Best Self Help Books (list)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Olaz, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Olaz

    Olaz Guest

    Let's start a new thread listing what you think the best self help books are and why.

    This could include self help, self improvement, motivational books. Please list why it worked for you or why you like it, too.

    For fun, list a bad one too, if you can remember one that was particularly bad. ;)

    I Free I likes this.
  2. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    One book that seems to talk to Fapstronauts is The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson. It works because it's simple. It's all about taking little steps each day while following the path to positive activities.The quote I always remember is "It's easy to do the right thing and it's easy to do the wrong thing." The problem for most of us is that we can do the right thing each day, consistently for long periods of time. Statistics are tricky because often they don't have a study to back them up, but he says only 5% of the people ever achieve this goal.
    So why do it? The answer for me is that I was doing the wrong thing everyday. Everyday I would PMO or at least look at P. Everyday! Now if I eliminate PMO and fill my days with something positive I have made huge gains compared to the old me.
    yyz33, Dag, Buddhabro and 1 other person like this.
  3. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i dont have any self-help books but these self-help videos helped me:
    *they are on youtube, videos by mark freeman
    you are not your thoughts
    how to accept terrible thoughts
    mental health illness is like swimming/physical health
    rational vs irrational worries
  4. Olaz

    Olaz Guest

  5. Piet_Krediet

    Piet_Krediet Fapstronaut

    How to make friends and influence - Dale Carnegie
    Kable and Deleted Account like this.
  6. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday (or Halliday) is a book that has made a huge impact on me. The basic premise is that obstacles/problems/difficulties should be viewed as learning experiences in a positive light. For example, I don't love my job and am actively looking for another, the book suggests that rather than feel down at work I should treat it as an opportunity to try out new behaviors. In short, I can use the obstacle (my job) as a learning tool because if I screw up it doesn't matter since I am looking for a new job anyway.

    I really recommend reading it.
  7. GotWhiskers

    GotWhiskers Fapstronaut

    The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. Very appropriate for nofap.
    Ryner, Spurta, Kable and 1 other person like this.
  8. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    "Wherever You Go, There You Are" - Jon Kabat-Zinn
    "The Power of Now" - Eckhart Tolle
    "The Alchemist" - Paulo Coelho (also "Warrior of the Light" by the same author, or so I'm told; haven't read it yet myself).
    Buddhabro and jest like this.
  9. swagnarock

    swagnarock Fapstronaut

    The slight edge s my fav self help seems pretty popular here...

    Others would be....Power of your subconscious by Joseph Murphy....n am looking forward to complete napoleon hill's books...

    #btw anyone with the link to get an ebook for "OUTWITTING THE DEVIL" by hill? #
  10. ds112358

    ds112358 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I agree that the Slight Edge is very good. I haven't read it yet but I know the concepts it presents and it will definitely help you progress. Great reviews too.

  11. Lightning Man

    Lightning Man Fapstronaut

    Agreed. Good insight.
    GotWhiskers likes this.
  12. Piet_Krediet

    Piet_Krediet Fapstronaut

    I would also add Influence by Robert Cialdini. Explains all the inside tricks of marketing/salesman, cults, politicians etc.
    fireryguy likes this.
  13. Olaz

    Olaz Guest

    James Allen
    As A Man Thinketh

    Click for free copy of this 33 page essay. Just read it. I should read it daily--good advice about thought life

    parkurman123 likes this.
  14. I'm reading that at the moment.
  15. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    "Loose That Man & Let Him Go" By: T.D. Jakes
    "The Secret To Success" By: Eric Thomas
    "Who Moved My Cheese?" By: Spencer Johnson M.D.
  16. Dabo

    Dabo Fapstronaut

    . I totally agree the slight edge is the best book I ever read so far
  17. parkurman123

    parkurman123 Fapstronaut

    The alabaster girl by Zan Perrion I did not read but I hear it's good. If someone read leave comment
  18. Paulsmith6745

    Paulsmith6745 New Fapstronaut

    There are really so many books available in the market for self development, but most of the user don’t know about the author before. After purchase they find nothing special in the book to read and something that let them gain self confidence to stand up in society. I was also looking for some interesting stuff over the internet and found one beautiful life case book that can inspire anybody. It’s all about a story where A migrant courageous young man from Moldova walks for six months to reach a destination he knows nothing about in a new country. The author shares his real-life story, as it happened when he walked barefoot across Europe. Book is available on Amazon store, you can search “No One's Business: A Migrant's Barefoot Journey to Millions” and buy it with one click.
  19. ^ I want to second this book, and honestly it's a great book even if you don't care about marketing tactics. There are a lot of useful lessons in the book that help you understand basic aspects of decision-making psychology.

    A couple of my other favourites:

    The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida
    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    I'm also currently reading Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, as I've heard it's extremely good. I'm currently reading the initial story portion where he talks about his time in a concentration camp, but even the story portion of the book has already offered a lot of wisdom.
    Buddhabro and fireryguy like this.
  20. WuTangFinancial

    WuTangFinancial Fapstronaut

    A few books that helped me out:
    When Things Fall Apart and The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron.
    I also read a book called, How to See Yourself As You Really Are by The Dalai Lama.
    The latter is obviously Buddhist philosophy but sans spirituality, I was able to break through some serious barriers involving my pride which paved the way to a better understanding of myself.