Is this just a placebo? Just pseudoscience? False hopes?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by sugarcanethrowaway, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. sugarcanethrowaway

    sugarcanethrowaway Fapstronaut

    I hate getting close to girls or getting into a relationship because I'm afraid of having to have sex. I know, how fucking ridiculous. I remember when I was a kid that just hit puberty and I really wanted to have sex, like it was basically my one goal. Now, I'm afraid of it. Nothing feels good about sex. I last ages, it becomes boring, I feel nothing and my orgasm is non existent...I ejaculate but feel nothing. I watch movies and when there is a sex scene, I feel shit. I'm reminded of my problem that I created. The problem that I gave myself. I can't relate to the sex scene. I post to reddit asking for help and my post gets downvoted for reasons I don't understand. And I look at the top rated posts to look for ideas as to why my post was downvoted and I see inane things like "I let my husband suck my tits, is this weird?". I know I sound so bitter but it's hard not to be so when people downvote your posts, reducing your likelihood of getting help and then just moving on with their life while you're stuck dealing with this problem that couldn't be any more real.

    I just turned 17 years old and I've basically had no penile sensitivity my entire life. I don't want to cling onto any false hopes about potential recovery, I just want straight up answers.

    Currently, I experience no orgasms, urinary problems, sensitivity on my penis is the same as the back of my hand, basically no libido (I'm serious, I look at a naked hot girl and I won't be aroused), no refractory period, no hypersensitivity that comes after an orgasm, some weird as scar on the head of my penis, a weird hard swelling beneath the head of my penis, and a short foreskin which doesn't cover the head of my penis resulting in no sensitivity on the head of my penis either.

    Before anyone asks, I have being to doctors who are stumped. I've even being to psychologists who tell me things like "maybe when you're with a girl who you really love, you might be able to feel something" and that's as far as their advice goes. This just really kills my hopes because if doctors can't help me, then who can?

    Please read on from here to hear my theories on how I caused these problems, just in case my theories turn out to be wrong.

    When I was a kid, about 5 years old, I discovered prone masturbation/dry humping, it felt good so I did it a lot. Over time, I stopped doing it - I can't remember why I stopped but I think it might be because it became less pleasureable.

    Then when I was about 9, I learned about masturbation from my friends and I tried it out. I couldn't feel any pleasure. My theory here is that maybe I damaged my penis from when I was dry jumping. And because I was a fucked up kid, I became obsessed with it in pursuit of trying to find some sort of pleasure. I think this lead to even more lack of sensitivity today.

    Eventually when I hit puberty at 13, I only masturbated for the orgasm and I did that super often. I would power through my refractory periods and hypersentivity. Which lead me to now. I noticed that my orgasms are basically non existent as well as my refractory periods and hypersensitivity. If anything, I am numb after ejaculating. I have ejaculated up to 8 times in a row. I think I've ejaculated up to 12 times in one day at most.

    I then tried nofap on and off but didn't count the days. I didn't really trust it or take it seriously because all its effects seemed overblown and it looked like pseudoscience. It didn't really seem to help much either. Nofap also put me in a permanent flatline. My libido went from extremely high (as expected for a teenager) to non existent. I can literally look at extremely hot naked girls and I won't even feel a thing. For the record, I still do try nofap. I'm not even interested in masturbating anymore so I rarely masturbate anyways.

    I feel like a freak. Did I give myself nerve damage? I have absolutely no idea. I'm so fucked up. I've destroyed my sex life before I even hit 18. I hate myself and the last thing I need is more false hopes. I don't want people telling me baseless "feel-good" lies, I want evidence and truth. What can I do to fix these problems? Where can I go? I've kept telling myself that my orgasms would return, my libido would be high again and my sensitivity would be normal but it's being so long. I'm starting to lose hope.

    Thanks for taking time to read this.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  2. Anon117

    Anon117 Fapstronaut

    Hello. I'm also 17. I'm different from you in that the most I've done in a day is 3 times, and I still get aroused easily and experience an orgasm (which is why I keep relapsing). Here is my advice. Don't panic! You can worry, but don't freak out. Many doctors are confused because this isn't a heavily researched topic. They don't know that much, it's not that you are the only one with this problem, it's just there really isn't that much research. Okay so I have seen some videos about men with no feeling in their orgasm, because of their masturbation addiction. The speaker was saying how after completely quitting masturbation, their arousal and ejaculation turned to normal. From what I understand, this would take as long as your brain decides. I believe your brain is so hooked on masturbation/porn that it's completely run dry. It is possible I believe that your dopamine (receptors? gateways? Something like that) system is actually damaged. I believe the videos said that your body can repair them. But I also think it would be like pushing a small amount of water through a cracked dam. The whole thing might collapse. So you really can't masturbate one time. (Please don't take this as a medically based opinion from me because I'm just going off of what I have seen.) This could be your solution. If you are able to successfully obstain from masturbation for 6 months or so, then I would go to a doctor and tell them how long it has been. Try and see a specialist too, not just your ordinary clinic Doctor, ask to get a referal. DON'T LOSE HOPE. This might make it tremendously harder for your brain to switch and heal itself. Because that's a lot of work for your brain to do, it might cling to no arousal and no orgasm because it's easier. Your brain is smart, if your positive, then it's positive. You haven't destroyed your sex life, you are embarking on a journey to experience it the best way possible, and it all starts with you. Reply if you need any elaboration. I hope this helps.
    sugarcanethrowaway likes this.
  3. sugarcanethrowaway

    sugarcanethrowaway Fapstronaut

    Hey man. Thanks so much for your response. Can you link me to the video where a guy talks about having no feeling in his orgasms?

    I really appreciate your empathies but I feel like it's causing you to tell me white lies. This whole "damaged dopamine receptors etc" sound suspicious. You say a lot of optimistic things like how I'm not damaged, how my brain is smart and will fix itself. But what's to say this isn't nerve damage of penis itself? I truly do appreciate your comment still.

    Just curious, what are the problems you hope to overcome with Nofap? Do you have decreased sensitivity? Virtually non existent sensitivity?

    Thanks once again.
  4. Anon117

    Anon117 Fapstronaut

    Sorry my friend. It's hard to understand one another when it's just text. All the things I'm quoting are from a doctor in this video:

    I believe after watching this video that your penis doesn't have nerve damage. But your brain which handles your pleasure or dopamine, is simply tired of being stimulated too much that it is impaired, but I believe this can be fixed through obstaining from masturbation.

    Also, I have no decreased sensitivity. I'm highly sensitive to any suggestive picture or thought. But my religious beliefs contradict my pornography and masturbation addiction, so my goal is to end my need for porn, so that I can finally get in a relationship without looking at their body in a sexual way all the time.
    sugarcanethrowaway likes this.
  5. sugarcanethrowaway

    sugarcanethrowaway Fapstronaut

    Thanks for that. And that's interesting. Did you ever do anything I did as a kid? Ever abuse your dick or damage it? I'm curious as to how you're sensitive and I'm not.
  6. Anon117

    Anon117 Fapstronaut

    I started when I was 12. I wasn't able to ejaculate till 14. I believe the amount of times a day for you is what caused this. I've also never done anything too rough. Your body is not designed to have that much sex, so you may be overwhelmed. I've just thought of the perfect example (assuming this is your problem)! It would be like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every meal for 10 years. You would get so sick of that taste that even if you found the best PB&J in the world you wouldn't like it. If you didn't eat it at all for months and months, you might regain your appetite!
    sugarcanethrowaway likes this.
  7. sugarcanethrowaway

    sugarcanethrowaway Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I hope that's all it is. I hope it's not nerve damage or anything. Thanks for your optimism man.
  8. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    It's just not your brain yes you can damage your body too. 12 times a day is insane. You could have prostatitis.
    Check out this link I think it makes a lot of sense.

    If I were you please stop masterbating your body needs to heal. Take vitamins especially formulated for the prostate. Get some hobbies that don't include touching your penis.
  9. Anon117

    Anon117 Fapstronaut

    I wish you all the luck in the world!