Best nofap methods

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Lolototo89, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. Lolototo89

    Lolototo89 Fapstronaut

    I want to know what your best methods are to overcome fap, I have already overcome porn addiction, but I want to stop masturbation too (although I enjoy it).
    Send me all your methods
    redplanetpower likes this.
  2. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    What was your method to overcome porn?
  3. Learner09

    Learner09 Fapstronaut

    If you enjoy it then there is no method which will your for you.
    C_Jacksparrow likes this.
  4. Lolototo89

    Lolototo89 Fapstronaut

    Mentalize yourself that it is something horrible for your health, it is something that is destroying you, it will probably take time.
    ligmamale and HealingBodyandMind like this.
  5. Lolototo89

    Lolototo89 Fapstronaut

    What are you talking about
  6. Go and read the science data, it will scare you what it does to the brain.
  7. Learner09

    Learner09 Fapstronaut

    This won't work for him.
    He said he enjoy masturbation .
    hulkfresh23 likes this.
  8. Learner09

    Learner09 Fapstronaut

    Bruh thing will only work when we are in the stage of contemplation means when you realise that some thing is wrong but you are saying that you are enjoying this .So,no tricks will work for you .I might be wrong but this is how things work for majority .
  9. Lolototo89

    Lolototo89 Fapstronaut

    You're right, I managed to quit porn when I really realized how bad it is.
    Learner09 likes this.
  10. mutantfromspace

    mutantfromspace Fapstronaut

    Can you please share your specific data and sources on this claim ? I've seen the studies on bad effects of porn on the brain, but all of the scientific articles I've read talk about the positive health benefits of masturbation.
  11. pornaholic

    pornaholic Fapstronaut

    Id also like to have some links
  12. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    I've been clean from porn for 5 months, and I'm just starting to get free from MO. It may be that it just takes time, but I realized with that time of struggling, that my downs from MO and the fantasies I still clung to, were just as low and just as addictive as the porn itself. In fact, the porn was still very alive in my head. Someone has said that porn is forever those images are with you wherever you go. What got me was realizing that my sick brain fog, insomnia, lack of motivation, lack of intimacy with friends and spouse were just as much of a problem with MO as it was with porn. When I realized, I declared an outright war on my mental images. I refused them and resisted them at every opportunity. I took the old fantasies and introduced a fight in the fantasy where I win or run away. When I lost focus and just wanted to let it go, I would go to this blog and write about my feelings and thoughts in my journal ( This reminded me why I wanted to stop and why it was important to stop. I also try to encourage others to stop. I did this every day and continue to do this every day until, rejecting these thoughts is the habit, and MO becomes a distant memory. I'm almost 3 weeks now and feel great about it. I do not want to go back.
    redplanetpower and Curtis Craig like this.
  13. MLetho

    MLetho Fapstronaut

    I think that best method is finding goal which turns us.
    For me medical reasons are not important. I need something bigger.
    My first goal was losing virginity, now my goal is doing NOFAP on hard mode
    Maybe you need something bigger than medical reasons and health benefits. Something that you feel in you guts
    Littlefella and redplanetpower like this.
  14. Agree with @MLetho

    Part of why porn has such a grip on our generation is that we have everything so easy.
    When things are easy, we do not need to dream big, and aim for big goals.
    Back then, people needed to survive, so they had the goal to make it to the next day/ year/ harvest season.
    We live in the most luxurious and wealthy era in human history.

    Dream big, aim high. Do good in the world. And these urges will become smaller
  15. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    "Playing the tape forward" has been helpful for me. Masturbation feels good in the moment, but I almost never feel better about myself afterward. This will sound harsh, but for me, masturbation is a pathetic behavior. It's taking the sexual energy I was given to share with a beautiful woman and using it on ... myself?

    Imagine all the times you've ever watched a scene in a movie or TV show where a dude was masturbating. Was he being depicted as a capable, cool, strong type? Of course not. Guys who jerk off in media are almost always shown as pathetic and beta. Do you think you'll ever see a scene where Jason Bourne or James Bond are jerking off? Hell no, because those guys are total badasses who are stronger than their urges.

    So maybe next time you feel like masturbating, imagine you're watching a movie of yourself in the act. How does it make you look? How does that make you feel about the act now?
    ligmamale and 7seeds like this.
  16. edshyrest

    edshyrest New Fapstronaut

    Overcoming masturbation habits, especially if it's something you enjoy, requires a combination of self-discipline and alternative activities. Here are some strategies:

    1. Identify Triggers: Notice what triggers the urge – boredom, stress, certain times of day? Address these triggers directly.

    2. Stay Busy: Keep yourself occupied with hobbies, exercise, or social activities. An active mind and body can reduce the urge to masturbate.

    3. Mindfulness and Meditation: These can help you manage urges by bringing awareness to your actions and helping you control impulses.

    4. Set Goals: Start with short-term goals (like a few days without masturbating) and gradually increase the duration.

    5. Seek Support: Talk to a friend, join a support group, or consider therapy. Discussing your challenges can provide support and accountability.

    6. Healthy Outlets: Find healthy ways to release energy and stress, like sports, creative arts, or other hobbies.
    Remember, it's about finding a balance that works for you. If you're trying to stop a habit that you enjoy, it might be challenging, so be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.
    Syphax likes this.
  17. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Great post, your ideas are simple but spot on. It reminds me of a book I read called "The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson. He said it's easy to do the right thing and it's easy to do the wrong thing. What gives people a slight edge is consistently choosing to do the right things. Sounds easy but it's not, especially if you are addicted to PMO or MO.

    What do you do to find "social activities?" I struggle to find new friends and would be interested to hear what you do to build your social life.

  18. can you elaborate what masturbating does to the brain?
  19. casutanta123

    casutanta123 Fapstronaut

    Good general advice Ive just relapsed and i cant say i check the box in everyone...