The beginning of a reboot does more harm then good?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Tryranasoars, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Tryranasoars

    Tryranasoars Fapstronaut

    So I'm starting a reboot and I can't seem to get things done today because all I can think of is having an orgasm and instead if making me productive like it's supposed to, I'm being counter productive. Is this normal?
  2. Fighter834

    Fighter834 Fapstronaut

    Early on you're likely to experience withdrawal symptoms. This can range from headaches and insomnia to lack of concentration and many other effects. These get better over time and it may help you to think of them as an important step in your recovery. It means that your brain is being rewired and you're healing. The positive benefits are around the corner. Keep fighting ;)
    bestrongbefearless likes this.
  3. Tryranasoars

    Tryranasoars Fapstronaut

    Ah ok, of course it's different for everyone but about how long do you think it takes until the withdrawal symptoms leave? I'm 18 and have been watching porn since I was 12 or so to give you an idea
  4. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut

    I say the first seven days are tough. I'm talking headaches and urges the first week
  5. Saturdaze

    Saturdaze Fapstronaut

    Sometimes the withdrawal symptoms last longer. It totally depends on the person, how long you've been looking at porn, how often you were PMO'ing, etc. There are some videos on that might be helpful. Using P-subs will prolong your withdrawals so don't use P-subs (I didn't know about P-subs so my withdrawal is lasting longer). I'd say that what you are going through is very normal. Remember, your brain is rewiring itself and it takes time. Give yourself some grace. You are doing a great thing at age 18. I wish I had known about all of this when I was your age.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  6. A.ARN

    A.ARN Fapstronaut

  7. Saturdaze

    Saturdaze Fapstronaut

    Substitutes for porn. They could be images, videos, misc websites that may start some arousal in you. Sometimes I think "Hey, I can look at these pictures or this video and it isn't porn so I'm safe" The problem is that they still raise my dopamine levels and are not helping me. As soon as I found out about p-subs I stop looking at those images.
    A.ARN likes this.
  8. A.ARN

    A.ARN Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Saturdaze, I believe I have been viewing p-subs through instagram but I goona delete it now.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  9. Yeah, this is so key...

    Don't worry, the years have not been that long for you. This is just about average. You just need to let yourself remain in the habit of NOT using PMO any more and you should be able to get yourself in a steady pace of recovery.

    Let me tell you. It's easier when you're younger to stop. When I was 18, if I knew about retaining the semen back then, I know without a doubt that the abstaining process would have been easier, because even though I had been watching soft core porn on and off since early teens (maybe since around age 13), I would have been able to stop. Lust itself wasn't ingrained in me so much back then.

    I'm glad :)
    I did encourage you to do that on a previous thread. And it's also why I recommended having a separate counter for P subs. But if you continue to look at P subs, it will severely effect your progress. So, no more this year, brother. I know you said previously that you need to use Facebook because of school, but if there are triggers on there for you as well, then I recommend deleting it. You can always just use standard e-mailing to do school related stuff, or ask friends to mail you things you need.

    Just my advice. The choice is yours.
  10. A.ARN

    A.ARN Fapstronaut

    @AlltheRageBackHome I already deleted instagram bro :D, but can't make it to facebook due to some running projects, I believe I will be able to delete it by the end of next week.
    but I am afraid if I deleted it I found too much free time that drive me to P again! what do you think?
  11. Starting a reboot is not easy. If it was then porn would be no big deal in the first place. But PMO is an addiction and, naturally, suddenly stomping out an addiction causes you to experience withdrawal symptoms. It's different for everybody (personally I have been waking up randomly every two or three hours during the night, usually with a rock solid boner), and thinking about PMO'ing a lot is totally normal. The urges get stronger before they get weaker. Just hang in there and you will see your urges diminishing in intensity and duration over time.
  12. aa11

    aa11 New Fapstronaut

    It's normal dude. Starting no pmo is so hard especially on day 7-10. It was my peak where urges were firing me up. I kept on relapsing on those days. But after countless fails, i figured out why i kept on relapsing so u have to counter those triggers. Youll feel a lil better around day 15-17 i guess. Im saying this based on my experience. Im on day 20 though. Goodluck and keep strong.
  13. This is definitely normal and I think it should also be a really alarming wake up call to see how much of an addiction this has become. Nothing should have that much power and control over your mind and body. That feeling kept me going in the beginning, because I was like whoa... This is ridiculously unhealthy. I don't ever want to be like this again.

    Use the pain to fuel your motivation!
  14. Then you need to seriously think about how you're using your time, brother. Don't allow social media to be a priority in your life. I'm begging you, man. These things are just silly distractions. You don't need it.

    There are other great things to enjoy in life. Take up a new hobby, maybe start reading more, join a gym etc... As people who are recovering, social media should be the last thing on our minds, especially if it's a trigger.

    Free time is good. It allows you to work on yourself, and work on your passions and desires in life. Figure out what it is you love to do. Write a book, learn an instrument? The list goes on and the possibilities are endless. Lets be more serious now about leaving PMO behind. Lets use this new year as a fresh opportunity to change our mindset and do whatever it takes to leave PMO behind, even if it means completely removing yourself from social media, no matter what it takes.

    I care about you, brother. If you've got any more queries or questions, please feel free to ask.
  15. bestrongbefearless

    bestrongbefearless Fapstronaut

    i can tell you until now i still experience the withdrawal symptom... headache, feeling hopeless, anxiety etc... i have the urge to watch P since a week ago... damn hard mode... but still survive till now... but im not gonna loose... PMO is bullsh*t...
  16. Saturdaze

    Saturdaze Fapstronaut

    I am encouraged by the "Men of Courage" on this thread. I am in the right place. You guys motivate me to be a better man.