Virgin and never had a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by stronger99, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    hey guys im 23 and never had a girlfriend and am a virgin. sometimes I sit in my bed and just so badly imagine and think about having a girlfriend. and sometimes I even kiss my pillows. I guess why I do this is because I think a girlfriend will complete me or something. I guess my thinking is sex and a girlfriend will bring me happiness. does anyone else have a problem like this
  2. TheBeachvillain

    TheBeachvillain Banned

    We all feel lonely from time to time. It is natural, same with your desire for a mate. I know I've felt lonely like I need a partner many times. The problem is that a girlfriend won't "complete you" and that logic could very well be the root of your problem. I have learnt it the hard way. It just simply doesn't make sense, if you think about it realistically, that there is anything someone can offer you that you can't give yourself, especially happiness. Happiness isn't something you can rely on someone for, it is a bi-product of success. What you are really desiring is the rewards for hard work, but you are not doing the work first. I am in the same boat as you my friend, and sure, it may not be as easy for some of us to achieve our goals.. but that's no reason to not give it 100 percent. Focus on ways to improve yourself without relying on anybody else, gain self-discipline and control over your actions, and with success I guarantee you will not feel the same when you are done. You will find girls are going to be more and more attracted to you as you become more successful in your endeavours. People are attracted to successfulness, both physical achievements and personal achievements. I mean, ask yourself, if it's working for everyone else, why wouldn't it work for you?
  3. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    I really agree with what your saying and deep down I know its true. A girlfriend isn't going to give me happiness, I guess never having or experiencing one just makes me want to desire one. But I'm slowly learning that only you can make yourself happy. It just slips my mind at times and sometimes I can't stop thinking about this girl I met. I guess I just have to keep working on myself and working on not giving into desires. It really is a journey
  4. ShatterTheCeiling

    ShatterTheCeiling Fapstronaut

    I'm right there with you. Though, I do believe that relationships like that are overrated. Focus on yourself first and get to where you are in a good place in life. Then focus on romance. If you want to do things right then you will focus on breaking free from porn before you find a girlfriend. Porn is poison for all relationships.

    Also, find something you are good at and pursue it. If you are confident, then you will be more attractive. Oh and if you don't then take up some kind of physical activity like weight lifting or running. No one wants to commit to someone who looks like they are on death's door.
    TheBeachvillain likes this.
  5. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    I've had girlfriends, but I lost my V card at 25, now I'm 28. The day will come bro. I wasn't even expecting it and to be honest I was almost avoiding it. But it happened, it was good and it was with a women I care and trust to this day even though we're not together anymore. I'm not telling you to wait, if you work for it it'll be a lot easier. But don't feel desperate, as I said, the day will come and will be awesome
    XPiRED and Kingskid like this.
  6. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    Thanks dude it seems like being patient is the key to everything. im also not that assertive and i have always been kind of shy, i just wonder even when the time comes will I be ready?
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  7. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    I really think there's a difference between feeling lonely and feeling unfuckable.
  8. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    well i def dont feel unfuckable, just have a lack of expirience
  9. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    The day will come, don't worry. I'm in the same boat, but 28, like Dragonaire. Every time I've been with a girl something trivial happened and it didn't work out between us. Before nofap I would beat myself up over it and even have the mindset of, "o great what's it gonna be this time, because there is always something that prevents me from having a relationship". I even told myself I was cursed a few times lol.

    But now that my mind is right and I don't get worked up over it anymore I look at all my past experiences with girls and congratulate myself on getting as far with them as I did, and look at where I messed up that led to it not working out. Another thing that keeps me going is that I don't need to become a casanova (though it would be nice ;)), I just need to make it work with one girl.

    The biggest piece of advise I can give you is to work on yourself and truly love and accept who you are and eventually the right person will come into your life. This is no joke, the last 2 girls I had dates with, I told them how frustrated I am that I am alone and haven't had a girlfriend before. Yeah, that's what they want to hear! :rolleyes: All about that mindset.

    I've got a date set up over the weekend and I'm gonna woo the shit out of her and make her feel wanted, because if I've learned one thing it's that girls LOVE to talk about themselves.
    XPiRED, zero01 and ShotDunyun like this.
  10. Yeah man! I've that problem.. I think that a girl will complete me and make me happy! But that's wrong! No one can ever complete you or make you happy.. no one! Happiness comes from within and you must make contact with your inner self! Get in touch with yourself through meditating... just let random thoughts come to you and let them pass.. you will then eventually feel complete one day! Then you can try meeting a girl,, and that will the most amazing relationship for you.. just remember,, complete yourself first, then find another complete person!
    Mighty Wolf, zero01 and ShotDunyun like this.
  11. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    I agree man, I think NoFap gives men a sense of confidence and it makes men more flirtatious. Men are able to pick up signals more. I think girls may always send flirtatious signals but guys just dont pick up on it because they have that brain cloud over them so they cant pick it up. There has to be a reason why almost every success story puts extra attention from women as a effect. It can't just be a placebo for everyone.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
  12. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest


    I had a girl show interest in me and even ASKED ME out and I turned her down because I was too self-conscious to accept. She wanted to go to a bar, and because I hadn't been to one I made excuses to why I couldn't go and I could tell she was upset with me. Safe to say we didn't talk after that.

    This was during my peak pmo habit by the way years ago, now I'm eager to meet and take girls out. Life's too short to live it alone.
  13. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i could've started this thread. i was thinking about having paid sex but decided against it after getting advice over here.
    zero01 and Kingskid like this.
  14. Kingskid

    Kingskid Fapstronaut

    I've been thinking of paid sex a lot of times, but never went to that direction. It will always be over for a few minutes. It's a bonus to have a girl who is good in bed, but a great woman is someone we can share our thoughts, and where wee can stand long conversations and enjoy the time being with them. It's seeing women for their real inner beauty and going beyond the physical. Most of us are visual and we all want sexy girls- NoFap helps us to see women for who they really are.
    XPiRED, a2m1r0 and the phantom pain like this.
  15. Stoic

    Stoic Fapstronaut

    I think that if you do good things, the karma could bring you a situation to meet a potentiable gf.Dont worry, i think that she will come if you do good actions on your daily rutine :)
  16. cuddler

    cuddler Fapstronaut

    Wanting a girlfriend is like being hungry. You can get used to it, like children in Africa, who don't eat. And porn is like imaginary food. Or you can go for it.
    Clerk373 likes this.
  17. TheBeachvillain

    TheBeachvillain Banned

    You're seriously equating a starving child to a guy wanting to get his dick wet? I'm pretty sure you can live without a girlfriend. You can't live without food. Try telling someone who is dying of starvation about how you can relate because you can't get a girlfriend and let me know what they say..
    XPiRED and Dajic like this.
  18. cuddler

    cuddler Fapstronaut

    No, it is an analogy.
    Why do you hatefully talk about poor horny guys and feel sorry for some child who wants to stick a lot of food into his smelly mouth?
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yes, @cuddler it is an analogy, but about the worst, inappropriate one possible. I think @TheBeachvillain is right about it.
    XPiRED likes this.
  20. quit fapping and masturbating, it will take about a year for a full effect, of positive change. please don't let the time scare you, it will be worth it, just never never m. there's no tricks, or quick fix approaches to this one. sorry about that.
    XPiRED and TheBeachvillain like this.