anyone else got an issue with only M and their imagination

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by numpty, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    I think am a very rare case as i haven't come across this...

    I started M at 12... it all started with my imagination

    Porn came into it at 18....lasted about 7 years

    Now its just Facebook pics....

    But my main issue is imagination and my mind.... and for this reason I dont think i will ever recover....
    MrFapOnTour and britaxe like this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I started masturbating at 13 with my imagination. Porn came into it when I was 42, so I am perhaps even more rare! :rolleyes:

    There is no reason to think you will not recover as your primary source of sexual imagery is your imagination and mind.
    flame0 and numpty like this.
  3. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    Have you recovered yet?

    Thing is my mind works fine. I can remember things very well and small details. I have an iq of 131 am noway near thick.

    I really dont know what the issue is.....
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yes. I had a little hiccup last week, but that was after 211 days. I have completely rebooted, so you can do it numpty. :)
  5. RdrMGK69

    RdrMGK69 Fapstronaut

    Are people considering M as a slip up too. Or just P. All these People Going 200 days and more is that just no porn or no M as well
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    We can chose our own goal. Mine pretty much covers it all. Certainly P; E; M; O (apart from nocturnal emissions). :)
  7. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    On how many attempts did you achieve this?

    This is my my first year of trying to reboot... i didn't know about reboot only found out may June time however i tried quitting M since March this year

    @RdrMGK69 i gave up porn but not M. I think i got too bored with P lol ran out of categories for me haha

    However i use Facebook pics or my imagination... i overdone M sometimes upto 20x per day. The worse thing is it won't go hard and i still do it.....
  8. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well I have been here 18 months, so I stopped and started a lot. The streak before the 211 days, was 124 days.
    numpty likes this.
  9. Just Pray

    Just Pray Fapstronaut

    I have learnt two things from this thread so far:

    1 - @IGY is 42+ !! I thought he was like 18-25

    2 - That a man can fap 20 times in a day and live to tell the tale

    Mind = blown
    WarriorScarr and numpty like this.
  10. RdrMGK69

    RdrMGK69 Fapstronaut

    IM new here, a week today. so i thought that the reboot was that everyone, no matter what their situation was abstianed from PMO (E ) and any forms of even soft porn and THen should they choose to return to M or O etc they can. But that physiologically the reboot required everyone to abstain. am i wrong?
  11. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    That's good going

    If both streaks were done close together then that's a year Combined!
  12. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    An addict is a junky a freak lol...
  13. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I think the problem you have 'is' rare here for a simple reason. Getting rid of a porn addiction is an overarching theme on this forum. PMO is much more appealing than imagination and it tends to overwrite imagination to the extent that men choose PMO before imagination and often find that they can't or don't want to get off using imagination alone without audio and visual stimuli via porn. During reboot, many men do hard mode and don't use imagination to MO or edge. This is rightly encouraged to lead to a better reboot result. If they go back to anything, most seem to delve right back into PMO in the form of a direct relapse.

    Personally, I am fantasizing less after 65 days in hard mode and I can only imagine that it may decrease as the period of celibacy increases. I haven't particularly tried to stop fantasizing (nor have I) but it more or less started to fade over time. Physical arousal often accompanied the fantasies for me early on and I have learned to mostly avoid physical arousal. Currently, when a mental fantasy starts I am thus more easily able to turn my attention to something else. That is just being more mindful. Mindfulness can be cultivated purely through nofap (I am far more mindful of what is happening with me and I haven't practiced it directly).

    Think about it. You key issue is 'imagination and my mind'. Control your mind better and you can have an impact on controlling where you imagination takes you.There are not many people on this forum who are legitimately celibate, but if you can find some of them here or elsewhere (think monks) you will likely find a much more elaborate treatment of how to handle our imagination more effectively.
    numpty likes this.
  14. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    Yes, you are wrong to a point. Hard mode is one path which tends to avoid PMO and any form of sexual release. I'd think there would be better success if everyone who chose hard mode also chose to avoid all soft porn and p-subs and edging at the very least. However, that is often not the case and men choose not to reset when they look at p-subs and edge. They only reset on PMO (or any O in hard mode). A different subset of men do soft mode where they are allowed to have sex with their significant other. This is a very popular option as it is logistically difficult to avoid sex during reboot for many men (it would hurt relationship more than help).

    You are also right to a point. In either hard or soft mode, it is considered very ideal to avoid s-subs, PMO (E) and the like along with M and O. However, the only thing that seems to be set in stone is that you must avoid PMO to achieve an effective reboot. Adding M and O back after a reboot is certainly considered a viable option. However, many men consider it a very slippery/dangerous slope and others still prefer to engage purely in directly female intercourse (as it is often their primary goal from the outset).

    As expected there is not total agreement on what constitutes an effective reboot. Results may be the best barometer of what is working for a specific person.
    RdrMGK69 likes this.
  15. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    Maybe i like to "perform" on real life women and not use porn stars hence the imagination? I think this explains it.

    Like when i had sex with pills. ... i wouldn't want to stop and got back on round 2/3//5/6 quickly or wanted to quickly.

    My whole outset on sex is messed up. Dear oh dear
  16. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    Yes, there are many variations on that theme. In my [oh so incredibly distant, cough cough] past with PMO, I had a tendency to actually communicate with the pornstars themselves or view 'porn' that wasn't exactly mainstream where the people actually were as real as they get. To that extent, it was easier for me to imagine and fantasize during PMO. Getting to know them personally made them far more attractive to me and I was more likely to fantasize about any woman who I believed I could actually be with in real life if the stars aligned.

    For the record, the way I look at it, once you can see your outlook on sex for what it really is, then you have already won the biggest part of the battle. You may have even changed on the spot, but just don't know it yet.
    numpty likes this.
  17. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    Interesting words there i think I know what you mean

    Many thanks
  18. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Haha, thanks. 50 actually! :p
    Just Pray likes this.
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yes, there was a one-off PMO incident in between. Thanks @numpty. :)
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I am - still a virgin - no intention of changing my 'status'.