To those who want to retain semen

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Racco, Oct 2, 2022.

  1. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    The SELF express itself and becomes the mind. The mind realises it's original state of rest and becomes the SELF.

    The journey towards realisation is SELF enquiry.

    You don't need to enquire but surrender and the mind automatically falls to its natural state and what is left is YOU, the Truth!

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  2. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    You can't realise the Truth through intellect, through listening, through efforts, through reading, through meditation, through gurus, through sacrifice, through renouncing. You should give up all these nonsense. No person or act can give you the truth and incapable to take away from you.

    If there is a chance of the truth to surface, it prepares the ground first. SR is part of that preparation. That's why I used to say, SR chooses you.

    Don't force the body to do SR by listening to the crap, let it happen on its own. Forcing destroys the body's equilibrium.

    Even don't follow my words blindly.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
  3. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    There is a continuous battle in the body to keep it in equilibrium and to survive, that is the peace you have. Even a single moment the battle stops, you drop dead. All our ideas of peace & silence is a nonsense. All those junkies talk about the peace which doesn't exist and you try to experience that peace through practises they mention.

    Thought induced peace is momentary and isn't peace at all.

    The peace that is there is like a burning volcano, if you don't try to describe or try to capture it, it won't bother you, the problem comes when you try capture it.

    Acceptance doesn't mean you accept all the nonsense but to accept the actuality as it is.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  4. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    I’ve often given myself tension headaches by trying to “capture” the moment, or peace, or whatever. What a fool!
    I like how you are turning up the heat, Racco. A lot of folks here on Nofap need a strong kick up the ****.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  5. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    The moment you try to capture it, you fall into the opposite. The moment you try to describe it, it becomes different to it. The only option is leave it as it is, accept as it is.

    No instrument, no intellect, no person can capture and give it a meaning. In that sense all those scriptures talking about that are totally false.

    It is ever fresh & new. Even saying fresh & new is also meaningless.

    The only thing I can say is, it is there but beyond language, words & perception.
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  6. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Romanticising about being in a flow state isn't a flow state at all. The moment you recognise that you're with the flow, you aren't.

    As long as there is no recognition, you're with the flow. Don't try to understand, you know understanding is just to pileup the knowledge. Usefulness of understanding is in the functional world. Understanding gives mastery, power. General knowledge is of no use. Acquire specific knowledge that is conducive to your expression or the place you want to reach.

    Money is a practical reality and is very important to function in the world. Foremost mastery is towards money making. If you ignore, that's you problem, none teaches you about and not even in the schools.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
    Icewarrior likes this.
  7. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Stop fighting with the mind(movement of thought) because it uses that friction to propagate. You already given lot of momentum to the thought and don't add more to it. It takes time to slow down. Don't afraid, even though mind is a beast it is purely a servant to the body's intelligence.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Icewarrior and Warrior4Freedom like this.
  8. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Culture and it's conditioning is responsible for your boredom.

    All the individuals are created by the culture & society for its own momentum to continue and that has created all the suffering in the world.

    You don't have the courage to be yourself, all the time you are escaping.

    It is certain that your searching for happiness is what making you unhappy.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
  9. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    When all the comparisons go off you automatically get into your natural state and its expression.

    Why you still compare? Because of fears. A courageous man live his expression which is unique.

    Those who release their semen meaninglessly become cowards with poor appetite & bowel movement which is the starting place for all the illnesses.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
  10. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Body is full of action, mind is full of words.

    To satiate the hunger, you take action. You can't fill the stomach with the words. Every aspect of your life is the same.

    Your MO & PMO is due to LACK Of ACTION.

    As a kid when you start to acquire words, you start to imagine. This imagination without action becomes fasntasy.

    Action requires courage, lack of courage may lead to inaction. Because of inaction you fantasize more as if you acted to have highs.

    Fear -> Inaction
    Courage -> Action

    Now on say no to fantasies, ACT ACT ACT.

    While in the SR journey, you start to take action because the courage start to surface. This action transforms you.

    Imagination with action is reality.

    Success is the outcome of action.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
    Warrior4Freedom, ibi, tawwab1 and 2 others like this.
  11. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    So true!
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  12. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    This info isn't just available to me, all that wisdom is there within you, you just need to allow.

    What is stopping the wisdom to surface? Fears

    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  13. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Man created god out of fear to find hope. The problem isn't god but fear. God & devil are the two faces of the fear. Hope don't add any value to life. One live with hope and die with hope. Hope is lack of action and the face of fear.

    I'm not against anyone's belief, just mentioning the fact.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  14. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    What you call emotions are nothing but the thoughts that are holding you. Once you realise this truly, past don't bother you much and the memory (past) just serves you as is required.
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  15. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    It isn't what you desire is going to be fulfilled, the other way around, what is going to be fulfilled you start to desire for it.

    Law of attraction is a big sales pitch and there is no such law in actuality.

    Why your desires are not fulfilled? Because of fears you aren't allowing the fulfillment.

    The entire cosmic happening is the true teacher(guru). No individual gurus, all those gurus are in the market place are for their own business sake.

    Truth can't be available to logic & measurement. If you think you find the truth through logic & measurement, that is not the truth.

    You can't standardize the truth. In this sense whatever is mentioned in the scriptures about the truth is not the truth.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  16. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    When you see yourself as part of the world as an individual, you are bound by Maya(measurement).

    When you realise all the world isn't seperate from me and is within me, Maya disappears and you function more efficiently in the functional world.

    Maya(measurement) limits you and affects your efficiency.

    SR over the period makes this Maya fade away.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Icewarrior and Warrior4Freedom like this.
  17. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    You self illumination becomes the world around as far as you measure it. Because it is so fast than the thought to capture the phenomena.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  18. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    A monkey needs a change when it try to be other than what it is.

    Man wants to change the world is a reflection of a change he wants in himself. Does actually a change required? He wants to change other than what he is and that want is imposed by the society & culture. Once he realises no change is required and then he accepts himself and the world around as it is. This ends the conflict and the clarity dawns on to you.

    In the SR journey you start to accept what you are actually and the expectations fade away. The struggle you go through in SR journey is actually preparation to accept who you are.

    Expectations are the wants wanted by others from you and you repeat the same.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Icewarrior likes this.
  19. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Each flower, leaf, tree, &c as its own uniqueness. Likewise every human is unique by its very design by nature, but society & culture wants to fit everyone into its framework and that curbs the uniqueness in the individual. This leads to conflict & suffering because the individual forced to live other than what he/she is. It makes the individual to put all the efforts to fit into the imposed framework. This drains a lot of energy and makes the individual drained out. To have some high he/she follows certain habits to soothe and over the period they get addicted and drift in life.

    Once you realise and start to live what you are, the body can handle all the actual problems/challenges easily.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  20. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Put aside your intellect and that is total surrender. What ever is there express itself in its own & unique way.

    It's easy & not easy.

    There is a fear to release the known(intellect).