Anyone here suffer from social anxiety or just shyness please comment if so

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Low, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. Low

    Low Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone I started feeling extremely shy around people at the age on 13 I lost all the friends I had and started to become depressed because of it at that time i also started playing ALOT of video games and M. I did not start P until around 15 years old and it started where I would M 1 time a week then as the years progressed i was M 3 times a day. One day i was looking for answers on why i was so shy and i found this site. I started looking for a real reason on why M would cause shyness in a person and I guess its because of dopamine numbing i guess. So I experimented with no pmo and i really realized i had a problem when i could not go 2 days without doing it then many tries later i got up to 14 days and i noticed a big difference in my daily life I play video games a lot better and i was able to socialize with people better then before so I knew that this was real and i must continue this. So I would love it if you have shyness or social anxiety to comment below because i want to know if pmo really does cause shyness im pretty sure it does i just have not been on a long enough steak to see a really big improvement im hoping when i hit 30 days that it will really help me. Thank you for reading.
  2. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    I can definetly say that quitting Video Games and PMO is what helped me most to overcome my social anxiety. PMO and Video Games just teach your brain, it can have everything it wants by sitting in front of a computer. You lose your social skills and get less and less motivated to go outside and actually socialize.
    Just quit both of them and your social anxiety will lessen in time. You will have more motivation to work on yourself, to become the best version of yourself. This creates confidence. People will notice this and start to respect you.
    Be Aware that Quitting Video Games and Porn is just the first step on the path to recovery. But the rest will come more natural because you'll have all of this spare energy and time.
    Hope that helped.
  3. NobleKid

    NobleKid Fapstronaut

    Yes I have social anxiety
    GREGOR hulse and Low like this.
  4. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    My boyfriend does and from what I read it is quite common. Good luck.
  5. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    I have suffered social anxiety since a very young age and I can assure that staying away from PMO steadily increased my confidence the longer I kept my streak. I also agree with @Red Eagle about creating confidence by working on yourself.
    GREGOR hulse and XPiRED like this.
  6. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut

    I Definitely have social anxiety but it has went down so much after quiting PMO. It's almost like a switch clicked on and I'm able to just be and have great conversations with people.
  7. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    I'm having trouble completing sentences, especially over the phone.
    GREGOR hulse and Low like this.
  8. Keemo

    Keemo Fapstronaut

    What made my social anxiety disappear is one day I realized that I was too focused on "what people might do to me" and less focused on "what I can do to them". I wonder if you have ever considered that. Have you ever considered that "what you fear actually fears you?" The predator becomes the prey and so on.

    A rule of thumb for socially anxious people is to live by the following motto: "The more YOU do to the environment, the LESS it does to you. And the less you do to the environment, the MORE it does to you."

    In other words, be aware of yourself next time you are in a social situation, and ask the question: am I doing anything of value right now or am I just sitting here idle waiting for something to happen to me? Because as long as you are "on the move" in social situations, you are not allowing your brain to produce negative thoughts.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.
  9. xenomorphie

    xenomorphie Fapstronaut

    back when i was 3 , i had sever social anxiety that i would throw up on new people around me fast forward now , i mumble or even if i come up with something like politics or whatever for socialising it just leads to awkward silence better than throwing up i guess lol U_U , but going out and meeting people has definitely boosted my confidence , i can now at least be comfortable when i see new faces , i suspect it has something to do with genetics as well , heard from someone my grand dad was also socially inept some of my cousins are also the same ( all from dads side).
    GREGOR hulse likes this.
  10. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    I've suffered from social anxiety for most of my life. There have been times when it wasn't so bad and I could have conversations with strangers. But nowadays I'm not socializing much. I work in customer service and I talk to people all day but outside of work I have a hard time engaging in small talk with people.
    HopeFaith and joarev85 like this.
  11. I have dealt with shyness and social anxiety since a young child. It really affected my life. I have been a lone wolf my whole life because of it.
    I am working on breaking free from this though. For me I now realize the shyness stems from low self esteem. I'm working on how to learn to believe in myself. I have started to deal with social anxiety slowly. Eating out alone, just sitting on a bench around people, etc. I have started gaining confidence doing this, interacting more and more. Everyone has a little shyness/anxiety. We're no different. We just let it take control of who we are, but we can fix that.
  12. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    Shyness and Low-self esteem is caused by this Demon called PMO. I had suffered from this curse of Shyness for a long time. I lost my self confidence long time ago but it is coming back slowly. I am on day 249 & I can say that my social anxiety is 97% gone.

    See, I only know one thing Now. PMO is the Devil!
  13. i am only shy around women a bit younger then me, the women i should be dating i am shy of, i am not shy of older women, only the women that are right for me, i dont know why. like i am intimidated by them
    Clerk373, GREGOR hulse and XPiRED like this.
  14. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut


    Lol I kind of agree with you on that. Soon as I stopped PMO anxiety went down a lot.
    GREGOR hulse and programer like this.
  15. cuddler

    cuddler Fapstronaut

    I don't like people, because they say only phrases and insults. I find both phrases and insults meaningless. When you say something that is not a phrase or an insult, they are confused, they don't understand it and they don't like you. And if you don't insult them, they will feel superior by insulting you.
  16. Ducati

    Ducati Fapstronaut

    I am curious as to how nofap will help if that was his personality even before he started PMO ?
    From another point of view, OP mentioned he has porn addiction and he definitely needs to get rid of it, there's no arguing with that.
    GREGOR hulse likes this.
  17. Low

    Low Fapstronaut

    no i started m at 13 the same time a started becoming shy i start p at 15
  18. Wildstar

    Wildstar Fapstronaut

    I'd like to mention that even though PMO has mostly negative effects on our minds/bodies most f our personality is engrained within us through genetics and experiences. We are who we are. I'm somewhat of an advanced amateur when it it comes to personalities. If you haven't taken a Myers-Briggs test then I suggest you do so immediately. There are web sites you can take a free test to determine your personality. So can you do with that information?? Well, a lot. The first battle is knowing you aren't alone. We all have different personalities and although there are some rare ones, such as the INFJ, doesn't mean you're alone. I myself have the INFJ type and I only account for 2% of the world'd population. Knowing what type you are can better prepare you for certain circumstances and help answer that same old question...why?? Knowing who you are is half the battle and you'll discover ways to deal with your weaknesses and gain confidence with your strengths. One things about knowing your personality type is knowing the strengths and weaknesses you have and how to deal with them effectively. Trust me, once you know who you are you will open the door for many possibilities. Have faith, be strong and I wish you all the luck in your journey.
    BrainPlasticity and Low like this.
  19. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    How was he able to meet and communicate with you when he has that condition?
    adam300 likes this.
  20. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Awesome! I'm an INFJ too!. Did not know we're so rare.
    Wildstar likes this.