I wanted to chalk the Ashwagandha and Rhodiola buzz up to hype but...

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Joseph Campbell, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Woofta. These are potent herbs. I really struggle with the ole anxiety business. The Ashwagandha root powder has been such a huge help with this general feeling of hot and cloudy death that characterizes my generalized anxiety. It has smoothed out the crests and troughs of my emotional thoughts something wonderfully.

    As for the beautiful arctic flowering plant, Rhodiola Rosea, is quite the incredible resilience booster. Can get excessively kinetic at higher doses, but wow, it really provides an extra layer of leveled strength to both body and mind.

    ***It should be noted however, because of Rhodiola's increasing popularity in the West, it has been cultivated irresponsibly by folks trying to make a quick buck; this has apparently led to certain unsustainable farming practices and negligent habitat destruction. Make sure you research your sources- I believe Gaia herbs have a sound track record of responsible cultivation.

    Last point of interest: Both of these herbs sit in the nexus of approval from both tradition and modernity. They are plants that have been used for thousands of years (interesting cultural histories of both spp. if you wanna give it a goog), as well as plants that have gained enough intrigue in developed nations to invest in scientific research- a nice body of literature for both plants can be found on Examine.com.

    And on that note, Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman and Herbalist Tamara @HerbalHelpbyTamara on YT are both great resources for these plants, coming at the analysis from two different perspectives.

    I just feel like I've been blessed to find some stuff that really helps. And that I ought to pay it forward by letting others know.

    circuitboard and Epiphanic102 like this.
  2. boston08

    boston08 Fapstronaut

    how does this apply to my NoFap jouney?
  3. Musashi/Unlearning

    Musashi/Unlearning New Fapstronaut

    I'm currently taking two fungus, the Cordyceps and the Lionsmane, and although I have only been doing them for a few days, my question is, do you think that the substances you have interacted with have had a notable benefit? In an actual tangible difference in your environment?
  4. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    @Musashi/Unlearning, nice monicker/nickname, Musashi is the man! In short, Ashwagandha lowers cortisol, a stress hormone that for many in this manic modern age is overactive. Stress is important, and positive, but in excess can of course be real detrimental. Lowering cortisol leads to ease in confronting and digesting the daily problems of life that contribute to the low-level anxiety that many live with all the time nowadays.

    Rhodiola is less understood, as far as mechs of biochemical action are concerned, but the effects of it's implementation are well documented, and by and large it boosts stamina and resilience, both mentally and physically. In other words, it makes me feel more confident and strong when going into the world and doing all the shtuff I gotta do in a day to be useful and meaningful in this life.

    So! Great combo, experiment minimally and wisely, as everyone has wildly different biology and neurology, but I highly recommend if chronic stress and anxiety color most of your days.
  5. WanderingKnight

    WanderingKnight New Fapstronaut

    I too have been taking Ashwaghanda.

    It has done leaps and bounds for me! But unfortunately I had to stop. It was causing liver toxicity. I would caution everyone who takes it to cycle on and off from it. As its great benefits can quickly turn into curses.
    Joseph Campbell likes this.