This is it. Im coming to an end.

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by fumaruu, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I have probably to most extreme, disgusting fetish there is. I get off to obese people sitting on me/smaller people. This has been forever. in early childhood Ive witnessed an obese woman sit on a kid, and that became my main obsession. I used to try my best to recreate the same scenario, be it with boys or girls, I remember reading through a childrens animal book and imagined a hippo sitting on like a smaller animal. I found porn very early in my life, probably at age 10 and was addicted for over a decade. I have consumed only this type of content. Obese women or men squashing other people. From multiple individuals to extreme scenarios Ive seen it. I used to when bigger friends were around let myself get pinned on intention, fantasize all night everyday, consume fetish content daily and everywhere, read eroticas, storys, watched youtube content like WWE wrestling and whatever I could find. It had to had this act involved. Ive consumed all types of hetero content, did a lot of gay content and joined communities to chat about it etc.

    I remember feeling this intense heat seeing overweight friends, thinking they would do that to me. Fantasize a lot etc.. It had to be this fetish. Now, I am coming to an end. I try not to give a fuck anymore, I want to be normal. I dont want to be a paraphilia/fetishist. I am scared of myself and my future. I am a monster, nothing less. I dont deserve anything in life. I cant function anymore. Everyday I have severe anxiety, depression and intense guilt and shame, thinking someone will come after me and expose me.

    I get instant erections whenever a weight related talk or anything close to that is mentioned and I dont know why. I dont know if I am straight or bi, I dont know who the hell I am or what I am.

    All the disgusting shit Ive seen and done, I am a damn monster. Either I live with the anxiety and depression, or just fucking end it. My parents dont deserve a son like this. Why me? Why is it always me? I will die of a panic attack or heart attack. I dont know how to accept this, how can I live with that? Should I just continue like this? Knowing I am a monster?

    All I want in life is to be normal, forget everything especially the gay aspect of everything and become a new human. I want a loving relationship, full of faith and love, have kids and live like a normal human because I am not. I am hypersensitive and severely anxious, or I just remain single all my life, knowing that Im a monster. I am repulsed by my past and the shit ive watched and done. I am done suffering, whats up with the instant arousals? I dont want that!! I want to be normal, and have a relationship. Please guys, I beg you, what do I do? I have no money for therapy. Might aswell just end it all.
    Robbiebob, Jemestrop and Andy1517 like this.
  2. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Please I need help.
  3. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    No need to end it, you can be cured simply by stopping ejaculation and fantasizing

    easier said than done, but you can accomplish the task if you truly want to

    I’d recommend reading a book by the author named “Soaring Eagle”, just look it up on a Google search
  4. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Here are some ideas to get you started:
    1) Retention and transmutation of seminal fluid. How to do that? Simple:
    a) Have a high ideal. Go to it every time a lustful thought appears in your mind.
    b) Breathing exercises (Wim Hof Method, for example)

    2) Get outside into nature, even a local park. While you are there, place your bare feet on the grass for 10-30 minutes (Earthing/Grounding)

    3) Patience, persistence and faith.

    All 3 are free! There is more, if you are up for it.
    nomo and HealingBodyandMind like this.
  5. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    988 is the national suicide hotline. Free support. Call if you need help.
  6. I know this is the standard advice on here but it's amazing how much better you feel about this sort of thing when you're even a few weeks clean. That means no porn, no masturbation, no fantasizing, no peeking, basically just doing all you can to surgically remove the fetish from your life. The key part is to maintain that discipline even after those first few weeks, this I feel is where most on here, including myself, slip-up. We can't handle feeling somewhat normal, or we enter into flatline, or experience terrible mood swings, and we go crawling back to porn.

    It is absolutely possible to overcome this, you just need to keep trying. You'll never win if you don't keep going. Even if you improve by only 5%, that's better than not improving at all, right?
    Jamessto and VikingThor like this.
  7. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    First of all you are loved and valued man. You use the word 'monster', but from what I've read you seem like a guy with clear goals and values who wants to do good. You may have big problems, many of us do, but they are not your sole identity.

    When I was your age I was just beginning to address my worst fetishes. At the time I thought those fetishes were with me for life. If they're not your natural interest, they can go away over time. And my guess is that a fetish as specific and focused on as yours is a trigger to past trauma of some kind, that can ultimately be addressed and healed from.

    I was going to suggest therapy, but it is expensive and instead you could try other options.

    You could research and practice a therapy that works for you. Years ago someone gave me 'The Happiness Trap' a book about cognitive behaviour therapy, and it was truly the start of me envisioning a different life. I still practice some methods to this day.

    I would guess there may be some more inner work and investigation for you to do into the real causes of this fetish. If you can think back, what purpose could it have served you? What could it still be used for? Mine was to escape the responsibilities of life, and later to avoid the pain of a life not fully lived.

    Lastly, without having to work out anything life changing right now, I wonder what small things you could do for yourself to enjoy life starting today?

    I would encourage you to write a list of things you can easily refer to and try one each day. It may sound simple, but it really is the small things, seeing a dog play in the park, going to a movie, talking to someone, these small things get us by.
    StandingTall likes this.
  8. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    Are really only 26? You can do nothing right for the next four years, wake up, and still be young AF. You have like 50 years to work it out. Call 988, man. Your mistakes don't define you, everyone here is into some fucked up shit. The only thing that will hurt worse than what you're doing now is to give up.
  9. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Permanent solution to a temporary problem. Take the advice of the community. This isn't an end all scenario. We are here to support.

    Wishing you the best!
    Icewarrior likes this.
  10. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    We'll we've all been giving advise, and you haven't replied. I see by your activity, you are still online and haven't killed yourself. Are you just playing around here?
  11. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Find your Ikigai.

    Dont let temporary neurotransmitters imbalance feelings make permanent choice.

    Who was Gabe deem? Go look up. How awful he felt. And he got through it.
    Many rebooters did.

    Find your Ikigai. Dont let the neurochemicals disable you because theyre imbalanced.

    Go study neuroplasticy
  12. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I just can’t forgive myself for the things I’ve watched, fantasized about, thought of and done.

    that’s my issue. The things I’ve done, I can’t forgive myself. Nothing makes any sense. The fact that I consumed so much gay porn. It haunts me, distresses me every day. And that it’s been this kink always. I’m just so tired and anxious all the time. That’s why I’m here. Feels like someone or something is haunting me, chasing me. I’m scared to never find the love in my life and have children. I wish b could undo what I’ve done and unsee what I’ve seen. I’m just so anxious and tired. That’s it.
  13. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    When I hit rock bottom, the first thing I did was found a support group in person. Then the support group gave me a bunch of materials to read/watch/listen to. They also instructed me to engage in certain daily practices. Then I became close friends a couple of people in that group to hold me accountable, and one specific person who I would call on the phone every day at the same time to check in. I would continue going to meetings of the group daily or weekly, even when I was failing.

    It was especially empowering to hear their stories, and how I could related to their experiences, and this gave me hope, because I realized I was not alone, and I was not weird, in fact I was quite normal, and I realized that lots of other people are going through the same exact things, (only most of them do not ask for help!) Some people are so desperate they'll try anything because they are so sick and tired of being sick and tired. The only people I've seen get better are the people who truly want it. My 2 cents.

    Are you able to enter into some type of program of life such as this? Cost free. Hell, I'll buy you whatever you want, just PM me. I can also introduce you to a group of guys that I am in a group thread with, if you like.
  14. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Did you go through the same thing man? Did some messed stuff in your past where didn’t know who are are anymore? Where you thought porn destroyed you and there was only one way out?

    please I would love to join. Let me know.
  15. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    I sent you a private message a couple days ago, legend, where you at?
    Icewarrior likes this.
  16. wandererflower

    wandererflower Fapstronaut

    With fetishes, you can’t change them. Especially ones that come from childhood. It’s a hard pill to swallow but it’s not going away. The best thing to do is work with what you got. Connect what you like with your fetish into sex. Let’s say you like being sat on maybe you prefer a girl on top. I’ve never met a girl not into face sitting before. Have a girl sit on your face and eat her out or something. Stop worrying about being “normal”. There are many people out there who wish they were normal. Accept who you are and work with what you are drawn.
  17. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    You know what bro. I don’t care so much about the fetish. I just hate what it has grown to. I don’t mind a girl sitting on me, but I don’t want that to be a morbidly obese individual. My fantasies used to be so sick and perverted. I don’t even know. I just want to live a normal life, as of now I’m living life in anxiety.
  18. wandererflower

    wandererflower Fapstronaut

    I understand. Fetishes/paraphilias are only bad when they cause stress or harm in someone life. Practicing this fetish with an obese individual can be harmful. Maybe try to find the light with your fetish in a safer way.
    Robbiebob likes this.
  19. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I think fetishes add another level to porn addiction, but following the advice that is found here is what needs to be done. Don't PMO, don't look at porn, and don't MO. Start there and you can figure out the fetish thing later. The fetish will probably go away once you rewire your brain by taking a permanent brake from PMO.

    As far as crying about the past, don't. The past is gone, you can't change it. The only thing that matters is right now! The future is unknown, so stay in the present and get better.

    Good luck,
    Robbiebob likes this.
  20. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I am not consuming p at all anymore. I can’t remember the last time I’ve consumed it. As of now I am dealing with guilt and regret. And scared for my future. I hope I haven’t destroyed my brain. It’s at the point where I get unwanted instant arousals whenever there’s a sexual cue presented regardless of context. That’s so scary.

    at the same time.. is all of this even my fault? Sometimes I ask myself wtf I’m even dealing with.
    Robbiebob likes this.