This is Bullshit

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by TimCole11, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Haniff_Khalid

    Haniff_Khalid Fapstronaut

    I remember the last time when I started masturbating to P 4-5 times a week, and after that i cried. I cried knowing the fact that what I had done was a horrible horrible thing that could never be forgotten. But i didn't beat myself up for this. And if you think this is like a curse to you, better don't think of it that way. It is all in your head. You need to stick with every challenge that comes in your way every single day and if you fail, never give up. There is hope.
  2. spiritual warrior

    spiritual warrior Fapstronaut

    There are many "guys" in the world. Your also a powerful individual with free will to conquer obstacles.

    force be with you
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
    JoePineapples likes this.
  3. NewJackSwing1983

    NewJackSwing1983 Fapstronaut

    This is not true. Get a flip phone (it's cheap; can still make phone calls/text messages with no internet). Get rid of internet in your home. It's free literally EVERYWHERE else: The library, coffeeshops, McDonalds, the mall, churches, workplaces, gas stations, sports stadiums, friends houses... if you still whip out your wang to masturbate in these public places, you'll have much worse things to deal with than your "evolutionary urges".

    My local library is great for me because their computers are up to date, have their own web blockers (including limiting google image search), and though no one else can see others' screens, there's NO WAY you can get away with looking at porn in that place. I am able to limit my internet time to about an hour, pay my bills, catch up on news/social media, then easily get on with my REAL life.

    This may seem drastic, but how much do you actually want to kill this thing? Don't believe the advertising; your life will be just fine, and possibly even better, with all these electronic gizmos.
  4. SolidStance

    SolidStance Guest

    This was like opening my soul, and reading straight from my being. You hit the nail on the head. I really like you Brother. Well done. Well said.

    Your going down and down and down and down. Soon you wont be able to go anywhere but up. We all have been where you are and nothing made us get out except going so far down, we have to go up.

    Nothing can be said to you at this stage and I like that, because your about to come up, its about to happen.

    Never apologize for expressing raw emotion. Especially when your so right. Reading your post was liberating. Enjoy the moment you were at your lowest, because it doesnt come around often. This is where the real training can begin.
    JoePineapples and TakingTheSteps like this.
  5. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    So what is working for you? There isn't a post that would help you. Your trying to figure this out on your own is an appropriate example of your definition of insanity. I'm here to help. Not blow sunshine up your ass. Truth is a hard pill to swallow. But you need it. Bitching isn't going to make this just go away. Why don't you just try something different? I think you could do more with this if you put your energy into recovery, instead of bitching and arguing. Do you want to fail?
    JoePineapples likes this.
  6. brucecarlmurray

    brucecarlmurray Fapstronaut

    I'd be quite happy if I succumbed to the urge to masturbate every now and then, but PMO has become a guilt ridden and unpleasant experience. I want to test the theories I've been learning about here, and see for myself if Not masturbating at all gives me some sort of 'superpower', but I may find that, having reset my brain, that no longer viewing porn is enough, and having a scheduled pleasureable wank might be ethically acceptable (Ethics related to fantasy subject matter BUT: PMO has nothing positive to offer me.
  7. By the way, "evolutionary urges", that's just another way of saying I can't deal with this. The truth is that your body can perfectly handle abstination. In fact, it's good for your body. It's the mind that is addicted. Our souls. It has absolutely nothing to do with evolution. If it had, why do majority of men need porn to get off, but can't seem to do it in real life, with a real woman? Surely the wasting of sperm cells and toilet paper will not contribute to the survival of human kind. Rest assured that these battles are fought on a spiritual level.
  8. Stoic

    Stoic Fapstronaut

    "Your brain will find every excuse possible to watch P again" THATS IT.and im totally sure that you will regret it and come back here maybe with another account.
  9. iLoveHer

    iLoveHer Fapstronaut

    @TimCole11 Don't apologize, in fact that's one of the few realistic posts I've read here, you hit it right on the spot.

    I watch a lot of youtube videos on health related topics like the harmful effects of : sitting too long, sleep deprivation, fast food, binge eating, sugar and diabetes, too little exercise, and last but not least, fcking porn. What's mostly interesting is reading the comments, my favorite is this one with thousands likes "IS THERE ANYTHING OUT THERE THAT ISN'T HARMFUL TO OUR FREAKING WEAK BODIES ?". The truth isn't that our bodies are weak,but it's our fucked up lifestyle.
    This world has rotten, bad people (porn companies) are ahead of the good ones (fapstronauts), temptations are everywhere, don't do drugs, don't smoke, don't eat too much candy, don't play too much video games, don't waste time on Facebook AND don't watch fcking porn. That's why some people believe life is unfair (it's what I also wholeheartedly believe).

    It's either to give in to awesome pleasures that don't last and then suffer your whole life, or to suffer the pain of discipline and enjoy a more meaningful life.
    It's your choice, I know how freaking hard or nearly-impossible that is, but in this shitty life one has to make sacrifices. Go for it.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
    BlueNotes and Gladiatori like this.
  10. Boomer49

    Boomer49 Fapstronaut


    You are masturbating to porn to cover up something, to hide something, to compensate for something. Uncover that "something" and things will go better for you. And, you've got to be tough with yourself, no one else can do this for you.

    I doesn't matter what shifted for me, what matters is the thing that holds you back from quitting. Beating PIED because you want to beat it is not a motivation. It's the result. Nobody likes to look in the mirror and see what they see. Your ego won't let you uncover what the REAL issue is because it is designed to protect and defend.

    So, what are you hiding from yourself, hiding from something in life, compensating for a lack of something? You've got to dig deep into yourself, stop making up stories and excuses, get to the bottom of this. Do the hard work with the faith that healing your brain will turn your life around.

    CreateInMe and Phibz like this.
  11. iLoveHer

    iLoveHer Fapstronaut

    Some people (including me) started PMO just because it felt so good (nothing beats the first time).
    The reason isn't always to cover up for something bigger.
  12. Boomer49

    Boomer49 Fapstronaut

    When it becomes and uncontrollable habit don't you think you should dig a little deeper to see why? My first time it felt good too (M not to P). But, when I counted the minutes before my wife left the house so I could get in front of the computer undisturbed and I couldn't get it up for her, I knew there was something more.

    And, from reading many of the stories here I know there's more to it than "it felt good."

    Phibz and JoePineapples like this.
  13. iLoveHer

    iLoveHer Fapstronaut

    First, I said SOME PEOPLE.
    Second, I don't get your point. You knew there was something more ?
    You mean side effects? You did it because you feel lonely every time your wife leaves the house ?
    There isn't always more to it than just feeling good. We struggle with it because it's too good.
    Not everyone uses it because he's depressed/getting rejected/having bad life. These only increase the chance, but they aren't always the real culprits.
  14. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Wrong! I have experienced this myself. I went on a 80 day streak then relapsed multiple times... I am way better than what I was when I found out about Nofap. I agree that recovery is hard but it's possible. You need to visit success stories' forum more often bro. good luck
  15. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    This is exactly right, Kudo nailed it.

    Men were designed to aquire resources, survive and fight. PROTECT FAMILY AND TRIBE And Finally they might mate. Actually sexuality is a luxury in a way. Go to war for a year, and you will understand. Women will be the last thing on your mind. We live in a spoiled place. It cant last forever. It's already rotting.

    Need sex.... Its a lie
  16. TimCole11

    TimCole11 Fapstronaut

    A lot of new posts so Ill try and respond to as many as I can.

    I completely respect your point of view, you are likely coming from a religious standpoint. However I disagree on two points. I dont believe its a horrible horrible thing. In modern society its a completely normal thing that doesnt have a negative impact on the mass majority of people. And because of that i do consider it a "curse" (or whatever you want to call it) in that we cant treat ourselves like normal people in this regards. We are different. I dont know how or why, but we clearly are.

    This could be true. And completely going gadget free might be the answer. But that is a very difficult answer. I personally rely on the internet for many things beyond entertainment. Getting rid of my computer and smart phone would be a loss of income, more difficulty doing my job and overall managing my life. I'm not saying its impossible, but its a huge sacrifice. This would also have to be a permanent measure. It sucks that we are so reliant on this and there is no measures put in place to filter through what is wanted and what isnt.
    Thank you for the kind words brother.

    I get where your coming from. And I understand your approach of "Stop bitching, get your head out of your ass, and just do it". I had this approach literally countless times before. And it an extent, but untimely it is doomed to fail. I have gone months with this approach many times. I have gotten clean. But it cant last forever. We are in a very unique situation that is completely different from all other forms of addiction like alcohol, drugs, food, gambling. Could you really expect a drug attic to succeed if a bag of heroine was in his pocket at all times? And in the instance of food you could loose a 150lb and then binge or relapse and still be fine. You might gain another 2-3lb but it cant all be lost in the matter of hours or days.
    As far as bitching. I realize that could be how my initial post would be taken. Hence the apology. Sometimes though its good just to vent.

    I dont believe this to be the case. I dont think its some inner problem. I actual am very proud of the other aspects of my life and believe I have done very well. As kudo mentioned some people just do it because it feels good. The same as everyone else. I believe I am in this boat. Straight up I'll be honest. I like women. I really enjoy P. If it wasnt for the physical and mental consequences I wouldnt think twice about it. I dont see anything wrong it for people that are able to use it without issues. Unfortunately Im not one of those people.
    Agreed. And I dont know what the exact formula is but I can tell you a binge will bring you back to zero easy. I've also been on multi month streaks and I assure you a far from safe.
  17. TimCole11

    TimCole11 Fapstronaut

    Not true. I know this isn't an argument on evolution and science so I wont go into depth but Ill quickly make the point. Through natural selection men were "designed" to survive and mate. Everyone of our ancestors (dating back 1 billion years) replicated themselves. Only a fraction went to war. I dont think sugar coating the problem helps us understand the extent situation. Sex is an important part in a human's life.
  18. My kind of thinking :D
    Gladiatori likes this.
  19. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @TimCole11 Sure, Darwinian point of view is true in some ways. But we really are taking one part of our survival and turning it to something very unnatural . I mean it tricks your brain that you are impregnating 1000 females a year... Lol. Very taxing on your energy. Sperm takes sixty four days to mature btw. Actually I think that would say then, that men couldn't sustain that much mating. You aren't mating though, u are watchign someone else do ti and u think tis you. So your brain treat this like a high calorie food and gets hijacked into addiction, which causes sloth, illness, affliction and lack of manliness.

    I think its so important to understand just how much against nature it is if you look at any other species sexual behavior. Survival is so much more difficult and hard. Mating is important of course, they must propagate themselves. However it is in harmony with nature. Breeding is usually brief during certain times of year. With some exceptions. Nothing is natural about jerking off to some strangers having sex. how would u feel to watch in your eyes two people having sex. And you masturbate to them? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
    Boomer49 and iLoveHer like this.
  20. I am sorry , but what's the point of this thread?
    You are hopeless and want other people to be hopeless like you?
    I know people including some on this forum ( I used this forum before , this is just a new account ) who have been PMO free for 2 , 3 and 4 years and I know someone outside the forum who have been PMO free for 11 years.
    So is it hard? Yes
    Is it impossible or nearly impossible? NO
    This forum is for encouraging people to quit not discouraging them.
    Chef Boy, JoePineapples and Phibz like this.