Day 259 Wondrous Occurences

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Hey guys, so I've now completed day 260 of hard mode, but I wanted to write about some things that happened for me yesterday that I didn't yet get a chance to post about.

    I sat in a coffee shop essentially all day working on things. I decided I'd strike up conversations with people and stuff like that to test out my social skills when I needed a break. Of course I also got up and walked around the coffee shop when I needed more caffeine, food, or to use the bathroom.

    Anyway... on not one, not two, not three, but four separate occasions at least as I was counting/noticing... I had different females literally turn their heads and smile at me. One who was around for awhile stared every time I moved from my spot where I was set up. So that felt awesome. I'm realizing how important body language is and how much inner emotions manifest themselves outside that we don't even notice. I was super happy yesterday and even though I was busy and didn't have much time to be intentionally social, I clearly gave off good energy.

    Last thing, I have been experimenting with eye contact lately. It has been awhile since on an intellectual level I realized how important it is and that fapping had caused me problems with eye contact. So I have been trying here and there when I can remember to do so. But over these past few days I have actually found legitimate pleasure in locking eyes with others when I talk. And not that I"ve been trying to be intimidating or would be happy about others being uncomfortable, but... in certain cases it has been the other person in the interaction who has been a bit caught off guard and awkward, and I can tell. In the past it would either truly be me or I would blame myself for how the other person acted. Lately I have had the unusual desire to make eye contact, and have been able to observe the other person's reaction as theirs and something I can influence.

    So, final thoughts... NoFap is a fucking grand idea. Whatever you get out of PMO, you're trading an infinity of awesomeness for it. And jizzing after a finite period of time sitting alone at your computer is really lame anyway. You all know this right after it's over. Sure, it's hard to resist the urge... but isn't it harder to live a numb, detached, timid, confused life? I'd say so.
  2. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Congrats! Well done! I hope to join you soon brother. Thanks for the keen insights. I wish you continued success along your journey. Stay strong! WIN!
  3. Divine

    Divine Fapstronaut

    Con-fucking-gratulation!! This definitely gives me inspiration!
  4. March on bro... all the way. Ive noticed a big difference now during my lifestyle change too.
    Its great interacting with women without initially undressing them first.... As society wants us to, to see this object of desire first and foremost.

    Catch their attention, hold it and make then not want to give their attention to anyone else.

    I stood at the bus stop the other day and this woman double taked me, a few seconds later another stood right next to me when clearly there was space in the shelter for less "invasion of space" I smiled at both. They smiled back No conversation but a definite thought of Wtf from me lol
    WarriorScarr, JoePineapples and taqwa like this.
  5. Divine

    Divine Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I was on my 6th day on NoFap. And girls were noticing me like crazy.. maybe it is because of my haircut. LMAO. :D
    Mighty Wolf likes this.
  6. Seriously man I've never gone through so much aftershave in my life these last three months lol

    Loving the new lifestyle. It beats jacking off on your lonesome hands down Everytime. Fuck that, work for the real deal and prove yourself worthy of their attention.
    WarriorScarr and im_alive like this.
  7. Divine

    Divine Fapstronaut

    Yep, you got it, dude! Don't ever fucking break down. ;)
    britaxe likes this.
  8. FreedomIsHere

    FreedomIsHere Fapstronaut

    Keep it up bro! Very inspiring and motivating, I strive to get to where you are sometime!
  9. Libero

    Libero Fapstronaut

    I totally agree on the eye contact thing. I can look people in the eyes now, I have less to be ashamed about.

    But how about starting these conversations? What do you say? One of my biggest stumbling blocks is wanting to initiate conversations with people but literally not having a clue how to start one naturally. I've observed other men trying to start conversations and it often looks contrived, creepy and I've thought - thank goodness I don't do that...
  10. ilovemyhand

    ilovemyhand Fapstronaut

    @EleventhFinger :
    Congratulations & Respect! :)

    If I may, I'd like to ask you a question that I tend to ask people that have gone an impressive amount of time Hard Mode (like yourself): did you notice any lingering, negative side effects of wet dreams?

    Thank you & Good luck on your journey forward! :)
    cud likes this.
  11. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    I like that question a lot! I´d also like to know the negative effects, cause I have been having ones..
    ilovemyhand likes this.
  12. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

  13. Yashar

    Yashar Fapstronaut

    Wow, Dude. Well done!
    I have a question. Was there a time when your urge became weak or is it more the fact that you just know how to ignore it?
  14. mreffekt

    mreffekt Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the inspiration man. Hope to make it there.
  15. iLoveHer

    iLoveHer Fapstronaut

    259 days. You are awesome.
  16. Eagle15

    Eagle15 Fapstronaut

    As a stone cold beginner this is a huge inspiration to me( I'm on day 2 after 40 straight years of PMO) thanks so much.
  17. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

  18. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

    Congratulations bro!
    I was wondering what kind of things did you do in order to not relapse.
  19. The Fighter 1990

    The Fighter 1990 Fapstronaut

    Great job dude , its amazing to hear that 259 days without PMO . I wish I could make streak like that . Keep it up dude
  20. JGR

    JGR Fapstronaut

    Great job, seriously inspiring. Great to know what the light at the end of the tunnel can look like. Keep posting these successes, no matter how small. Good luck continuing the amazing stream.