The deceit of loneliness

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Pmosurvivor, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Pmosurvivor

    Pmosurvivor New Fapstronaut

    For the rebooters and for those struggling with abstaining from PMO, you may find that quite a number of times, you fall into the habit because you are alone.

    There's no one at home, nothing goods coming on TV, and you just want to feel good, i.e don't want to feel alone. We must embrace the fact that loneliness is a state of mind. There isn't a single person around you? So what, give your friend a call, chat up him/her up or reply to some posts online. You are alone only so long as you think you are.

    Think about yourself in third person. You are sitting there, a sad man with his hands in his pants whiling away the difficulties of life just because you think you don't have the courage to face them. A truly sad sight if you ask me. What you do is in your hands. Literally. You can change who you are if you are aware of the fact that every decision you make is yours solely.

    It's not too late, it's never too late, if you think that certain situations cause your mind to wander away and end up on PMO then avoid them at all costs. Addiction is a state of mind. A STATE, that can be altered with just a little willpower.

    Best of luck for the next time you face such a scenario.
    WarriorScarr, Keemo and Red Eagle like this.
  2. andreasGER

    andreasGER Fapstronaut

    So true.
    I am fighting this feeling for some days now. It is all in my head. The moment I am doing other stuff, like exercise, writing, just something that satisfies me in a different way, this feeling is gone. I guess it is part of my addiction. I always did the same stuff for years just to get rid of feeling alone. I conditioned myself. So, now Ill just do the opposite of that: doing things that feel good, put me in a positive mood.
    And feeling alone, also can make one feel kind of worthless the longer you think about it. Just stay the hell away from these thoughts. I came to the conclusion that because of my addiction I put a lot of thought on the negative things, so I became more and more addicted and felt more and more alone.

    But I am changing that, one step at a time!
    Thank you for your post! It reminded of my goal!
  3. Keemo

    Keemo Fapstronaut

    Very true. I am slowly learning that this journey is all about gaining the experience with dealing with states of mind that most people in the world avoid. Such states are FEAR, LONELINESS, PAIN, DISCOMFORT, and so on. By sticking to our NoFap guns, we are learning to sit through those emotions and accept them as part of life, and this is helping us to GROW a ton!
  4. WarriorScarr

    WarriorScarr Fapstronaut


    So darn true!
    Pmosurvivor likes this.