What is your love level?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Kiddy, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. Kiddy

    Kiddy Fapstronaut

    I have always had a hard time making lasting friendships. Last night I found an artical saying that a guy's lack of romantic success might be a sign that he is not really as nice of a person as he thinks he is. I think this applies to friendships too, and even career failure.

    I AM nice in sense that I treat others decently. But that simply isn't enough to build lasting relationships. So I wonder what is true niceness. Also I like to substitute the word nice with the word love, which has a more metaphysical ring to it.

    Is your love true love? What do you think true love is?
    skylar_legit likes this.
  2. Hello Kiddy,
    first of all being nice and treat others decently should be the nature of human and shouldn´t have reasons like to build relationships. Just be yourself and be nice like you are, but Love and relationships does have more factors. Luck is something that is important like the luck of right timing. Also sometimes it is not your fault, sometimes the person you want to be in a relationship with, can´t feel love for you. You can´t force someone to love you. Just wait for the day when it happens, be yourself and I believe that someone will fall in love with you :)
    I will combine both question together: True Love has many opinions and everyone paraphrase it different. It is good that you believe in true love not everyone believe it exists.
  3. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Nothing pissed me off more than when the ladies would constantly complain to me about their boyfriends.

    "I wish my boyfriend was as nice as you".

    Then the jerk boyfriend would arrive and I would leave quietly while the two would start making out or disappear to a bedroom for a sexual tryst.

    I know how you feel.
    Kiddy likes this.
  4. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    been there done that.
    One night, I was ready to make my move and try to hook up with a nice girl that I was in love with. She just didn't know it yet lol. One of my buddies, a player and a more "popular" dude than me, got sick of drinking, puked his guts out...a few minutes after, he quickly seduced the girl and started to french-kiss her like you have no idea...

    Beurk..1 he was a jerk, 2 he must have tasted like puke, 3, I was not impressed at the girl...she even told me later that night that she was sorry for me but she wanted to stay good "friend" with me...i just told her you know he just puked and you cleaned it?
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
    Sentinel, avatarivn and Kiddy like this.
  5. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    Sorry to read that bro. That had to sting!!!
  6. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut


    That was in my teenage years...I was falling in love with girls before even letting them know or being close to them...that was a recipe for failure... lol

    So, I married the first girl that wanted me and had sex with....another recipe for failure...lol
    Gladiatori likes this.
  7. Harvhe

    Harvhe Fapstronaut

    Of course i say i am a nice person, but i know that im not anyway without a article to tell me that based off the fact im cold with how i go about things (partially its not my deliberately purposeful fault, but i do take time to embrace that side of myself to my advantage) and have a short fuse to my anger (a fact that personally scares myself sometimes)

    Id rather keep out of a relationship for the sake of the other person, especially someone i respect and admire a lot (which is really bizarre in saying i want to stay with someone i don't give much more than two hoots about, but in some terms its empty boots to fill in rather than going in guns blazing)