Tinnitus issue

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by big_boi, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. big_boi

    big_boi Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I am over 30 years old and I have been on the NoFap journey for over 100 days now. When I started, I read everything I could about it and decided to go all in. I not only started NoFap, but also simultaneously changed my diet to a carnivore + fruit diet, started intermittent fasting (6-hour feeding window), and incorporated some water fasting as well. Additionally, I began doing very intensive static anaerobic exercise (such as horse stance, planks, etc.) and taking cold showers.

    I was doing very well, but around day 40 of NoFap, I started feeling strange sensations throughout my body, especially when going up stairs. It became difficult to grasp objects, but the feeling didn't last long. Around noon, when I ate, these feelings would pass, so I thought it was due to withdrawal. However, one day, around day 50 of NoFap, the feeling after exercise was very intense, and my left ear started ringing and squeaking in a high pitch. I felt very disoriented. I believed that eating would make the feelings pass, but they didn't. I didn't go to a doctor because they are shitty in my area, and within a few weeks, the dizziness went away, but the tinnitus remained. It sounds less loud now, but it increases if I drink coffee (which I don't does anymore) or when I exercise, which is now my main problem. I want to exercise, but I can't.

    If anyone has had a similar situation, has any knowledge on how to deal with it, or even better, is a medical professional in this forum, I would be happy to hear any advice.
  2. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Tinnitus can occur when the brain and body is going through high amounts of stress. It is also a common withdrawal while recovering and ive had it non stop for a while. If its withdrawal related it will go away with enough time pmo free.

    its no surprise that coffee and exercise make tinnitus worse as they both induce stress.

    hope that helps
  3. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Hey man nofap takes a toll on your body, take it easy and rest rest rest.

    Do walking
    Eat well dont go extreme with fasting and that you're causing more unnecessary stress. Eat normal, listen to music, find a new hobby, all the withdrawals and tinnitus are normal and hell, you dont want to aggregate it by doing intense sport, fasting etc.

    Take care of yourself
    The falcon likes this.
  4. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    I changed from weightlifting to resistance band exercise and its way better. I also walk daily instead of running. I do everything to ease and relax my body. :D
  5. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    This is probably why you feel like shit. I'd recommend getting rid of the water fasting completely, and avoiding fad diets. Instead, I'd recommend maintaining a healthy balanced diet of every food group, exercising a lot, and staying hydrated.

    It sounds like you're experiencing dehydration.
  6. big_boi

    big_boi Fapstronaut

    No. I forgot to mention this, but i completly stopped fasting when first experienced tinnitus. I drink plenty of water and i would be glad to exercise but it worsened tinnitus, unfortunalety.
    SuperSaiyan99 likes this.
  7. big_boi

    big_boi Fapstronaut

    Yea, i understood only afterwards that i overdid it.
    SuperSaiyan99 likes this.
  8. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Take it easy bro.
    big_boi likes this.
  9. ABigGuyForYou

    ABigGuyForYou Fapstronaut

    I've started realizing I have this as well. Gets deafening when too quiet, but I can still hear ringing all the time, even in loud environments. I've always thought it was just what everyone experiences, but I'm opening up to the idea that this is stress-induced and stress-inducing. I deal with a lot of low-level anger and think this is involved with it.

    I like my doctor a lot and am considering making an appointment. Thanks for the tips around stress reduction and hydration fellas, do you guys have any more that can help with this?
    SuperSaiyan99 likes this.
  10. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Hey man its really completely fine and neurological, you have no disease, you're not turning deaf, its body changement and stress induced indeed stress that your own body does but to spend less time worrying i suggest you to do as much relaxing things as you can.

    Start with a clean mindset: this is all temporary, i am not alone,

    - start to do some body stretching to reduce tightness.
    - start talking a walk in the forest if you have that.
    - try to engage yourself in the kitchen making healthy food and try to learn spices to make it even more fun.
    - find hobbies to spend time with

    Ultimately you cannot rush the recovery, instead live day to day. Manage the symptoms and withdrawals but dont fight it, the better you manage the less annoying they get!
    ABigGuyForYou likes this.
  11. big_boi

    big_boi Fapstronaut

    You can also pray if you are religious and go to church. If not then mindfulness meditation might me a good alternative as well.
    ABigGuyForYou likes this.
  12. Samoctober

    Samoctober Fapstronaut

  13. big_boi

    big_boi Fapstronaut

    Hello yourself
  14. The falcon

    The falcon Fapstronaut

    I quit po** day 90 I have tinnitus for 3month and still now . IBut my tinnitus is quite low when in silence room .

    My tinnitus increase in morning i think it will comes from brain.

    When I think about tinnitus it gave me depression, anxiety.

    I hit gym for remove stress.

    If my tinnitus is gone my 100% life problems are solved.

    But how long tinnitus will go away
  15. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Bro tinnitus is nothing, you want to eat yourself when you're in the flatline it causes ocd and stuff take it easy man and educate yourself. Find research forums about paws its so dead normal even quitting sugar causes that.
  16. The falcon

    The falcon Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro , hope it will go away !
    Yin&Yang and SuperSaiyan99 like this.
  17. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I suffer from many tinnitus and the only thing I can say is that at some point you won't notice them much or at all. These day you will notice them a lot because your brain is focused on that but after few months it will be less and less present. It may also naturally disappear, some can last up to 6 months. A good night sleep always help a lot in that regard. If I sleep poorly they tend to come back.

    Also if it bother you, you can look for sound therapy. The idea is to play a noise/song that will make you forget the tinnitus. It doesn't cure it, but at least it's a relief.

    It can be quite depressing, I know the feeling, but you should believe in your brain capacity to adapt. When it happened to me I was really anxious and felt depressed (especially because I have OCD and it was in one ear only), I really thought it was impossible for me to live with that (and I mean literally), but one day it clicked and it stopped bothering me entirely. Now I have to focus to hear it.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    onceaking likes this.
  18. nellywilk

    nellywilk Fapstronaut

    Tinnitus is my worst enemy. Can only sleep at night with the white noise machine. I can remember the Cicadas being so loud years ago that I couldn’t hear people talking when we were outside dodging them 17 year little monster invasion. This late emergence was the same in numbers only difference is I could hardly hear them due to the tinnitus and it has gotten worse over the years. Will try aural rehabilitation these days and see if that will have some influence in my current state.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
  19. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    My doctors aren't that great in my area either. I called them up because I had a blocked ear and the receptionist had a go at me for calling them. Since they wouldn't help I got something from Amazon to help with the blockage. It unblocked my ear but I got tinnitus from it. I've had tinnitus for a few years now and I find listening to music helps. Nowadays I get it now and again but when I first got it I had it all the time and it would drive me crazy. Listening to relaxing music and not getting worked up by it helps. But that's just me. I believe we're the architects of our own health and it's down to each person to figure out what works for them.
  20. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Dont try to unblock them. Theyre inflammed during nofap.