Intro- looking for change after 28 years of PMO

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by PMOlessOhio, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. PMOlessOhio

    PMOlessOhio Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, 39 gay, married male here who is a newbie to the site. I was about 11 years old when I was first introduced to porn mags/movies by an older neighborhood boy. I had never felt such arousal in my life and in my head I can still envision those scenes. It was also at that time that I stumbled upon my father's Playboys and before I knew it was masterbating to porn on a regular basis. As I began to become more aware of my sexuality I began to seek out gay porn more frequently and since that wasn't easy back then, it excited me even more when I was able to find it.

    As I've gotten older and the Internet provided easier access, I've found myself spending more and more time on it looking at porn for hours on end. Some days I'll spend 4 to 5 hours and by the time it's over I feel drained and depressed. The worst part for me is getting in the chat rooms. This has unfortunately led me to infidelity in past relationships. I was recently married and even though I've continued my porn habits, I've not been unfaithful (other than chat rooms encounters) with my spouse. What worries me is that I feel the more I keep up this PMO habit on my own the more I may be tempted to be unfaithful as I have been in the past.

    After growing more and more concerned about this and becoming tired of wasting so much time masterbating I began to do a little research. This led me to find this sitewhich which has provided me some very valuable information about the benefits of nofap and how dopamine is playing its role in my behavior. I realize now that I do have at least a mild or moderate porn addiction and want to see what life is like without it.

    Ultimately I would love to completely end porn watching, masterbating as well as having any orgasms outside of sex with my partner. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to go, I'm thinking I may do a hard reboot to start for 30 days and then go from there. I need to discuss this with my better half, but I have no doubt he will be understanding after I explain what I've learned about how unhealthy my PMO habits are and how I need break my addiction. I hate being a slave to my penis and my mind's sexual urges and am ready for a change. I'm looking forward to this new journey as well as the support that I've seen on the I site.
    burghguy likes this.
  2. forgiveovercome

    forgiveovercome Fapstronaut

    Welcome, you have made your first step!

    Have you fully disclosed everything with your SO? Just curious.
    PMOlessOhio likes this.
  3. burghguy

    burghguy Fapstronaut

    I definitely understand the idea of being a slave to your penis. The urge to masturbate is overwhelming and I have chosen so many inopportune times to masturbate just to satisfy the urge which in the end doesn't really even satisfy it anymore. And yes I am in the camp of being unable to perform with my wife. We can easily get started but I need to finish by masturbating. What raised an initial concern for me was when my wife could not longer bring me to O with her hand which had never been an issue. I believe I have extreme conditioning that I need to use my own hand, be in my own position, and think of my own fantasy to get off. I know fantasies can be quite normal during sex but this is necessary for me and even with a fantasy to get me going it has some times taken me 30-40 minutes to O because we started with sex and I just have a hard time finishing this way. If I masturbate alone I can O faster but this is when I am in complete control. Not sure if this all makes sense but it is definitely where I am today. I think the 30 PMO is the only way to go as well.
    PMOlessOhio likes this.
  4. forgiveovercome

    forgiveovercome Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah. I know how that goes. Apparently the more I get tunnel vision with the addiction the less responsive my anatomy is with my actual wife. Half hard boners are part of that.

    I'm 3 days in and my wife took her pointer finger and just barely touched it in kind of a quick gentle poking motion last night and it started to get really erect.

    I wonder what it will be like after a week of Normal Mode. I never would have got an erection like that in the past from such passive stimulation.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
    PMOlessOhio likes this.
  5. burghguy

    burghguy Fapstronaut

    I can always get hard quickly, the issue is sustaining if I am not in fantasy land and my wife is trying to get me off. In the old days the touch alone by someone else was good enough to induce an O but now I need to do it myself my own way else it takes literally up to an hour to get off. I hope this resets in the next couple weeks.
  6. PMOlessOhio

    PMOlessOhio Fapstronaut

    For me I'm a little different in that I'm able to perform with my SO, but usually I'm just not too into it and my O is usually way less pleasurable than when I PMO myself. I imagine a lot of that has to do with me wasting so much of my sexual energy on PMO. I want my most pleasurable moments to be with my SO and not wasting it on porn and MO. I'm hoping a reboot will help me reset things as well.