Caffeine and negative influence on libido

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Anonymous Caffeinist, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. Anonymous Caffeinist

    Anonymous Caffeinist Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody,

    I am 25 year old man. I am deeply addicted from caffeine. I am a person very sensitive to this substance. It makes me euphoric, powerful, confident, talkative, focused, motivated and productive. It's a great drug for me - effective, cheap and available everywhere. I love the most strong black tea. I can drink about 2.5 liters of strong tea a day. But often I also reach for a cup of coffee or energy drinks (if I have no way to brew tea).

    Also I think that I used to be addicted to fap and porn (few years ago), but everything changed when I started to use huge doses of caffeine. I realize that I swapped one addiction to another (I don't know which is worse - but certainly both are ruining my life).
    Few years ago, when I was addicted only to fap/porn (and gaming :D), I was shy, lazy (procrastination was my big problem), stressed, introverted, insecure, afraid about everything.

    I noticed a very negative influence of caffeine on my libido.

    How is it manifested? After a long, regular drinking large amounts of caffeine - I lose interest about sex. My libido is decreasing dramatically. There was a time that I was able to survive up to 40 days without fap - without any problems! Now I have wonderful girlfriend and if I drink so much caffeine, I can "survive" without sex long time. I had a lot of energy, vigor, motivation and social skills, but the sexual sphere is disappearing. I could not find any information to explain the phenomenon. But luckily I came across this forum and I realized that caffeine addiciton is inextricably linked to PMO/Fap/Sex sphere.

    Long time ago I noticed that regular fap reduces the positive effects flowing from caffeine use (in the opposite direction - caffeine decreases sexual interest and sexual satisfaction). I can say that caffeine transforms sexual energy into another form of energy (the other way - using this sexual energy through fap makes caffeine there is nothing to transform and there is no effect).

    Thanks to caffeine I became more productive and happy, but at the expense of the quality of sex life and libido (without caffeine I have procrastination and poor motivation). Caffeine led to serious problems with sex with my girlfriend.

    I realize that it all depends on individual predisposition. Many people say that caffeine increases their libido. For me it is totally different and I realize that this is a rare case.
    Therefore I wanted to ask if it is here someone who has the same problem or is able to explain this mechanism?

    I'm going to take the challenge NoPMO & NoCaffeine. I realize that after giving up a caffeine, libido will increase and it will be hard to resist the sex or fap. But the stories from this forum motivate and convince me to endure it. I want to have a better and happy life, and not continue to be frustrated, lazy loser.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  2. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    You might find a satisfactory answer by examining the impact of caffeine on various brain chemicals (dopamine for example). Lowered sex drive often accompanies the use of many other stimulants. So reading fat on the subject is also likely to prove enlightening. Where has your current search taken you such that you have been unable to find a reasonable explanation for this?

    Regardless of the technical justification for why this happens, it very much happens to me as well. High doses of caffeine have been very beneficial for my reboot and definitely decrease libido. With the tools at your disposal here, I have no doubt you can succeed without caffeine as well. It will be a different journey but not a bad one.
    Anonymous Caffeinist likes this.
  3. Anonymous Caffeinist

    Anonymous Caffeinist Fapstronaut

    I know and I found a lot of information and publications about negative influence of stimulants on sexual behaviours. But it was difficult to find something similar in the context of caffeine. Even I found articles in which scientists argued that caffeine supports sexual drive and performance in bed.
    I searched in Google and tried to find scientific publications on the webpages like PubMed. Maybe I searched it incompetently :)

    Detox from caffeine is very important in my case, because addiction to PMO and addiction to caffeine are definetely two sides of the same coin.
    Thanks for your answer :)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. DestroyTemptation

    DestroyTemptation Fapstronaut

    Having a lot of experience with various stimulants, I can resonate with what you're saying. What you've described about PMO causing caffeine's effect to become weaker is definitely true. I have spent many many years addicted to caffeine for various reasons. It was only this year that I reflected back and realized most of my caffeine addiction was because I was always over-fapping over the years, and didn't understand why I felt so fatigued all the time, and I was using caffeine to mask it.

    Now with new information being obtained, I understand it a lot more and how neurotransmitters work as well as how PMO works into the whole formula.

    AFAIK, the only positive effect I've read about and noted about caffeine and sexual function is that it can indeed increase the hardness of your erections, but it's kind of a moot point. Why? If you are in decent mental and physical health, and engaged in sexual activity, you'll naturally become "harder" without needing the aid of caffeine.

    On the flipside, too much caffeine on a daily basis can cause the opposite effect although it's not as bad as other stimulants (like amphetamine) where it'll actually be harder for you to maintain a firm erection. For this there are a few factors to blame, but primarily I would blame vasoconstriction and neurotransmitter imbalances.

    As far as sexual drive goes, I've always found caffeine to be dangerous for putting one into a PMO loop. Like other stimulants, it can really increase your drive, especially if your "tolerance" has lowered. Use this as a reason to NOT relapse during your caffeine abstinence period and remind yourself that once you put that caff back into your system, it's most likely going to make you PMO.

    Despite all this and the sometimes helpless feeling of being unable to function without caffeine, it's very do-able to get off the stuff completely and feel great. Most of the problem of being addicted comes from dopamine depletion and having little drive to do anything without a "boost." It takes a little while but once your neurotransmitters are re-balanced, you'll find you almost have this magical force to just do stuff and get it over with without feeling sluggish, and you'll realize you no longer need caffeine.

    Once you hit that point, make sure you don't give back in to that thought of "hmm, wonder what it would be like if I took caffeine now that I can function well again... I'll be even more awesome!" because once you succumb to that you'll be "awesome" for a very short period and then the problems will all come back and you'll be all out of balance again.

    I wish you luck. I've fought the caffeine battle many times and had to stay completely clean from caffeine for about half a year before I could develop the self discipline to not use caffeine inappropriately. Now I only use caffeine in my preworkouts, and have it ingrained as a rule that caffeine is ONLY for workouts, and that's it. Period. I remind myself that if I don't keep caffeine cycled like that for my workouts, it'll lose it's effectiveness.

    tl;dr keep the fight up brother,kicking caffeine can lead to an amazing boost of self confidence and self control. It takes a while, just like Nofap, before you feel the effects but it definitely becomes noticeable and you'll feel way more in control of yourself, and not so "tired" all the time.
  5. Anonymous Caffeinist

    Anonymous Caffeinist Fapstronaut

    Wow, it is very interesting, quality post! Thanks for it.
    That's what I was looking for a long time in the abyss of the Internet. Now I understand everything :)
    and I have a lot of motivation to break out of this vicious circle.
  6. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    No problem. Incidentally, I believe that I have stronger erections and generally better sexual function when I am deprived of my beloved anhydrous caffeine. My unresearched hypothesis is that it is because caffeine has a vasoconstrictive effect. With fewer erections due to reduced blood flow combined with the edginess and mild anxiety from caffeine, it is no surprise that I am less interested in sex. Good topic.
    Anonymous Caffeinist likes this.
  7. Anonymous Caffeinist

    Anonymous Caffeinist Fapstronaut

    Personally I think that the main reason of decreased libido (made by caffeine) is rinsing my brain from dopamine - like any other stimulants (cocaine, amphetamine etc.).
    Why I think that?
    Firstly - caffeine works for me euphorizing and very improves mood, so it is an action similar to the heavier stimulants. So it is logical that my libido dies.

    Secondly - sometimes I had situations where I had no problems with erection and I had full sexual intercourse - despite the lack of mental excitement. I needed only a minimum stimulus to induce and maintain an erection, but I wasn't firmly excited. There were no problem with my testosteron, genitals or blood vessels. Such situations often occurred after 1-2 weeks of caffeine withdrawal.

    But you also have a right at some point - I remember that sometimes, in the case of really large doses of caffeine, also happened that I was sexually excited, but on the other hand, erection was impossible.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Anonymous Caffeinist

    Anonymous Caffeinist Fapstronaut

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