Why so many people think nofap is bullish-t

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Django1212, Oct 24, 2023.

  1. So those that think nofap is bullshit would think pornographic material that depicts the use of physical violence and force against women as ok. Worse yet, the women in these violent videos respond in neutral or pleasurable ways which indicates to watchers there is nothing wrong with this sexualized violence. I believe there is a link between increase in sexual violence and sexual abuse as well as rape in society due to porn use.
    Wave tamer and fusion47 like this.
  2. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    It’s definitely a controversial subject with mixed theories and methods. If you have problems with substance addiction you stop using the substance and eventually the cravings go, I suppose a mind shift has to be apparent as well. But with food and sex we were born with these needs which will never go away. Some even say our problem is better to be treated as a compulsion rather than an addiction. Many therapists want you to find what works best for the individual. I think a lot has to do with our personal angle and beliefs around MO or sex. I mean MO is something we hide away doing not wanting to be caught by parents etc. If you were to be seen doing it out of your house you would probably be arrested. So there is going to be some sort of guilt around it subconsciously. Ideally I’d love to be doing it with a partner I find attractive and I don’t think I’d see much point in MOing between sex.But being single 1-2 times per week for me works best and stops it building up and pushing me towards more destructive behaviours like binge watching porn, escorts, doms, even TS. After MO I still can feel a bit bla and depleted and think do I give myself crap for “relapsing”, but mainly this is my choice how I feel now, I can tell myself I’m a bad person or I can say I needed that no big deal it was in your values you didn’t degrade yourself or another, yesterday I felt like a massage after training really hard I looked at a few massage places an escort site a dom dungeon and went onto some YouTube joi stuff to save money. I logically decided that I had physio in a week I couldn’t afford an escort, I don’t want bullying off a dom and I don’t care how fit a princess joi idiot is I’m not being talked down to. So I got off to a healthy fantasy instead. And today I’m proud of myself for making those decisions whilst horny. I’m not going to sit here in despair that I’d failed something and I’m on day one, will I ever beat this. Because you know what will lend itself to escape this self loathing and be a good way of affirming/punishing my weak and failed attempts? I basically proved that I had choices and stayed rational.
    euvouconseguir likes this.
  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this complex issue. It's clear you've put a lot of thought into managing impulses, and I appreciate your honesty
    fusion47 and Wave tamer like this.
  4. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot, I am improving gradually, and growing as a person. The pain behind the addiction can get unbearable but I’m trying to sit with it more nowadays. But certainly don’t need porn in my life fuelling that fire. It helps getting it out and scribbling my thoughts on platforms like this with others pushing to improve themselves.
  5. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    This is a super interesting topic to me since I love to research psychology.

    You're friends reaction to your abstination of PMO may indicate that your views are a threat to his ego. And I'm talking about ego in the sense of knowing your identity.

    Your friend may have to accept that PMO are regular and non destructive behaviors because otherwise it challenges his own ego. It makes his identity come into question. As a result he has to defend himself by justifying PMO.

    Given his irritation its my opinion that this was very much he case. You're abstination and views regarding PMO are a threat to his ideals on the subject. Because he must believe that what he does is normal he has to condemn your views. Otherwise he'd be forced to reevaluate his own values in order to maintain a stable ego (that being a justified moral identity of himself).
  6. Heypleasehelpme

    Heypleasehelpme Fapstronaut

    To kill a big dream tell to small minded person
    fusion47 likes this.