema. Mouth ulcers, headaches, and a pain in one of my breasts.

    After going to the Dr and having blood tests done, they have been unable to determine the cause of my tiredness. The latest theory is that I might have celiac desiese. I'm also having a scan on my breast to make sure there's nothing nasty going on there, and been prescribed various steroids and creams for my skin.

    Long and short of it is that, I'm not sure if any of this is stress related due to problems in my marriage. Or if I genuinely have something wrong with me. Even if I do, I can't imagine the stress and emotional turmoil I have experienced over the last year has helped the situation at all.

    I also think it has affected my husband's health and anxiety symptoms. So I would agree that a problematic relationship is detrimental to ones health.
    Gamerwife85 and WifeInTheDark like this.
  3. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    I have absolutely had increased medical issues that over the last few years that are still to date, unexplained. I attributed these ailments to age, injury, and just a streak of bad luck. I have been told that stress and anxiety will most definitely cause psychosomatic illnesses. It's real pain that's experienced but sometimes treatment for the pain is unsuccessful. While treatment for the underlying stressor will aid in symptom relief.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  4. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    In the last 3 years I have had a cervical spinal fusion, hip arthroscopy, intercostal neuralgia, complex regional pain syndrome, anxiety, depression, hypertension and IBS. But a Perfect bill of health prior to marriage.
  5. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    I have issues with gluten and several chemical sensitivities. I also have hypothyroidism (Graves disease) and Epstein Barr. Both of which can cause fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue (CFS). But I notice that my inflammation seems to get worse and be more exaggerated when I'm stressed out, especially when I'm depressed. So yeah, I think they're definitely related too.
    MaKa likes this.
  6. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    Whoa. Those are really significant issues.
  7. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    I do think some of those were just degenerative spine problems but as far as the IBS, depression, anxiety and hypertension goes it could definitely correlate. In fact my gastrointestinal doc finally got me on the right med that was finally helping me be completely symptom free of the IBS for the last 2 months. The day my husband came clean, all the IBS came back even still taking the meds. Coincidence? Maybe...but doubtful
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  8. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    Did you know that we have even more emotional chemical receptors in our intestines than in our brains? People get ulcers and IBS from emotional issues even more often then they get headaches from stress! The research is really interesting!
    MaKa likes this.
  9. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    It is very interesting! I never had stomach issues. It certainly seems reasonable with all the information out there on this being directly involved. So now, how to stop the madness of stress lol. It's a vicious cycle.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  10. wildwood

    wildwood Fapstronaut

    I've been having lots of stomach pain as well as loss of hunger along with pain in my knees again. I had tore my meniscus and everything was great. I even started yoga after physical therapy. But after what has happened in the past two weeks it's coming back.
  11. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    I look d through your recent activity but didn't find a reference to what happened to you in the past two do tell please!
  12. wildwood

    wildwood Fapstronaut

    Well, my boyfriend relapse after 311 days clean. Something with my father which I choose not to discuss, a delicate situation. It wasn't just a relapse but...a full on binge. I broke up with him. The way it happened was fucked up. While we were texting each other actually. After a bad night out with friends. A family shitstorm and then since I needed a night out because of all the stress and it was a friends birthday, he yelled at me in the car in front of our best friend. That night before I received awful news, he relapsed. He didn't support me but decided to relapse. I'm a recovering ex web cam model, it was an extreme emotional trigger. Things have changed since what happened but lately I've been feeling like absolute crap. And I was perfectly fine. Until that. I haven't relapsed but it's been a struggle keeping it together.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  13. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    Whoa. Talk about a whole lot of stress all at once. No wonder you're in physical pain too. You poor thing! Good for you for keeping up the struggle through it all though!
  14. wildwood

    wildwood Fapstronaut

    Thank you! It's been crazy but lets see how this turns out..all I need is nice day alone to enjoy some quality time with myself :) we all need it haha
  15. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    My blood pressure is through the roof .... not much appetite .... I am tired during the day .... can't sleep at night .... anxiety !!!!
  16. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry your having a rough time @aboutagirl, I know exactly how you feel. The stress of having to deal and cope with a problematic relationship and all of this PMO is enough, let alone deprive us of our basic necessity to have the proper nutrients and rest to help us get through it.
    Have you tried taking a Melatonin supplement before bed? I've noticed significant improvement in sleep when I take it. It is variable, especially on high stress days, I take 15mg on those days but normally 10mg. Maybe take a good multi-vitamin as well. I make kale, carrot, & mixed berry smoothies to help boost my metabolism and the decreased appetite so at least I can still get the proper nutrients. It makes a huge difference in how I feel, so much more energy, even when I feel like crawling under a rock.
    Hang in there...sending you some positive energy, and hugs!
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  17. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    Thank you ! *hugs*
    I should try melatonin .... I have been drinking camomile tea and peppermint tea to help my grumbles in my stomach I tried to eat a bit more and I get sick real sick that I need a heating pad on my stomach to help :( I used to love my green smoothies I don't really enjoy the taste of food anymore .... maybe I could try vitamins I just hope they don't make me nauseous....
    MaKa likes this.
  18. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    I love the chamomile and peppermint. I too, use it to help with calming things down. The melatonin is working for me and without causing any drowsiness the next day. Hope you have a great day, take care of you!
    about a girl likes this.
  19. cubs2516

    cubs2516 Fapstronaut

    Hey I can kind of relate with all of you. I'm a senior in high school and ever since my sophomore year I've had depression and anxiety. My doctor found out because when I had a physical my sophomore year, my blood pressure was high! I was so surprised because I'm young, I exercise a lot, maintain a good weight and have always had great overall health. It was really scary and shocking. The weird thing about my blood pressure is that the top number is always high but my bottom number is always low and healthy. The top number usually correlates with stress, so my doc concluded that the high blood pressure was caused by my anxiety/depression. Ever since I've started NoFap I've had a lot more energy and better cardiovascular health. For example in my soccer games I don't get as tired as easily and that's in part to my reduced blood pressure. NoFap is just the beginning, I believe nofap serves as a base to help one identify all of the unhealthy lifestyle choices they make, not just porn and masturbation. As my mind has gotten clearer, my blood pressure has dropped. Nofap has helped me realize other addictive behaviors in my life (tv video games certain types of unhealthy foods I always eat) and abstain from those. @WifeInTheDark is right. Prolonged stress causes inflammation. Inflammation causes so many chronic illness like depression, heart disease, and countless others. Have any of you heard of omega-3 fat? It's a fat found in fish and seeds and plants that has enormous anti-inflammatory affects. Do some research on it. Fish oil is high in it and I want to start taking a fish oil supplement. Anyway, just wanted to say that I feel with any of you suffering from disease caused by stress. Patience and lifestyle changes are key in beating it!! Still have a lot of work to do. To good health for all of us.
    WifeInTheDark and about a girl like this.