What's stopping rebooting from evolving into a movement?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. I'm in a sociology class right now and I see this community and think to myself, there might be millions if not a billion people out there who watch porn and have no idea what they are doing. Why not reach those before they venture too far in p addiction? I'm not for forcing ideas or ways of living but rather to let people understand that what people are doing "might" hurt them in the long run. I mean we can all agree here that pornography is just a fantasy and can lead to problems if not dealt with. I'm also thinking of maybe spreading awareness on my college campus. But really though, I want some thoughts on this.

    Maybe I'm just overthinking this. I tend to do that a lot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2016
    Ultra Zork and Rav70 like this.
  2. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Solid idea brother! I am in! Any way I can help....let me know! Strong work! An ounce of prevention is far better than a pound of cure!
    Ultra Zork and TakingTheSteps like this.
  3. Well it's an idea, I'm sure its been thought of before. I'm just really wondering why it fails to pick up in a way. In a way, I kind of want people to talk me out of it. It sort of helps me understand the mentality of the noFap community. I have been apart of another community called YourBrainRebalance before I switched here. I was just wondering.
  4. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Until we are ready to put our money where our mouth is, we will never put a dent into the wicked porn industry. We have to ban together! We have to become more obsessed with the message of no PMO and its benefits, and forget about the messenger. It is all about helping other people without expecting anything in return, not even a thank you. We have to cultivate the belief that when we help others, we are the ones that benefit the most! Stay strong! Win!
    Ultra Zork and Rav70 like this.
  5. Drift

    Drift Fapstronaut

    Well maybe enlist Anonymous and hack P sites ads. Or maybe we just pay for an ad space on a P site.

    Other ideas could be just being present in chat rooms that just spread some testimony. Really dangerous, obviously, for triggers, but something worth thinking about.

    I'm not sure, but I think it probably takes a little bit of just taking the time to make a few real connections with people who have a different point of view than we might about NOFAP etc...and just having dialogue.

    An ad run on P sites might be interesting though.

    NoFap might get a lot more attention also if it expanded it's services into more of a life hack type support forum. Make it a hub for self improvement, addiction support, or maybe online support groups. If you cast a wider net, I'm sure you'll help connect with people who weren't aware of their PMO problem, but might have come here for help with something else.

    Maybe we start up a sex ed program for younger students that could use some of the forums for discussion groups and homework posts and things like that.

    I dunno, lots of options.
  6. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    There is no need for nofap to push it's agenda on people. People will come here when they are good and ready. Positive change in this case must be self imposed. To turn nofap into a 'movement' would raise the potential to attract unwanted attention in my opinion.
  7. Drift

    Drift Fapstronaut

    I agree about not proselytizing.

    Never the less, there are needs for more membership to keep NoFap sustainable, and there are opportunities for NoFap to expand as a resource for broader lifestyle changes that have a connection to PMO.

    While proselytizing is intrusive and obnoxious, patiently expanding capabilities to support people could be helpful and less confrontational.

    I'm sure there is enough on Alexander and the NoFap staff's plates addressing the demands of the site. They've moved mountains in improving the site interface, moderating the forums, and crafting new options for people needing recovery. I plan to contribute once I get a steady job again.

    Anyhow, I see this thread as a "what if" thread for some brain storming, but I completely agree it doesn't need to be about proselytized barn storming.
    Ultra Zork and Yesodi like this.
  8. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Typically, social movements are made national through the work of a few (usually popular) pioneers, that being said the groundwork must be made in order for something like that to happen in the first place. I believe scientific studies, personal accounts (which mainstream journalists should illuminate), and perhaps an anti-establishment stance (women would be the most likely opponents mind you) will all be the foundation for an anti-porn wave.

    All of that being said look at how damn difficult it is for people to quit drugs, to quit junk food, to quit gaming, etcetera. I personally believe that in healthy environments addictions are sparse, but as we've all seen most families (in particular young males) don't have the environment necessary to prevent addiction. If I had to guess what the most effective anti-porn method it would be it would be actual, meaningful relationships, the sad thing is that even that is almost nonexistent these days. I could cry and whine about my own difficulties finding a relationship for hours, however it's not just me, I see many men (attractive ones at that) going single for years and years on end. Its no wonder guys only think about screwing these days, they have likely never experienced a female that was genuinely interested in them.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  9. This phrase scares me. I came here out of pain and suffering because I was at my lowest point. Who would want to reach that and then come here. I don't know I guess I agree. Just wondering.
  10. No way, in no way would I want to convert anyone. I'd just let people know about the potential dangers of P. Kinda like a street pastor except I'm not condemning anyone for their actions. I don't know, this threads just gonna crash and burn anyway.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  11. upload_2016-1-13_8-42-7.png
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  12. Drift

    Drift Fapstronaut

    I think that's a really important point.

    NoBrainer's point is good too; movements seem like conquests and taking over things. It does take pain and low points (sometimes) for people to get an iron clad commitment to take lasting action.

    Maybe this thread will crash and burn. I think the best thing all of us can do is to live our commitments PMO free and improve our existence in a sincere and steady fashion. Not pressuring others, but showcasing examples of integrity through what we say and do.

    Don't put your light under a basket; live in a way that shares light gently with other people (that doesn't block out their light either).
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  13. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    This is an awesome thread. I agree 100% with you! Nobody should be at their lowest point before they start researching and find Nofap.
    This issue needs to be addressed early on by parents and in school sex education.
    Too bad Oprah isn't on anymore. This would make a very compelling show.
    So many people think porn and masterbating are normal, even when shit sprials out of control they can't connect the two. It took me researching to bring it to my boyfriend's attention.
    He then had an AHA moment! He still can't believe how 5 weeks no PMO has had such positive changes in our life.
    Yesodi likes this.
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    This thread is a waste of time. It is a good idea in the OP, but we are kidding ourselves if we think we go BIG with this.

    The fact is most of the people here, like 99%, are unwilling or unable to support this site. It is running at a massive loss and is in danger of crashing because Alexander Rhodes is paying thousands out of his own pocket year in year out. :( This is unsustainable financially and in terms of Alexander's overall well being. Broadening the remit is not viable. It may not even be viable to keep this site going before long. If anything is to happen, the very first thing is for people to appreciate this resource and contribute towards it. Anyone reading this can do this by following the instruction below: Premium Upgrade.
    abc95, Dajic, Yesodi and 3 others like this.
  15. For me personally, I'll talk about NoFap in a genuine way with friends whenever a convo about porn or even addiction happens.
    Immor likes this.
  16. I think I just found out an idea for my college thesis :eek:

    Archiving this post, will come back soon.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  17. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    While I'm not trying to devalue anyone's struggle, I really do think that people have to be ready to quit before they make a commitment to nofap. Porn is a serious addiction, and can take a lot of mental effort to quit. Over time I have seen a lot of people come here, only to fall further. They become depressive as they cannot seem to quit. However half the reason they relapse over and over again is because they have not truly committed to the fact that if they want to quit, porn must no longer be a part of their lives.

    We must also respect people to make their own decisions about their habits and lifestyles. If your Average Joe wants to watch porn, then fine- he has the right. And if he wants to quit, he also has the right, and we will support his decision to do so.
    I agree with Rav70 that education is the most effective form of preventing porn addiction in young adolescents.
    bearbones and Dajic like this.
  18. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    I agree with @IGY ! We have to be internally strong before going broader. It is our duty to do what we can to support this forum! So much good has come from it. There is no reason that this is site is in financial jeopardy. Skip a lunch twice in a month (btw, intermittent fasting can be healthy for many), and we will have enough money to be a premium member. I stand with IGY in 1st promoting this site and doing all what we can to make it self sustainable. It is money soooo well spent! Stay strong! Win!
    Caveat Emptor and NoBrainer like this.
  19. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Movement? Would I have to wear a rubber bracelet like the Livestrong?
    I think a movement could be misunderstood, mocked, being tagged as a religious endeavour by some people..
    There is a LOT of money in P. I don't know how strong their lobby would be....there has to be some shady organizations behind some of the producing companies...not sure where a movement would go.
    Just some brain storming thrown out there. Food for thoughts?

    Great community here tho.
    Caveat Emptor and Yesodi like this.
  20. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I too am against "active proselytizing." But IMHO we should distinguish between "pushy" proselytizing and actively spreading awareness that resources such as NoFap (and others) exist -- in a manner that passively allows the newly-exposed to decide for themselves. I suspect that millions of poor souls enslaved by PMO are not even aware that such resources exist!

    And likewise, I am sensitive to the financial/logistical difficulties of launching and maintaining a "Freemium" website such as this, and understand how a sudden growth in traffic could potentially intensify the challenge to its short-term financial stability, by possibly increasing the hosting costs.

    With that, however:
    • Any properly-planned website generally dreams of increasing traffic as much as possible, maybe even unconditionally, because generally the potential for monetization is proportional to traffic. It enables greater advertising and affiliate revenue, and it grows the base of potential Premium members. Of course, it goes without saying that anyone and everyone who can become a paying member of NoFap -- most definitely should, as this is a most worthy endeavor! (Blessings to @alexander!)
    • If, in the short term, this NoFap site would truly be endangered by a large influx of new non-paying users, then IMHO it would probably be virtuous for anyone who can to "spread the word" about PMO-related resources in general, in a non-pushy manner.
    FYI, @Lunar Devil recently started the following thread on "The Bomb strategy to acquiring people - leaflets":
    taqwa, Rav70 and Drift like this.